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Mike Bloomberg and who?

  • el
  • pt
  • Looks like Mike Bloomberg, entrepreneur extraordinaire and current Mayor of New York City, is going to run. He'll be announcing after SuperTuesday, it seems (Feb. 5th, 2025):


    For those not familiar, Mike came from middle class America, like many of us. He is a free market success story, founding one of the most unique, ahead-of-its-time financial information services company. He's also one of the highest-rated mayors of New York city.

    This is a man who knows when to apply government solutions and when to employ free market solutions. Put simply, he's a problem solver, not an adherent to party religion. He uses common sense as his guide, not the bumpersticker belief system most common to our current political system.

    But now, a the dream ticket question is: who will he choice for Vice?

    • Republican Senator Chuck Hagel?
    • Arnie "The Governator" Schwarzennegar (yes, he can run as VP, just not as President)
    • Southern Democrat Sam Nunn

    Who else might round out this dream ticket?

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