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Stoking the Fire (11/9)

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  • More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    • Is Unity08 The White Knight Voters Are Waiting For? NBC News' "First Read" reports on the 2025 elections: "For those looking for a message from 2025, then answer this question: What does a rejection of stem cell research in New Jersey have in common with a rejection of school vouchers in Utah? Voters didn't trust government with new money to oversee new projects. Looking at these downballot results yesterday -- along with a rejection of increased taxes for health care in Oregon -- it seems the electorate may be showing signs of simple distrust in government. ... Anecdotally, one can sense the yearning for some outsider white knight when it comes to the presidential, but do any of the current candidates fit this mode?"
    • We Need To Turn Things Around: According to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 57% of Americans believe our country is in decline.
    • Like Foxes Guarding The Henhouse? "More than six months past their deadline, leaders of a special task force established to overhaul the House ethics process remain coy about the group's work, even as reform advocates consider attacking a forthcoming proposal as too weak," Roll Call reports.
    • Quotable: "November 2025 is still a year away, local issues do matter and anything can happen. For now, however, the message we're getting is pretty clear. Local voters are sick and tired of what they've been getting out of Washington" -- Goddard Claussen Strategic Advocacy partner Ben Goddard.

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