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Are politics atrocious or are we in the golden age of comedy?

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  • I've been a bit under the weather for a few days, but I don't want you to miss a fantastic article that was written by Mr. Joe Rothstein last week in U.S. Politics Today, "Colbert for President? His Candidacy Is Telling Us A Lot About The Failures of Both Major Parties."

    His initial question (which he saw on another blog) is one that we should discuss, "Does this mean the political state of this country is atrocious, or are we simply in a golden age of comedy?"

    Mr. Rothstein talks of the historical significance of comedy in politics and the fine line that there really is between taking someone in jest or seriously. As many of you know, we have been on The Colbert Report twice because Americans are watching "a humorous slant on the news" types of shows by the millions. The outcome for us is fantastic because Americans find out about Unity08, register, and become active in our movement.

    Mr. Rothstein writes, "Because of the changing communications environment, dozens of congressmen have agreed to be 'interviewed' on Colbert's TV show and risk humiliation for the potential advantage of scoring good YouTube moments."

    He continues, "Colbert is a comedian, yes. But people respond to humor only because of the nuggets of truth embedded within it."

    So, I ask again, "Is the political state of this country atrocious, or are we simply in a golden age of comedy?"

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