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Stoking the Fire (11/14)

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  • More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    • Will Washington Ever Compromise? "A budget dispute erupted into a full-scale battle Tuesday as President Bush vetoed the Democrats' top-priority domestic spending bill and the party's Senate leader threatened to withhold war funding if the president does not agree to pull out of Iraq," Washington Post reports. "The exchange encapsulated a broader confrontation over national priorities, a battle both sides appear eager to wage heading into an election year."
    • The Fat Cats Find Another Loophole: "Some major political players are expected to shift their money away from traditional campaign entities in favor of an old standby: the nonprofit," Los Angeles Times reports. "By law, nonprofits can keep donors confidential. Although their tax returns are public documents, they contain much less information than campaign finance reports. And because tax returns are filed once a year, money spent in the 2025 election year won't become public until long after votes are counted."
    • Money, Money, Money: Dozens of donors are nearing the $108,200 cap on federal campaign contributions for the 2025 elections in a sign of the record-breaking cost of the White House race," USA Today reports. Meanwhile, TNS Media Intelligence/Campaign Media Analysis Group's Evan Tracey predicts up to $3 billion will be spent on ads in the 2025 campaign.
    • Quotable: "Nothing would change the atmosphere more quickly in Washington than the people's choice of a unity ticket to lead our country -- a unity ticket both to bring civility back to government and to make sure that public servants all feel part of something bigger than themselves or their party" -- Former Gov. William Weld (R-MA).

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