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3 steps to clean energy independence

  • el
  • pt
  • Ok I realize this is probably overly simplistic, but not all that radical.

    1) Continue to develop Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology. Set a goal that all new passenger cars will be Fuel-Cell based by 2025-2050. Trucks slightly after that
    2) Dramatically Increase use of Nuclear Power. Not only for electricity, but use excess heat to reduce energy requirements of splitting hydrogen from water.
    2a) Reverse our stance on use of breeder and fast-breeder reactors. These are needed for nuclear reprocessing which will reduce amount of nuclear waste by around 95%
    2b) Continue to develop fusion power. Even if this is never a net energy producer it can reduce the radioactivity of that last 5% of nuclear fuel, potentially making it "safe" in as little as 100 years
    3) Dramatically increase the use of Solar Panels in residental homes. Have that either heat water and/or create hydrogen, depending on needs. Where practical do the same for wind and geothermal heat pumps.

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