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Design your perfect presidential candidate

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    * One who will find a way to finish the job in Iraq.
    * One who will encourage energy companies to research alternatives to oil, while allowing them to drill for oil off-shore and build a refinery or two.
    * One who will secure our borders, keeping illegal immigrants out while still encouraging legal immigration.
    * One who will punish businesses who hire illegal immigrants.
    * One who will let me choose who will provide me with health care.
    * One who will not dictate who can marry or adopt a child.
    * One who will encourage economic growth while still respecting the environment.
    * One who will not sign an unbalanced budget.
    * One who will fund NCLB, not just dictate education standards and expect states and districts to somehow fund the schools themselves.
    * One who will give high-risk states like New York the means to prevent potential terror attacks, not give more money to low-risk states Wyoming.

    * One who will not make any promises s/he cannot or will not keep.
    * One who will actually live up to the oath s/he takes when s/he is inaugurated, ie upholding the Constitution.
    * One who will not for sale to the highest bidder.

    If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading it in English, thank a veteran.

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