Help Us Build a Better Website

posted by U08 Web Team on November 7, 2025 - 7:35pm
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Nothing is more important to us than building a website that better meets the needs of this peoples' movement and, most importantly, the people behind it! We want to create a best-of-breed website that not only invites more community participation, but has the infrastructure in place to act upon that input. Let us know your top requests for this new website that will launch in early 2025.

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Bill713 on April 29, 2025 - 8:04pm

Posting directed to political issues should be separated to a completely different tab from posting directed to the organization and functioning of Unity 08.

A refinement and enforcement of the posting conduct rules is needed. Add a prohibition on addressing by posting name or characterization other individuals posting. Confine posting violators to thier own bio page.

Bill"for what we are together"

obaoji on April 25, 2025 - 9:07am

It may be posted somewhere, but unable to find Unity '08 Team account of the meeting; i.e. specific initiatives discussed, recommendations/actions contemplated, timetable(s) for implementation, attendees, etc. to bring every one up to date.

John Milligan on April 25, 2025 - 9:56am

Here's my thumbnail take on it for what it's worth - buried in the blog:

coggel on April 3, 2025 - 1:39pm

Why can't we search for specific user's postings and elect to not see others in Shoutbox? This seems pretty elementary for a website like this.

Some people have great things to say and I'd like to read more of their posts. Others litter off-topic, pointless comments on every thread.

Others have made the same suggestions. Why won't you respond? Are you thinking about it? Are to working on it? Do you refuse for some reason? Is there actually a U08 Web Team to read the suggestions on this thread?

Jack Dawsey on April 25, 2025 - 6:41am

You have many categories for your reader to comment on. Why not have one asking the specific question whether the whole political system, i.e., Republican and Democrat Parties are broke? Both are like leaches. They are draining the blood from America.
If the current system is not broke, what are you planning to unite with Unity08?
Jack Dawsey, Salemburg, NC

Unity08Leadersh... on April 3, 2025 - 1:46pm

On April 16. The purpose is to get a group of Delegates / Members together with the founders of Unity08 to help identify weaknesses in the approach and work together to fix them. If you like, drop me an email at the address below and we can discuss this offline / get your input / get you invited if you are so inclined.

John E. Kaczmarowski

BossMS on March 30, 2025 - 9:50am

I think we need to have better navigation between the draft rules and the invitation to make a comment. Right now it's an exercise in frustration. That's not the way to build a true national coalition.

SaveTheUnion on March 29, 2025 - 4:09pm

What were you thinking? Why were my new user name and password included in the confirming e-mail? Are you inviting Republican hacks and other troublemakers to screw up this website already?

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Erasmussimo on March 19, 2025 - 5:49pm

I have noticed a frustrating bug. In the Shoutbox Home Page, in the column 'Most Recent Post', the subject and time of that post are displayed as hyperlinks. If you click on those hyperlinks, some of the time the software will take you directly to the listed post. Some of the time the software takes you to the beginning of the topic. My guess is that the moderators are busily removing bad posts, because in searching the page I can't find the described post. That's good, but the software should update often enough that users don't get caught up in the problem.

KrisW on March 20, 2025 - 9:28pm

What's even more annoying is posting on the top of the shoutbox that lead to the top of old topic rather than a specific post.....

Like this one....

and this one.....

and this one....

and this one....


KrisW on March 11, 2025 - 1:02pm

They'd do well to stop the porn spamming on this Wiki site...

GEA on March 11, 2025 - 12:41pm

There have been a series of folks who have posted excessively and, to my and others viewpoints, irrationally and aggressively. It seems that as one leaves, another comes. I don't actually feel that there is a conspiracy, but its just the way things are.

There has been no effort from Unity08 to address this problem, therefore it seems they condone it. Indeed they took off the place on the home page where pleadings were made to address this problem.

matt776 on March 15, 2025 - 3:27am

Then you haven't been observant as our President has asked all of us to be. They are "moving" posts here daily. I call it censorship because it looks like they move the posts to the trash can.

An open forum is the only way to go. From some ignorant backwoods retard to a appellate lawyer. Everything should remain...I just think it deserves better organization than stacked comments.

ihavehadit on March 12, 2025 - 4:19pm

We need freedom of speech even if it is annoying, tedious, and absurd.
This person may absorb something from the productive postings.

If someone is posting, that you feel is a nuisance, NEVER EVER respond to any of their postings. Even if you agree. It is your choice.

It works for me they become persona non gratis.

Good luck!

Do you want scary, this person is a voter and there are more like him out there.
I would like to get a sense of how many of our States Congressional Districts have ‘08 Delegates. Please email your: unity08 name, State & District

Please format as shown: your08name-NY04

Thank you, Stu from CT02

Tee Barkdull on March 16, 2025 - 7:49pm

Just IGNORE to jerks and the comments made by them, and we all can talk and go on with what we have been doing. I like this site and some things are great in here...
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States

GEA on March 13, 2025 - 2:41pm

I disagree, and as my support I offer the history of monopolistic posters from flaja to jim cook and now to kris. I'll throw earn in there too given he multi-posts within seconds to choke up the page. There must be rational rules in any system, not a simple freeforall or it goes to heck. If you have been around the internet long enough, I think you must know that.

ihavehadit on March 16, 2025 - 11:13pm

GEA, I cannot agree, we do have the freedom of speech. If the Unity08 webmaster would add the "Ignore Button” as requested, we would not be doing these posts now. Each member could select which members posts would not be displayed on their screen. This allows everyone to post and lets each of us to choose whose post are not worth reading or displaying.

