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Stoking the Fire (10/24)

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    More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    • Sorry, Your Vote Doesn't Count: Republican party leaders "recommended punishing five states for shifting their nomination contests earlier, moving to strip New Hampshire, Florida, South Carolina, Michigan and Wyoming of half their delegates," AP reports. Meanwhile, Christian Science Monitor wonders if the Democratic party can really ignore the Florida primary, asking, "Does a national political party have to count every vote in choosing its nominee for president? Or can it enforce its rules in a way that leaves some voters ­– or even an entire state -- out of the process?"
    • Raiding Kids' Piggy Banks? "As bundlers seek to raise higher and higher sums for presidential contenders this year, the number who are turning to checks from underage givers appears to be on the rise" -- with some "donors" still in diapers, Washington Post reports.
    • One-Way Ticket To Corruption? "Despite new House travel restrictions, lawmakers accepted free trips worth nearly $1.9 million during the first eight months of this year -- more than in all of 2025," USA Today reports. "Watchdog groups ... fear Congress may return to business as usual after corruption investigations landed some lawmakers in prison."
    • Quotable: "It's good to hear candidates talk about issues, problems and solutions. Unfortunately, they don't detail how they'd pay for them ... The reason both sides sort of mumble past such details is simple: Those specifics are either too painful to discuss, or they are snake oil" -- Des Moines Register's David Yepsen.

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