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The Most Important Issue

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  • Our country has a massive trade deficit, a national debt of 9 trillion dollars, which has incidentally broken past the ceiling dems passed this summer, and we simply can't keep up. Every year, we spend enough money on interest for this debt to fund social security, yet we keep introducing bills that cost American's more money. We simply can't afford it. Rather than introducing a bill that is going to get vetoed by the president, how about approaching it from that standpoint that our government is broke, and they can't pay for a anything (health care, infrastructure, the war) until we fix the financial problems that we have at home.

    People often argue that illegal immigration is killing our economy and is far to taxing on the American financial system. Although that is an issue, the cost of health care and welfare for illegals pails in comparison to the interest alone on our national debt. Ironically, we are talking about fixing social security when congress continues to borrow from social security to cover the interest on this debt. So, how about congress stops spending so much money and putting us in the poor house? How about we pull out of the war because we simply can't afford it anymore? Forget about if it is right or wrong. How about we tax the hell out of China, who incidentally owns the lion share of our national debt, and fix our trade deficit? We can keep the tax cuts that have helped make our economy stronger, and pay down this debt with fiscal responsibility. The way we are spending money is insanity, and rather than voting them out, they should be tried for their fraudulent activities and abhorrent stewardship of this great nation. The conservativism is an oxymoron, and liberals will spend more. It's time we tightened up the leash.

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