Thank you, Stu from CT02

KrisW on March 15, 2025 - 1:39am

Where is it in Alleghney County, PA you are from?

And why don't you EVER answer that question?

62monzaman on March 23, 2025 - 7:37pm

And I don't blame him for what he wrote about being afraid of you...

What on earth makes you ask questions like this? What is the point?

Why do you think he owes you an answer?

Jeff C

GEA on March 23, 2025 - 4:33pm

Kris, let me answer you directly since you have asked this so many times -- I don't give out any personal information on Unity08 specifically because I am afraid of you.

Before I give any personal information here Unity08 must give some amount of privacy assurrances and some level of competence for privacy protection by the Web Team so that whacked out nut cases wont come find my house and harass me or scare my kids.

Now please leave me alone Kris. That is a direct request, I don't want you to address me, I feel threatened by you and as such, your actions can heretofore be characterized as abusive towards me should you choose to continue.

Again, I ask you civily, please stop.

KrisW on March 27, 2025 - 3:28pm

And if you really want some one to fear, be afraid of Pennsylvania State Judges and District Attornies, and the "immunity" the Federal Courts have granted them.

Big Brother should have so much power.

KrisW on March 23, 2025 - 8:43pm

It's a simple question. And YOU are that one that claimed to be from Allegheny County and encouraged me to become part of Gene Stilip's campaign.

Mark Greene on March 17, 2025 - 12:33am

GEA, nothing I can do here. You remember when Earn was our biggest worry LOL

Have been gone too long feeding the family and tending my local party - not sure there's anything I can lend here...

It is too late in the day for me to tread back and try to get a sense of what was up here. I sensed early on that Kris was a plant of the establishment - his performance has borne that out. I concur with any notion that gives the majority the right to push a silence button and shut him the hell up so that thinking people can share their thoughts and move the ball forward.

Everyone here needs to recognize something that may be slipping your minds...this is not a government web site. Free speech rules don't apply. There is no constitutional protection here. Private money - yours, mine, paying to put up and run this site. If some jerk is stifling progress the owners have not only a right but a responsibility to the minority owners to eradicate the barriers to progress, Kris very likely being one of those. When you (owners) overstep you'll'll be sitting here all alone...

Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

Quicksilver on April 20, 2025 - 7:28pm

Reading these posts by GEA and MArk, I am pleased to see I'm not the only one that has spotted a troll.
An Ignore button would be great! Maybe the webmaster could tally how many people ignore a certain twit, then limit the posting of twits - why waste all those ones and zeros? ;-)

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

Bill713 on April 20, 2025 - 8:01pm

I don't need one to get the same result.

My only real concern is in trying to influence potential delegates...they tell me they don't need U08 for that 's__tuff?'.

But ol' Earnie creates that problem too.

Of course all those using the shoutbox just to complain about U08 don't help much either. Frankly I wish the political issues forum and the U08 organizational issues forum were in separate places

I just explain as best I can that 'open' is 'open' and requires high boots to wade through.

Bill"for what we are together"

GEA on March 23, 2025 - 4:25pm

Well even when Earn was our biggest problem, he at least provided some thoughtful stuff and much humor. I liked that in him, he wasnt mean spirited or inflexible.

Anyhow, I agree Mark that the site should not allow pollution like it does. I have more or less stopped reading and posting, its a waste of time and I am a busy person.

We are doing more and more stuff here in PACleanSweep and getting ready to unelect a lot of judges come fall's judicial retention elections. There are lots of ways to attack reform, and doing it at the State level is much needed here in PA. I urge you to keep up with what is going on at -- note that Alabama just began a similar movement.

The shenanigans of the PA government's secrecy and corruption are getting wide play here. The problems we have with ballot access and a judiciary that is in colusion with the executive and legislative branches to maintain the grip on power of the elites is being decried more and more. We are winning the fight here in Pa for reform, but we have an awful long way to go.

Anyhow, Unity08 -- nice idea, lousy execution. Maybe Newt's new site americansolutions will be better. He's kind of conservative, so I imagine that a) they will keep a lid on profanity and downright meanness; but b) we may not see as much liberal content there and I like the mix.

I hope all is well with you and yours, although I am afraid I may never see your response since you can't find your own posts or answer to them.

Patrick40 on March 11, 2025 - 7:10pm

Following several weeks of browsing this knowledgeable website, I notice there is one individual who contributes absolutely nothing of value. He appears to have diarrhea of the keyboard. His many unintelligible and unrelated postings make it extremely difficult to follow the thread under discussion. Someone displaying this type of adolescent behavior should be banned from making further comments until such time as they exhibit the ability to focus on the actual topic. I'm sure many, if not most, of the readers know to whom I refer. If the moderator(s)would perform even a cursory examination they would soon realize the need for action.

KrisW on March 12, 2025 - 12:03pm

And who might that be, Patrick40???????

KrisW on March 12, 2025 - 12:17pm

Have you registered as a delegate yet?

GEA on March 7, 2025 - 9:31pm

1) Ignore button.
2) Poll feature to suspend a member's posting ability for a set period of time.
3) A way to link you one's own recent posts to allow for one to see responses.
4) A search feature.

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