Questions on Unity08 Financial Status and Transparency

posted by jamesmcook on December 20, 2025 - 7:29am
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I am heartened to read that Unity08 is dedicated to "the spirit of greater financial transparency, which is sorely lacking in politics today," and also that "Transparency is essential to the public’s trust." I take Unity08's commitment to financial transparency seriously.

With Unity08's goal of financial transparency in mind, and with the goal of building public trust, I have some questions to which I'd like some answers. They are based on Unity08's second and third quarter reports (which list expenditures and donations at or above $200) as well as various statements on the Unity08 website.

1. Unity08's second quarter statement lists $18,700 (a significant portion of all donations) as having been made in the year 2025. Is this a typographical error? If it is not a typographical error, was Unity08 conceived in 2025? How does this mesh with the description of Unity08 in its May 30, 2025 press release as a "new grassroots organization" that has been "building for months," not years?

2. The following donations are shown on the Unity08 webpage but do not appear in the 2nd or 3rd quarter IRS reports:

Thomas Beard Atlanta GA $1,000
Charles Buck Weston CT $200
Mark Cave Charlottesville VA $300
Ian Davis Chapel Hill NC $200
Thomas Delaney Saint Louis MO $200
Michael Ghiglione Spokane WA $200
Carol Guardo Fountain Hills AZ $200
Jim Jonas Denver CO $250
Hamilton Jordan Atlanta GA $5,000
Dorothy Jordan Atlanta GA $5,000
David Litt Columbus OH $500
Jack Lohman Colgate WI $200
Richard Mullen San Francisco CA $250
Sean Myers Coopersville MI $200
Dennis Nolan Anchorage AK $300
Dennis Nolan Anchorage AK $200
Joseph Parlante Bethesda MD $300
Malcolm Peabody Washington DC $250
Malcolm Philbrook Jr. Biddeford ME $200
Grant Reeder San Diego CA $200
Victoria Sant Washington DC $5,000
John Singleton Kingsport TN $200
James Stragand Bend OR $200
Lisa Sunderlin Troy MI $200
Glen Vanderhorn Brick NJ $200
Michael Wenzke Boston MA $200
Amos Wilder Chevy Chase MD $200
Julie Wright San Diego CA $1,000

What explains the discrepancy, and how is the discrepancy to be remedied?

3. On July 18, 2025, Founders Council Member Doug Bailey indicated of members of the Founders Council that "Some will have expenses reimbursed.... And a few will be providing their business services at standard rates." Tom Collier of Steptoe and Johnson has provided legal services in his filings with the FEC, which resulted in Unity08 needing to be reclassified as a PAC, not a 527. But there is no indication in the 2nd quarter and 3rd quarter reports of any compensation or reimbursement of Collier or Steptoe and Johnson for their services. Were these services donated? If not, how much compensation or reimbursement is due?

4. The 2nd and 3rd Quarter IRS reports indicate that for over this six month period, Shane Kinkennon has been compensated $7,669.41. Is this a "standard rate" for professional public relations services? Has Mr. Kinkennon been further compensated for his work in this six-month period?

5. Has any group or person other than Unity08 compensated or reimbursed individuals for their Unity08-related work? If so, who and for how much?

6. Unity08 has commissioned a national poll with Princeton Survey Research. I cannot find any description of expenses associated with a national poll on either the 2nd quarter or 3rd quarter list of expenses. Did Unity08 pay for this poll? If so, could you clarify those expenses? If Unity08 did not pay for this poll, who did pay for the poll?

7. On October 11, Unity08 updated its financial disclosures on its website from July, when it had pledged to make disclosure updates every two weeks. As of October 11, Unity08 provided information on donations as of September 1, and pledged that "This list will be updated once a month in the spirit of greater financial transparency, which is sorely lacking in politics today." The list has not been updated in more than two months. When will this list be updated next?

