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Presidential Candidate Frank McEnulty Answers Questions - Part II

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  • 1. Abortion - Should abortion be a legal option in America?

    Yes, within limitations. Having spoken with people who have been faced with the decision of getting an abortion or not, I realize it is probably one of the most difficult decisions most women can ever make in their lives and one rarely forgotten. My preference would be that no one would ever feel that they have to get or contemplate an abortion for any reason. However, I also believe that this is a moral issue that is best decided by a woman, her family, friends and religious beliefs. I also believe that this is a an issue more properly addressed on the state level and that partial birth abortions should be outlawed.

    2. Cuba - Should the U.S. continue to support an embargo against Cuba?

    No, the embargo against Cuba is just a payoff to the Cuban Americans in South Florida and makes absolutely no sense in today’s world. If you want to affect change in a region or country you must work with them and allow the people of those areas to see how much better off they would be under our system than under theirs. That is best accomplished by allowing Americans to go there and do business there as much as possible.

    3. Death Penalty - Should the death penalty remain a legal option in America?

    I am not opposed to the death penalty and I believe that it is an important legal option in our justice system. However, I also believe that the death penalty system has gotten to the point where it is becoming not only impractical, but also economically unfeasible. I see the system slowly moving away from death to life in prison without parole and would not stand in the way of that migration if that is what the people continue to demand.

    4. Environment - Should the U.S. ratify an international environmental agreement (such as the Kyoto Protocol) that mandates reductions in carbon emissions?

    Yes, I see no reason not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Most of the world has ratified it and we need to be part of the solution and work together with the rest of the world on solving environmental problems.

    I am an outdoorsman. There is nothing I enjoy more than hiking through open spaces, hunting and fishing. I also have children and am worried about what resources they will have as they, and hopefully someday, their children, grow older. Naturally, I am for protecting the environment. However, there is a give and take to everything. As the country continues to grow so will our demands for space and natural resources. I believe that the environment can be protected and nurtured while still being used for the greater good of all Americans. Sometimes that will require a set-aside of certain areas of the country as protected environments and sometimes that will require that we exploit the land and minerals to keep our country going. Will everyone be happy with my decisions? Probably not, but as a President that is independent of the influences of the major parties, I can always make my decisions based on the best information and the best interests of our country, both today and in the future.

    5. Gun Control - Are more federal regulations on guns and ammunition needed?

    Although the Federal Government has instituted several nationwide gun laws, I believe that further gun control or ownership issues are more properly addressed on the state and local level. It is up to the individual states to establish the laws that they feel are fair and necessary concerning the ownership and use of guns. As an outdoorsman, hunter and recreational shooter, I do not see guns as inherently evil and believe that further action by the Federal Government to restrict gun ownership is not necessary.

    6. Iran - Should the US use military force against Iran if Iran does not dismantle its nuclear program?

    No, until we have proof that the Iranians are loading nuclear weapons on planes, boats or missiles we should not use military force against Iran to make them dismantle their nuclear program. As much as certain people may not like it, Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy programs for their country. It may even be the right thing for them to do given everyone’s concern about greenhouse gasses and global warming. Just because they have lots of oil, doesn’t mean they have to burn it to create electricity. Maybe the smart thing for all of us to do is develop as much nuclear power as possible to lessen the world’s dependence on oil.

    7. Religion – Should a candidate’s religion matter to voters?

    No, a candidate should be judged on his ideas and perceived ability to get the job done and nothing else. A candidate’s religion or race shouldn’t matter when it comes time to vote in any election.

    8. Social Security - Should social security be privatized?

    Not completely, but I am for partial Social Security savings accounts for individuals.

    Social Security was established as a safety net for people at a time when people were not expected to live much past the age when Social Security became effective. Fortunately for us, but unfortunately for the program, people are living much longer these days and are also able to work much longer. I believe that for Social Security to continue to be a viable program for future generations that the retirement age at which one may start to collect social security must continue to increase.

    9. Stem Cells - Should the federal government fund stem cell research?

    Yes, stem cell research should be a very important part of our medical research and holds great promise for solving many of the ills plaguing people today. As long as human babies are not created solely for the purpose of stem cell research then I have absolutely no problem with federal government funding for this extremely important research.

    10. War on Terror - Should interrogation techniques that some consider torture, such as water boarding, be a legal option?

    Torture should not be an acceptable, legal part of our system in our war on terror or for any other purpose. It has been shown to be ineffective and sends the wrong message.

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