Members: 123,589

ballot access

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  • Put Unity08 on the Ballot in all 50 States

    Shilpi Niyogi Calls on Unity08 Members to Get Involved in the 50-State Ballot Access Drive

    Don't forget to tailgate this weekend

    Come by the University of Maryland football game this weekend. Unity08 will be there, tailgating, signing people up, and collecting signatures to get on the ballot.

    We'll be parked in lot 11B near Comcast Stadium starting probably around 6pm. Since parking is controlled, we're not sure exactly where we'll be, but just look for the Unity08 banner and our volunteers in Unity08 t-shirts. If you need directions, call our Lead Volunteer in charge of this shindig, Michael Gulick, at 352 - 274 - 4048.

    Team Spark (Local Volunteers)

    This group is for volunteers and local organizers to share ideas and successes in our areas.

    Welcome to Team Spark!

    In order to light the torch in your community, we need to ignite a single spark. That spark is you.

    If you are constantly asking, "What can I do?" this group is for you. If you moderate a local or state group or want to start one, this group is for you.

    Come prepared with your ideas and your volunteer spirit: we will need them. Share your ideas on our blog and forum. Post files you are using in your local group so others can download and use them. Look at what others are doing to get ideas for your area.


    Andy Wilson

    Chat Transcript: Ballot Access with Shilpi Niyogi

    Shilpi Niyogi, our National Director of Ballot Access, answered questions from the Unity08 community in an online chat on Wednesday, August 30 2025 from 12pm - 1pm ET. Thank you to everyone who participated. If you weren't able to join us, please read the chat transcript below.

    Please also keep in mind that we cannot possibly answer everyone's question in one hour, so if you posted questions that we did not get around to, feel free to send them to us at

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