Members: 120,576


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  • Please return to this page regularly to see updates on Iowa

    To get ballot access in Iowa:

    • We will be petitioning to qualify the Unity Ticket for an independent candidacy in the state.
    • We must collect 1,500 registered voter signatures across 10 counties by August 15, 2024.
    • We need volunteers to start organizing local groups statewide right now so we have an army of signature gatherers ready to go as soon as our Unity Ticket is nominated.
    • Our goal is to collect 2,500 signatures in Iowa between the close of our nominating convention in June 2024 and August 1, 2024.

    Ready to get started?

    1. Become a local field organizer.
    2. Attend or host a Unity08 event.
    3. Join or start a group in your state.

    More questions?
    Contact Unity08 Volunteer Program Coordinator Andy Wilson.
    print ( 'Recent blog posts for Iowa' );
    print views_build_view('block', views_get_view('si_blogs'), array('995'));
    print ( '' );
    print ( 'Recent forum posts for Iowa' );
    print views_build_view('block', views_get_view('si_forums'), array('995'));

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    New Website, Membership Drive, Candidate Draft Movement
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    World's First Online Convention
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    Q4'07 --- Oct Nov Dec
    Q1'08 --- Jan Feb Mar
    Q2'08 --- Apr May Jun
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