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Dennis Kucinich

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  • I'm interested in other's opinions here.

    The "front-runners" leave me cold.
    I like Ron Paul, Joe Biden, and Barak Obama, but not all their positions.
    The one I'm interested in is Kucinich:
    I found a good site with voting records:
    Kucinich has correctly called out that Iraq is and was about oil.
    I like his ideas for health CARE, not health Insurance (like Hillary).
    I do not like his stance on wide-open immigration and his call for Spanish as a second language.
    I agree with his foreign policy objectives, and need for control of mega-corporations, lobbyists, a level field for world trade.
    I feel he is genuine, and isn't pre-packaged (probably why he isn't a front-runner).
    What is your opinion?

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