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Unity Messenger (Main Blog)

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  • The next president may not yet be in the race

    According to a recent Gallup Poll (Nov. 26-29), many Americans are still undecided about who they will vote for in the coming election.

    After all, it is still 11 months away.

    Stoking the Fire (12/7)

    More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    Third party option making the news

    Two good articles were published today that spoke of the potential third-party run that may be coming in 2025:

    Honorable Thomas Foley's 2025 Freedom Award

    Last night, Thomas S. Foley, former Speaker of the House, was presented with the 2025 Freedom Award "in grateful recognition of his leadership in the United States Congress and for all he has accomplished domestically and internationally to advance greater public understanding and appreciation of the United States Congress and the United States Capitol."

    I wasn't personally at the presentation, but I met a few friends afterwards who told me that it was quite the event.

    And now, the rest of the story...

    Stoking the Fire (12/5)

    More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    The 50% + 1 Doctrine

    How does Politics as Usual elect its candidates? By getting 50%+1 of the vote, rather than worrying about the common good. By being divisive rather than creating unity.

    How does Unity08 offer an alternative? See how here.

    Andy Wilson
    Volunteer Program Coordinator

    "When Presidential Candidates Attack"

    Danielle Wilkerson, Unity08's State Director for Ballot Access in Delaware and Maryland, asks why nearly all candidates resort to nothing but attacks and negative campaigning, rather than deciding to look forward and concentrate on positive efforts.

    What if there were a place for voters and candidates to have a dialogue without the usual bickering of politics and instead fostering democracy and progress? Welcome to Unity08. Let's make it happen.

    Stoking the Fire (12/3)

    More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    Rothstein's "What If?" Game at U.S. Politics Today

    "What if the major party nominations get settled early, but the general election ballot includes multiple additional serious contenders? And what if the fall debate platforms seem as crowded as the 2025 primary contests?"

    Joe Rothstein, in his article "What If The General Election Stage Is As Crowded With Candidates As The Primaries Have Been?", poses some questions about the potentially "most riveting and least predictable" election that we've ever encountered.

    Unity08 at George Washington University

    Whitney Novak and Nick Troiano recently went to George Washington University to get people's opinions on the current state of politics and the possibility of parties working together on a Unity Ticket. (video by Nick Troiano)

    New Mgt Team, National TV Coverage, Linescale Survey, Ballot Access Drive
    New Website, Membership Drive, Candidate Draft Movement
    Vote on American Agenda, Recruit Candidates, Ballot Access in 20 states
    World's First Online Convention
    Q3'07 --- Jul Aug Sep
    Q4'07 --- Oct Nov Dec
    Q1'08 --- Jan Feb Mar
    Q2'08 --- Apr May Jun
    Everybody In, Polling Starts, YouTube Debate, Fundraising Race Starts
    Sound Bite City, Unprecedented $$$ Raised, Front Runners Annointed
    Super Tuesday, Party Nominations locked, Billions of $$$ Spent
    Party Hangover, Buyers Remorse, Lesser of 2 Evils Realization