Regardless of your stance on Global Warming / Global Climate Change, every American can agree on the importance of becoming energy independent. So the question that remains is; How?
We have many option on the table, I believe we must use every option available to us. Here is a short list of possible solutions. Please post any that I forgot.
1) Corn based ethanol
2) Other biofuels
3) Electric automobiles
4) Hydrogen automobiles
5) Increased fuel efficiency
6) Hybrid vehicles
I believe that each of these has its place in America’s search for energy independence.
1) Corn based ethanol timeline: NOW
While the benefit to the environment from corn based ethanol is minimal, it still exists. It provides jobs in rural communities, and it will help in our New War for Independence. Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide all of our needs this way. And only 5% of our cars are currently equipped to hold anything more than 10% ethanol.
My suggested solution is that the government should mandate that every new car manufactured in 2025 be equipped with at least an E25 (capable of running on 25% ethanol) engine. Certain types would be exempt, of course. This is just a general outline. Furthermore, slight government subsidies should be given when necessary to keep the price of ethanol equal to or cheaper than that of gasoline.
2) Biofuels timeline: 1-4 YEARS
Biofuels are similar to ethanol, except they come from different sources. It has many of the same problems including limited production capabilities and limited ability to use them. More advanced biofuels should continue to be researched, and we may eventually be able to solve some of these problems, but that is beyond the timeframe addressed here, possibly decades.
3) Electric Cars Timeline: 3-10 YEARS
Electric cars are becoming the front runners for the cars of the future award. The Telsa Roadster is a perfect example of the future. It is a powerful sports car that runs on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries – the same thing you have in your laptop! All electric consumer cars are still a few years away as technology for quick recharging and extended battery life are perfected. The main problem would be where to get the electricity from. See my thread about renewable and nuclear energy in the global warming forum for my opinion on that.
4) Hydrogen Fueled Cars Timeline: 5-20 years
Unlike electric, hydrogen cars would require totally new infrastructure. But the fuel supply would be almost limitless once the technology is perfected.
5) Increase MPG standards timeline: NOW
We should, as consumers and voters, demand increased fuel efficiency in our cars. It can be done in such a way as to maintain safety standards while still going further on a single tank. When combined with ethanol and biofuels compatibility, this would really help to limit our importation of oil.
6) Hybrid Vehicles Timeline: NOW – 5 years
The Toyota Camry Hybrid is a perfect example of where this technology should go, and it will only get cheaper! For reference:
Please post about additional sources of energy independence ideas and discuss anything I did not include in my short analyses!