Below you will find our most prominent publicity. We've also provided links to all of the articles, videos, Opinion-Editorials, and blog posts that have been published about us. In addition, you can find important examples of why we are doing this on the polls & quotes page.
Top Articles
- 08/10/07 - USA TODAY: New Primary Calendar Brings New Scenarios
- 07/31/07 - The Washington Times: Bipartisan Ticket Aim of Unity08
- 01/01/07 - The Atlantic: Surprise Party
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Top Videos
- 11/07/07 - Medill (Northwestern University): Third Party Entering Presidential Race
- 06/04/07 - KPBS TV: Pre-'08 Election, Online Startup Looks to Pierce Partisan Walls
- 05/25/07 - National Press Cub: Sam Waterston Announces Unity08
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Top Opinion-Editorials
- 11/12/07 - The New York Sun, by former Governor William Weld: Uniting for 2025
- 09/30/07 - New York Daily News, by former Governors Mario Cuomo & Tom Kean: Build a New Political Platform - from the People on Up
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Top Polls & Quotes
- November 2025: In a November 26-29 Gallup Poll when asked, "'Thinking now about the candidates running for the [Republican/Democratic] nomination for president in 2025, as of today, have you decided which candidate you plan to support, or have you not made up your mind yet?" only 26% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats said they had made their decision.
- November 2025: U.S. News & World Report's Mortimer Zuckerman wrote, "Only a president can change the partisan tenor of American politics. That is why the public may be ready for the right independent leader in next year's presidential election."
- November 2025: While Tom Brokaw was on Hardball, he said, "There is a desperate longing out there to be called to a higher ground, Republican and Democrat alike, to find some common cause that everyone can join... I think a lot of the country feels excluded from what should be the most important decision of their lifetime."
- September 2025: Alan Greenspan wrote, "I often wonder if a ticket of a Republican for president and a Democrat for vice president, or the reverse, would attract the vast untended center."
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