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Independent Party to challenge current incumbents.

  • el
  • pt
  • Where is the strong Independent Party that will successfully challenge the current 2 party system? As voters, we need more than the current choices for presidential and congressional offices. The bums that are incumbent don't deserve to be in office but I haven't seen anyone come forth and say "I'm Independent and, if elected, do what is RIGHT for the Country! I will SECURE the borders so NO illegals will be able to cross. I will end the war in Iraq within 12 to 18 months! I will fix Social Security. I will veto any bills that do not balance the budget! Etc., Etc., Etc.

    Without a third or fourth choice to vote for there is little value in voting if your choice is a "Lesser of two evils."
    We desparately need more solid candidates who are less interested in Power, personal gain, and party politics and more interested in running the country in accordance with the Constitution and what makes sense versus what is politically correct. Without some good choices that will allow the voters to oust the do-nothing incubents we will continue to rapidly progress toward being a Third World country!

    I say throw the incubents out and start over with decent, law-abiding citizens that aren't wealthy and are interested in performing the job as intended by the Constitution! No more 100 million dollar campaigns! All candidates should be restricted to a small amount to advertise their POSITIVE assets. No more NEGATIVE ads slandering and deceiving the voters.

    I am so fed up with the political crap that is going on that I am ready to leave the USA and start a new democratic country!