8. As of December 20, the website still refers to the Unity08 organization as a 527 organization, and still refers to its status as under review by the FEC. The FEC has ruled that Unity08 must classify as a PAC. There are no electronic filings with the FEC for Unity08 available for review on its website. Has Unity08 reregistered as a PAC? If so, when will piublic records for the PAC become available?

9. What is the total dollar amount of all donations -- including those under $200 -- received thus far by Unity08?

10. If Unity08 has a positive balance in its accounts, what is that balance? If Unity08 is in debt at this point, by how much? From whom is it obtaining loans, if it is in debt?

11. The Unity08 plan for early 2025 -- that's starting next month -- reads as follows:

In order for Unity08 to compete with a bipartisan Unity Ticket for the White House in 2025, it must be on the ballot in all 50 states. Each state has its own law, and the laws vary dramatically from state to state. But most require thousands of signatures on a petition.

Unity08 is readying its ground troops to begin securing ballot access early in 2025. We will start with only a handful of states first, recruit staff and volunteers, provide guidance and assistance, and provide tools. We’ll learn from what we do well in those states, and learn from our mistakes. And we’ll learn from what our online supporters tells us. Then we’ll incorporate those learnings into our efforts in the next state.

What is the financial plan for Unity08 to accomplish the Unity08 political plan, given the current state of its finances?

As Unity08 itself notes, "Transparency is essential to the public’s trust." There is currently a lack of transparency in the organization's finances, and to be frank that lack of transparency for an ambitious high profile organization has led to an erosion of my trust in Unity08.

I am not now and have never been either a Democrat or a Republican, so I don't have a partisan dog in this fight. I'm not being paid by anyone to ask these questions, and I don't stand to make or lose money based on the answers Unity08 provides. I ask these questions because by my reckoning at this point, the public accounting of Unity08's finances and activities literally does not add up. If Unity08 can answer these questions in a spirit of financial transparency, which is sorely lacking today, I would greatly appreciate it.

Comments     Date sort icon
MFV an Independent on January 6, 2025 - 8:52pm

If any of you are interested in whether or not the new democrat controlled Congress is going to enact real reforms check out my new forum on earmarking in the Shout Box. Look under National Debt. Have a good day. I have been waiting for this new congress ever since 11-7 and I can assure I am not going to cut them any more slack than I did those wild spending republicans who did very little the past Six years.

An Independent

Earn Snyder on January 6, 2025 - 11:26am

Until you start voting for a man's policy rather than his party you are doomed! Force these so called leaders of men to define their policy or get out of my way so I can save my beloved United States as I have defined my policy, direction and resolution to each and every issue at hand! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
For more policies visit

jamesmcook on January 5, 2025 - 11:41pm

To facilitate the public's comparison of the three different accounts of donations during the 2nd and 3rd Quarters of 2025, I have made the lists of donors drawn from the three sources available for review, side-by-side. (Unity08's forum software does not deal well with tabular formatting, which is why I have posted the information on a different website.)

Chronology of Financial Disclosure Through January 5, 2025

In the summer of 2025, Unity08 pledged to make financial disclosures of all donations of at least $200, with updates once every two weeks. It failed to do so.

In the second week of October of 2025, just as Unity08 was receiving a final opinion from the Federal Election Commission that it must register as a Political Action Committee (PAC), Unity08 retracted its pledge to update its financial disclosures every two weeks. At that time, it updated the reports of donations of at least $200 on a page at, claiming the report on that page was complete through September 1, 2025. Unity08 pledged it would update this list once a month, "in the spirit of greater financial transparency, which is sorely lacking in politics today." It failed to do so. This webpage is no longer available in its old form, as it has been replaced. However, I fortunately saved an old copy of the webpage, and will use that copy to relate Unity08's donation claims at the time.

On October 16, 2025 at 4:29 pm, Unity08 sent a fax to the IRS of Form 8872, reporting donations of at least $200, as well as expenditures, for the 3rd quarter of 2025. That document is available for your review here, along with an earlier document describing similar activity in the 2nd quarter of 2025.

