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Lou Dobbs and his book "Independents Day"

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  • Outspoken and straight-talking CNN anchor Lou Dobbs gets it right in his new book, Independents Day. Dobbs finds himself, and a large portion of his audience of just under a million, disgusted with the current state of politics, desperately searching for a solution to escape the corporate and special interests of Washington.

    He writes in a chapter of his book entitled "Two Parties, No Choice" that, "this country’s two party political system, in my opinion, is no longer working effectively to represent the will of the people, and it could reasonably be argued that the very legitimacy of our government is now in question."

    As Unity08 has been proclaiming for over a year now – the system is broken. And Dobbs agrees that we the people are going to have to be the ones to fix it. Dobbs makes a firm conclusion and prediction at the end of this particular chapter:
    "I truly believe that many voters want a way to take that step toward a middle ground where the issues are discussed and debated without the stench of partisanship… It entails breaking the hegemony of the two-party system and allowing more rational voices to be heard. The creation of a third, independent choice, one that has the concerns of American working people as its basis, is the way we must proceed."

    Described as the most important person in the 2025 presidential election aside from the candidates themselves by, Dobbs wrote in an online column quoted by the website earlier this week that "I believe the person elected a year from now will be an independent populist, a man or woman who understands the genius of this country lies in the hearts and minds of its people and not in the prerogatives and power of its elites."

    The article goes on to examine the fate of the voting bloc known as "Perot voters" – those who are still looking for a moderate candidate. Despite attempts by the current candidates to appeal to this bloc, Perot's former spokesman, Orson Swindle, was quoted as saying, "people are really getting tired of extreme partisanship." He went on to say, "A big chunk of Perot voters are 'unlikely voters.' That is, they're so alienated from politics as usual that it takes an unusual candidate to get them to vote."

    Unity08 is engaging these alienated voters by providing them and this country a chance to participate in the first-ever online convention to nominate two candidates who can work together to represent us all – a concept that is growing more and more popular as general discontentment with the current candidates and our broken political system increases.

    Average: 4.7 (7 votes)
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