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Reading from the past weekend, Newsweek and The Merc

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  • Two articles were published last weekend that you should take the time to check out.

    1. The first one is a great follow-up to the Op-Ed that was written by Les Francis last week. Scott Herhold writes in The San Jose Mercury News, "This year, Francis is attempting to bust through the ropes. He's one of the people who has signed on to Unity08, an effort to nominate a third-party candidate through an online convention in June. What happened between then and now reveals a lot about how an insider views campaigns. It also says something about how age - Francis is now 64 - tempers our sharpest edges. Francis is no longer as partisan as he used to be, and he thinks many other people are like him." Read the article.
    2. Newsweek ran an interview with our spokesperson, Sam Waterston. Joshua Alston writes, "He's become the spokesman—he prefers 'cheerleader'—for Unity08, a reform movement that aims to put a bipartisan ticket on the presidential ballot in all 50 states. But because cruel irony is the most excellent kind, the best part is that while Thompson is the 'Law & Order' actor who is running for president, Waterston is the 'Law & Order' actor who arguably cuts the best shadow of a president." Read the article.
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