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Why isn't this the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY??

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  • If we put our support behind Upholding the Constitution that will automatically solve (or at least reduce) many of the other problems that are in the list.

    If we force the polititians to do this,, then they won't be able to tax and spend.

    This balances the Budget!!

    They won't be able to pass unfunded mandates.

    This solves the percieved "education" problem by allowing the States and localities to become accountable to the local voters.

    They won't be able to set up imaginary trust funds.

    This solves the Social Security Problem

    They won't be able to tax one group differently than they tax another group to buy votes. Personally, I am a flat tax supporter with no taxes on businesses since business don't pay the tax. The business taxes are paid by the consumers as part of the price of the goods or services

    This produces Tax Reform and probably campaign finance reform. If everyone is being treated the same, no one has a reason to bribe a polititian.

    They won't be able to give unlimited tax breaks to religion resulting in increased revenues or the adhearance of Religion to being non-political..

    This is mandated by the 1st 16 words of the 1st Amendment!!!

    They won't be able to give tax money to religious organizations to use to push for banning abortion, and gay marriage, and birth control, and whatever that particular religions pet peeve is and result in reduced spending.

    This is mandated by the 1st 16 words of the 1st Amendment!!!

    Much of the percieved "health care" problem is the result of Unconstitutional Government mandates and EVERY current presidential candidate is going to make it worse not better with all their plans to crank up the subsidies for the self made sick and pay for it by taxing the health conscious. Why stay healthy if your neighbor can drink and drug and procreat and ride without a healmet and when they, or the children that result from the procreation, get sick or injured,, they don't have to pay for anything??

    Some of the "TERRORISM" problem can be solved by strictly following the 1st 16 words of the 1st Amendment thereby making it clear that the U.S. Government isn't biased for or against ANY religion.

    The "gun" issue is covered by the 2nd Amendment..

    Illegal Immigration is again most easily solved by following the Constitution. If they aren't citizens,, they have no rights. If they want the rights,, they need to follow the laws, apply for citizenship and accept the responsabilities that are the price of citizenship. If they don't want to follow the laws or become citizens or accept the responsabilitiews,, then if they get no rights ,, they will go home..

    If we do what the Framers intended and have a part time legislature that has a real job or business that they have to get home to to make enough money to live and must live and work and do business under the laws they have passed,, they will be far less likely to pass the laws that are now busting the budget and going to impoverish our children and grand-children and great grand-children.