On January 5, 2025, Unity08 updated its donations disclosure page, claiming to have corrected unspecified errors in reporting and to have updated the donations disclosures to reflect donations through September 30, 2025. Since the original 3rd Quarter IRS Form 8872 disclosure shows no donations between September 1 and September 30, it is unclear what importance this later date of September 30 rather than September 1 might have. Also on January 5, 2025, Unity08 claimed to have submitted updated IRS forms for the 2nd and 3rd Quarter of 2025 correcting unspecified errors, and appealed to visitors to review those forms should they have questions. However, as of January 5 those updated forms are not available on the IRS website. Review of previous document submissions indicates that these documents will not become available for approximately one month. staff has been unresponsive to requests that they post copies of these latest updated IRS report forms on their own website.

Three Disclosures: Website October 2025, IRS October 2025, Website January 2025

As of January 5, 2025, then, there are three accounts of the donations above $200 to Unity 08 during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2025. Available here are three accounts as I have collected them from IRS disclosures and the Unity08 website. The last number on each line is the reported dollar amount donated by the named person.

Please note that the three accounts are not identical. Discrepancies I notice are of three sorts:

1. Donors listed twice in the same list for different amounts.
2. Donations not noted in earlier reports that appear in later reports.
3. Donations appearing in earlier reports that disappear from later reports.

This presentation is not detailed in any analysis, just detailed in the presentation of basic fact. It is meant to provide a means by which we ALL can look at the varying reports side by side and see some interesting differences over time and across reporting method.

Various descriptions and analyses of these factual discrepancies (including differences in number of donations, sum of donations, and the distribution of donation size) can now be carried out by anyone. However, explanations of the reasons for these factual discrepancies -- and plans to avoid such errors in future Unity08 efforts -- are up to Unity08 itself to provide.

Provision of copies of the IRS disclosure forms, which have NOT been posted at the IRS website and which contain additional details that are not provided on Unity08's website, would greatly aid in the public transparency of Unity08's finances -- a transparency it expects in other political actors and a transparency it has publicly committed itself to.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

Doug Bailey on January 5, 2025 - 5:23pm

We have heard our online community of late about financial transparency. We understand the importance of this matter, and regret that it has taken us so long to weigh in. Let me also say that we benefit from the input of both supporters and critics.

This week, Unity08 re-filed our second and third quarter 2025 reports to the IRS, to correct some inaccuracies in our previous reports. The fact that we submitted filings that contained inaccuracies has been a source of confusion and concern for both our founders and our online community. We understand that and apologize for it.

Correcting these inaccuracies took some time, unfortunately, and – right or wrong – we chose to stay out of this discussion until we cleaned that up. It’s cleaned up now, and these updated filings will be posted on the IRS website once the IRS has processed them – we don’t know when that will be.

In addition, here on our own website, we have updated our list of individuals who have contributed $200 or more to Unity08 through the third quarter of 2025 (September 30, to be exact), which you can view here. This list is now accurate and thorough, and will be consistent with what is on the IRS website.

On January 31, we will make our regularly scheduled filing to the IRS for the fourth quarter of 2025, and on that day we will again update our list of contributors of $200 or more here on this website. At that time the list will be accurate through December 31, 2025. We then will begin keeping this list up to date on a monthly basis beginning the last day of February.

As a 527 organization, as part of our quarterly filings with the IRS we must also report any single expense of $500 or more. The IRS publishes those filings on its website as well, which members of the public can view should they so choose. We believe this meets the test we self-imposed for financial transparency.

Again, the founders of Unity08 regret that is has taken so long to correct and assure the accuracy of the reports, and that we’ve let this discussion go on so long on this website. We now recognize that we need to be clearer on these matters, and we’re committed to doing so going forward. But the subject of bookkeeping is now occupying entirely too much real estate here – I can only imagine that this has been frustrating for people looking for a robust discussion about building a vibrant community to reclaim our politics.

