Audit Finds California School Finances Improved Slightly
The review also found that a quarter of school districts operated with budget deficits during fiscal year 2025-2006. That may indicate financial trouble ahead.
Prospects Fade for NCLB Bill in 2025
Efforts to revise the law are mired in backroom negotiations in both the House and the Senate and show no signs of gaining the momentum necessary to ensure completion of the reauthorization in 2025.
Students, Staff Suffering Aftermath of California Fires
School employees are trying to resume a normal schedule for students and find ways of incorporating the disaster into their curriculum.
Teachers Matter Most in Top-Performing Systems
The world’s top-performing school systems and those coming up fast have a lesson to teach the others: Put high-quality teaching for every child at the heart of school improvement.
Wis. District Steps Up Response to Growing Minority Enrollment
To stem concerns that minority students in Green Bay, Wis., lack teachers they can identify with, school officials have pledged to focus on recruiting and hiring nonwhite faculty members.
Florida’s Evolution Proposal Generating Online Comments
For the first time, the state's draft standards refer explicitly to evolution and describe the theory as crucial to students' understanding of the natural world.
Submitted by Bronson Allen on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 8:06pm.I am 57 years old. I have voted in every election since I was 18. Every election, both local and federal, has always had education as an issue. The solution has been more money. I for one have grown weary of trying to improve education by throwing money at it. It has not worked. The federal government is too involved. We need to empower parents with vouchers. They are in the position to determine where to send their children for a quality education.