Members: 124,451

Lew Rockwell

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  • I feel that it would be inappropriate at this time for Unity08 to discuss nominating candidates in the primaries of the major parties. As a result, although I would like to see several candidates pursue another nomination if they don't get nominated, I'd like to wait until the primaries are over, or they concede, before discussing them. So, at this time, I'm supporting a movement to draft Lew Rockwell as the Presidential candidate. He is not a member of a major party, as far as I know, allowing us free reign in choosing his running mate. I intend to sign on as his principal supporter.

    New Mgt Team, National TV Coverage, Linescale Survey, Ballot Access Drive
    New Website, Membership Drive, Candidate Draft Movement
    Vote on American Agenda, Recruit Candidates, Ballot Access in 20 states
    World's First Online Convention
    Q3'07 --- Jul Aug Sep
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    Q1'08 --- Jan Feb Mar
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    Everybody In, Polling Starts, YouTube Debate, Fundraising Race Starts
    Sound Bite City, Unprecedented $$$ Raised, Front Runners Annointed
    Super Tuesday, Party Nominations locked, Billions of $$$ Spent
    Party Hangover, Buyer's Remorse, Lesser of 2 Evils Realization