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Ron Paul as Vice President For Barack Obama

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  • Excerpt:

    "I know it may sound crazy, but hear me out. First, the similarities, and then the obvious differences.

    Both Ron Paul and Barack Obama are agents of change. This is a cornerstone or defining similarity of each of the two that outweighs many differences.

    Both Barack Obama and Ron Paul talk of a new America in which Government is accountable to its citizens.

    Both men are exceptionally bright and creative with innovative policy proposals.

    Both are seen as men of conviction for their signature opposition to the war in Iraq. Barack Obama showed his independence by being against the war before it was politically easy to do so, while Ron Paul endures constantly the "slings and arrows" of the mainstream media and also his own party arising from his opposition to the war.

    Ron Paul is called "crazy". Barack Obama is called "naive"

    Each are referred to as visionaries bringing hope back into political life.

    Both Ron Paul and Barack Obama are eloquent, outspoken individuals (Barack slightly less outspoken) who inspire tremendous passion among their supporters. Each has a "rock star element" (although Paul is quick to point out that it is the message that is popular, not him personally) that transcends politics and brings both reach and empowerment to their efforts as agents of change.

    Both candidates lead their respective parties online. The Paulites are everywhere online. Despite constant attacks in regard to their methods, Ron Paul supporters have parlayed a rabid online following into fundraising success now opening up the previously closed gates of mainstream media coverage and resulting also in a beginning significant rise in the polls. Barack Obama is similarly widely considered the candidate of his party (although he has tougher competition some feel on the Democratic side in this regard than Paul faces on the Republican) that is an innovator online and with significant online success.

    The fundraising capabilities of both men put them in a rare position in which their platforms can receive a hearing despite the forces (Barack has the Hillary and Bill Clinton machine to contend with, Ron Paul had a tussle with Rudy Giuliani and also with a number of online polls as a couple of examples) that can be brought against them.

    Both men stress the importance of family."

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