Members: 123,589

Reach out in your state/city in December to conduct this Energy Dialog for Unity08

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  • Dialog07 on ENERGY & Global Warming

    Each Response-Option is followed by Percent-Response and by Count
    [obviously nearly the same, when nearly 100 (i.e. up to 96) voted]

    1. Which of these views about global warming is closest to yours?

    I don't believe global warming is really occurring.
    2.1% 2
    If it is occurring, it is not serious enough to concern me.
    2.1% 2
    I'm more concerned about depleting all global fossil fuels.
    4.2% 4
    I'm concerned with both global warming & using less oil, etc.
    83.3% 80
    Other (please specify)
    8.3% 8

    answered question 96
    skipped question 0

    2. Do you now, or do you plan to, combat global warming in any of these ways? Check all that apply to you:

    Walk or bicycle to work, shop, etc.
    36.8% 35
    Carpool or use public transit
    32.6% 31
    Use bio fuels & less gasoline
    33.7% 32
    Use hybrid, all-electric car &/or hydrogen-powered car(s)
    25.3% 24
    Use solar energy panels on/at home
    10.5% 10
    Use small wind turbine in backyard
    7.4% 7
    Use Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs
    76.8% 73
    Use energy efficient appliances
    64.2% 61
    Recycle plastic/cans/glass/paper
    87.4% 83
    Bring your own grocery bags
    43.2% 41

    answered question 95
    skipped question 1

    3. Local governments (cities, counties) should combat global warming with these measures. For this and subsequent questions, check if agreed; don't check if opposed or uncertain.

    Require public vehicles, including taxis, to be hybrids, by 2025, as in New York City.
    46.9% 45
    Encourage participation in the "Cool Cities" agreement to fight global warming.
    44.8% 43
    Have building codes encourage installation of solar panels for heating and/or electricity generation.
    65.6% 63
    Have zoning regulations encourage installation of small, quiet wind turbines behind houses and especially on fa
    43.8% 42
    Encourage businesses to become energy independent with the help of employees and customers.
    60.4% 58
    Have utilities make it easy to sell any excess wind, solar, or battery-stored power to the grid for use by others.
    61.5% 59
    Have utilities add incentives to encourage off-peak electricity usage to cut consumer electricity costs.
    67.7% 65
    Have utilities encourage wind-farm-generated power use by industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and/or nuclear power.
    59.4% 57
    Other (please specify):
    12.5% 12

    answered question 96
    skipped question 0

    4. Which of these State policies might you support? Check if agreed; don't check if uncertain.

    Collaborate with other states to convert entirely to renewable, clean, safe energy sources during this century
    61.3% 57
    Increase incentives for telecommuting, car sharing, van/carpooling, and increased use of public transit
    75.3% 70
    Eliminate subsidies and incentives for nonrenewable energy use (oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear powe
    54.8% 51
    Increase rebates and tax credits for wind, solar, small hydro & geothermal and for hybrid & electric cars
    80.6% 75
    Certify commercial and industrial operations in meeting standards to encourage consumers to "buy green"
    50.5% 47
    7.5% 7

    answered question 93
    skipped question 3

    5. As the United States considers national policies to address global warming, do you support...

    A national goal of 80% reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2025
    46.5% 40
    A "carbon tax" to reduce global warming gas emissions
    44.2% 38
    A "cap and trade" system allowing industries to trade credits of carbon emissions
    25.6% 22
    More drilling and development of domestic sources of oil and natural gas
    29.1% 25
    Development of wind power -- incl. off-shore wind farms and distributed networked small wind turbine
    73.3% 63
    Higher fuel efficiency standards for motor vehicles
    70.9% 61
    More use of agriculture crops to produce biofuels
    38.4% 33
    R&D of coal-fired power plants that lessen gas emissions and of nuclear power safety & waste disposal
    46.5% 40
    Major funding for renewable energy sources rather than subsidies for oil, coal and/or nuclear power
    61.6% 53
    5.8% 5

    answered question 86
    skipped question 10

    6. As the United States engages the world community on the issue of global warming, do you support...

    U.S. participation in international negotiations and treaties aimed at combating global warming
    72.2% 57
    Equal (percentage) reduction targets of global warming gas emissions for developed and developing nations
    35.4% 28
    Mandatory targets for ALL or for big businesses and rich countries to reduce global warming gas emission
    68.4% 54
    Voluntary targets for ALL or for small businesses & poor countries to reduce global warming gas emission
    46.8% 37
    Worldwide major rebates to rural & suburban businesses & homes converting to their own solar & wind power
    48.1% 38
    A multinational Peace Corps to help expedite development of a global distributed network of renewable energy
    54.4% 43
    An All-Nations 21st Century ”War on Warming” Collaboration to replace the 20th Century Space Race & Arms Races
    40.5% 32
    2.5% 2

    answered question 79
    skipped question 17

    7. Energy Dialog07 Followup ...

    Attend(ed) Dialog07 discussion at 7pm, Thu, Nov 29 at Hormel Nature Center, 1304 21st St NE, Austin MN
    33.3% 7 [out of the 25 in total who DID attend
    so 18 just did NOT check this option but DID attend!]
    On the Internet click(ed) on to vote also on issues about war and terrorism
    42.9% 9 [7 of whom raised hands on 29 Nov
    when asked that question then!]
    Help nominate candidates who agree with you at 2025 caucuses/primaries &/or at convention
    52.4% 11
    Say who make up your Dream Team for President & VP at about candidates & issues
    23.8% 5
    Suggest issues to be included in a December DemocracyDialog07 ballot about reforms:
    19.0% 4

    answered question 21
    skipped question 75

    8. Thank you for participating! See for more.
    Please provide contact information (only ZIP & state required):

    46.9% 45
    25.0% 24
    24.0% 23
    35.4% 34
    41.7% 40
    100.0% 96
    ZIP Code:
    100.0% 96
    7.3% 7

    answered question 96
    skipped question 0


    Chandler Harrison Stevens
    507/437-2974; cell: 507/219-7252

    PS: Http:// voting will be closed after a total of 100 folks vote -- in case another 4 more Herald readers vote! We will open other 100-vote collectors if other newspapers/states/cities/groups in December07 follow THE Herald/MN/Austin/ACES' lead above! Thanks!!

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