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Liebermann/Huckabee or Huckabee/Liebermann, either will work. (EDIT: Make that McCain, not Huckabee)

  • el
  • pt
  • In looking over the site, I'm seeing far too many issues being approached from an extremely liberal viewpoint, and I'm absolutely sure that such a ticket has zero chance, just as a ticket from an extremely conservative viewpoint has zero chance. What we need is someone who will be conservative on national defense and law/order issues, liberal on social issues and libertarian on fiscal ones.

    I believe that Mike Huckabee and Joe Liebermann, in either office, are the men to do this.

    EDIT: With Liebermann endorsing McCain, he obviously wouldn't be part of a Huckabee ticket. Therefore, substitute McCain wherever you see Huckabee. The basic argument still works.

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