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A realistic Paul ticket (sort of)

  • el
  • pt
  • Some of the dream tickets posted should really be considered pipe-dreams. Paul/Kuncinich, Paul/Gravel, Paul/Powell? I mean... come on!

    First off, Paul's name should be second on the list. President Paul would likely grind Washington to a halt, and then get impeached. Paul would actually be a pretty good vice-president though. He would dramatically reduced the size and influence of the office, and mostly likely just preside over the Senate and cast tie-breaking (dissenting) votes. Imagine how much better off we all would have been if Cheney had stuck to the formal role of the office?

    Secondly, Paul would only agree to be on a ticket as long as the other candidate shared at least some of his views. Libertarian Democrats are hard to find. An anti-war Market Democrat might be good enough though. Bill Richardson is it.

    A Richardson/Paul ticket is the only semi-realistic Ron Paul Unity08 ticket out there.

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