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Come back to politics please...

  • el
  • pt
  • I wish Colin Powell would come back to the only Republican in the country who said 'Umm...Iraq invasion gonna be bad...don't do it that way you dick, Dick!' he managed to mantain credibility when everyone else touched by Bush is worse than a leper (heck, Condi's taking heat for things she has no control over...Congress has laws keeping contrators in foreign countries under their supervision, and they blamed her for it!). He's a moderate and willing to work without distinction to party lines.

    He's also a perfect example of the American Dream. Not many people go from the Bronx to the White House. Not to many people work their way up through the ranks of the military from the low 2nd Lieutenant all the way to Chairman of the Joint Cheifs of Staff. John McCain's the only other candidate running who has any real service record of note, and Powell's time as Secretary of State and other positions gives him a foreign policy record to rival Bill Richardson's. Also interesting, he has a bachelor's in geology and an MBA.

    He founded America's Promise, with the blessings of Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, as well as Bush Jr. later on, in addition to hundreds of mayors, dozens of governors, and thousands of citizens and business owners. All in all, he's a wonderful American hero who isn't extreme in either direction. Come back Powell...please.