Such a great collection lately of reasons why Unity08 is necessary! In fact, I've seen more buzz about "bipartisanship" lately. Almost as if Washington is listening to what we have been saying and they are trying to work together to get something done. If they can figure it out, then I will applaud them. Unfortunately, they still can't seem to make it work either with each other or with our current president.
Some things from the past week+ that you should take the time to read:
The Onion: Americans Announce They're Dropping Out Of Presidential Race "WASHINGTON—Citing exhaustion, an overcrowded field of candidates, and little hope of making a difference in 2025, roughly 300 million Americans announced Tuesday that they will be leaving the presidential race behind. The U.S. populace, which has participated in every national election since 1789, said that while the decision to abandon next year's race was difficult, recent events, such as disappointing victories by both Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani in regional straw polls, left them with no real choice."
U.S. News & World Report: An Independent to the Rescue "The fastest-growing political party today is no party. Self-defined independents outnumber Republicans with close to 40 percent of adults falling into that category. In most states that have party registrations, independents are increasing at a higher rate than any other segment of voters. Almost 60 percent of voters have said they would consider an independent presidential candidate next year—a number similar to the percentage who favored a third party in the year that Ross Perot began his independent run for the presidency. Only a president can change the partisan tenor of American politics. That is why the public may be ready for the right independent leader in next year's presidential election. America may be on the verge of a transformation of its politics to match the needs of the hour."
Another quote from Brokaw's recent appearance on Hardball: "I think the country is signaling almost every day that they're desperate for some change, beginning with tone, and then moving toward solutions -- and getting away from the ideological food-fights that have defined American politics for far too long..."
- Bob Roth's blog
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