Members: 123,589

Frequently Asked Questions - Getting on the Ballot

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  • Getting on the ballot in all 50 states.

    What is ballot access?

    Every state has its own laws that determine what parties and what candidates appear on the printed ballots used on Election Day, November 2025. For the Unity08 ticket chosen at the June 2025 online convention to be on each state's ballot, those 50 state laws must be followed. In virtually every instance, petitions signed by registered voters are required. Every state's law is different from every other state, in terms of the number of signatures required – as well as how, by whom and when they may be collected.

    How difficult will it be to achieve ballot access in each state?

    Our ballot access is an audacious, but achievable task. To have our candidates on the ballot in all 50 states, we must have two things, petition signatures and money.

    We expect that the two major parties will do everything they can to thwart our access to the ballot through legal challenges. It takes money, which we can only currently receive in the form of $5000 individual donations while the parties can accept up to $25,000 per donor, to fight these legal battles and win.

    What is Unity08’s plan to get on the ballot in every state?

    We need volunteers in every state, county, town, and neighborhood in the country. We are creating state and local organizations for the purpose of getting us on the ballot, but also to begin hosting local membership and recruitment meetings. We need a state director, a volunteer legal counsel, local organizers, and volunteers.

    Get involved in Unity08 in your area!

    How can I get involved in my state?

    If there is already a state director for Unity08 in your state, their contact information will can be found on your state page. Your state director will inform you about how best to get involved. If you do not yet have a state director in your state, please contact us.

    Unity08 is forming state parties, does that mean we are a national party?

    In order to ensure ballot access for the Unity Ticket we will be nominating our June 2025 online convention, we are organizing as a political party at the state level. While the requirements for state party organizational structure and state party officers vary from state to state, in all states, party members must be registered voters and in most cases they must also be resident in the state. However, this does not mean that we are organizing as a party at the national level at this time.

    Who can sign a petition? Do I have to leave my current political party?

    In most states, you do not need to change your party affiliation. Any registered voter can sign a petition as long as they are currently registered to vote at the address written on the petition. In some states, such as Texas, there are other requirements. Please visit your state page to find out what requirements exist in your state.

    I want to sign the petition but I can’t help gather signatures. What can I do?

    If you hear about an event in your area, bring your family and friends to sign the petition. Or, donate $10 or $25 to offset the hourly cost of hiring any professional petition gathers we may need nationwide.

    I want to stay informed about all volunteer and ballot access issues in my state. What can I do?

    To be added to our list of volunteers who are interested in helping with ballot access, please contact us. Also check out the Unity08 Volunteer Blog and the volunteer page.

    Unity08 hasn’t started collecting signatures in my state yet. What should I do in the meantime?

    Local organizing to recruit new members is key to our success. Host house parties and local meetings to get friends and family signed up online. Take every opportunity to talk about Unity08 while standing in line, on a plane, or at a restaurant. That way, when we begin collecting signatures, we will already have thousands of people ready to sign a petition.

    Learn how you can volunteer now!

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