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Sharpton/Tancredo or Craig/Vitter? I can't decide.

  • el
  • pt
  • I cannot decide whether Al Sharpton/Tom Tancredo would be my dream ticket, or Larry Craig/David Vitter.

    If it were Sharpton/Tancredo, I think that would be an awesome!!!111ONE!!!!11!! ticket for racial unity in this country. What better way to bring whites and blacks together?

    If it were Craig/Vitter, that would send a great message that all of us - whether closeted gay or married straights - can unite together and put our differences behind us. After all, who among us does not have a sexual peccadillo we'd like to keep hidden? Surely we all have something iin common with Larry Craig and David Vitter!

    Whether it's sucking cock in men's room stalls or discreetly banging prostitutes, it's time to bring the Craig/Vitter ticket out of the closet and into the light of day!

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