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Current candidates, and general ideas for Unity08 and its community.

  • el
  • pt
  • I've been watching most of the debates in both parties since they started, and honestly, there are candidates from each group I'm interested in, based on their responses within the debates. So far, it's enough that I may be satisfied with one or the other current parties, against the wishes of Unity08. But I fully support the idea of trying to add a third, powerful party to the system to bring balance to the process (and indeed lead the way with morality, integrity, innovation, leadership, etc). Besides, when I do the extra legwork to check the backgrounds of each of the candidates, it may dissuade my interest in them.

    That aside, when Unity08 selects its candidate, I'm sure we will be made aware of his/her positions on the major issues. But I will be interested to know about his/her track record, and ability to stand up against lobbyists and major corporations. I want to know that the candidate will have strong morals, and not be corrupt, and that he/she will fight for what's not only best for the nation, but for the world at large.

    I have too many ideas running through my head, so unfortunately this thread will be less guided, and more of a hosting of all these thoughts. I think it would be appropriate to not only discuss and evaluate the major issues for unity08, but to evaluate where each current candidate stands on each issue, and why this makes them a good or bad candidate, with trusted sources to validate their track record.

    I think it may be a plausible idea that should one of the candidates not be the front runner, come the primaries, that maybe his or her ideals may align with that of Unity08's, and it may be possible to adopt one of them as our candidate. This may seem illogical that if they were defeated in the primaries: they don't have what it takes to be the better candidate. But perhaps its possible that they weren't "partisan" enough to lead their team, while they're still great candidates. Plus, perhaps the polls aren't truly reflective, or the early primary states are typically partisan. Just an idea.

    Also, should the Unity08 ticket win the ballot, would the president-to-be be responsible to the organization that got him/her there? I think it would bolster the organization for elections-to-come, if he/she candidly looked at continual polls, discussions, rankings - the active voice of the people - as held by Unity08's team. If we, the people, truly impacted our leader and his/her leadership, I can't imagine why others wouldn't join and participate. Maybe this is the way for online politics of the future.

    Some last thoughts, Youtube has several of the debates hosted on its servers (fragmented into ~9 min. segments), and also, being owned by Google, Youtube has entire hour-long interviews with some (if not all) of the candidates, one on one. I've only seen Ron Paul's, but it was very interesting, to say the least.


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