Now, I implore our online community to focus its considerable energy and potential on how we win the White House in 2025. Please help us sign up new online members and grow this movement.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement. We’re counting on you to help bring about positive change to our political system.

ssbufgal on February 8, 2025 - 2:32pm

your reply sounds like government trash talk and CYA responses.

Is this really a up and up organization or a scam to get money from people who want to believe something can really be done?

popo on January 6, 2025 - 1:10pm

Doug, my blog addressed to UNITY08 Today - says it all ..

I've Given You A Good Flight Plan - The Weather's Not Going To Get Any Better - If WE Don't Take Off Now, We May Be Grounded For Ever !!


Flight Plan Filed at

Mark Greene on January 6, 2025 - 12:30am

I want to take this opportunity to point out that, pretty or ugly, we've witnessed a dialogue go on at this site that would have never been seen in public regarding the numerous mis-reportings of the RNC, the DNC, RCCC, DCCC, RSCC, DSCC or any other formal entity. For this we should all be proud and from this we should all take heart.

That said, Doug, "The fact that we submitted filings that contained inaccuracies has been a source of confusion and concern for both our founders and our online community," sounds like such a conventional Washington cop-out that I hope you have enough pride to be ashamed and retract forthwith. This reminds me of my kids when they were young saying "It got broke," or Bush & Co. saying "Mistakes were made." It didn't get broke - it was broken. Mistakes weren't made - somebody made them. In this case the Founders made the mistake, either through lack of oversight, irresponsible planning, whatever. If you want to present this organization as something different and uplifting, it is up to you to make it so.

Finally, and I have no particular axe to grind - everyone knows where I stand. James, I've not seen a single positive utterance from you since you appeared on the scene. Not a single acknowledgement. Not a single encouragement. You'll have to forgive me but I hail from the once great state of Texas - home of Karl Rove. I've seen political sausage being made up close and personal and on an ongoing basis for a very long time now, and for the life of me I have a hard time seeing you as something other than the butcher, grinder, skin stuffer or suet stirrer. Help me out here?...

Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

CampaignTrek on January 6, 2025 - 2:14am

It looks to me like the RNC and the DNC are all registered as PAC's, and have filed all the financial disclosure forms they are supposed to file. You can do a search for them at the FEC website here:

But I don't see Unity08 registered as a PAC. That's curious.

jamesmcook on January 6, 2025 - 1:03am

Well, that's a good point, Mark, and I have been pretty dubious in my tone here, although that's not **completely** fair. Just yesterday (damned forum software, I can't find the thread) I noted what you just noted -- that at the very least Unity08 is permitting this sort of discussion. A huge number of other organizations would have deleted all this from their website by now.

But look -- the newspapers' articles have been all cheery-happy about this Unity08 organization. Unity08 has gotten itself and Sam Waterston on the TV shows to do their cheery-happy account of what it's doing. The cheery-happy angle of Unity08 is all covered by the media.

What I didn't see is anybody asking the questions about this organization -- NOT questions about the people who post here, who I love to read, I mean questions about the ORGANIZATION. They want to elect a president, and nobody's asking questions about them. So yeah, I've kind of appointed myself as Mr. Ask The Question Guy. And maybe that makes me look negative.

So maybe I should say that the reason I'm asking questions and maybe looking negative is that I want to see the REAL Deal. I want to see a REAL grassroots organization. I want to see REAL financial transparency. I want to see a REAL people's choice for president, not backroom talks with Michael Bloomberg's staffers about how they can hook up with the Unity08 infrastructure.

Those are positive things I want to see happening. When I see them happening, you will witness the sun shining out of my bottom so brightly that you'll have to wear shades. I will be so perky that you'll ask for the grumpy me back. But that's not where I see Unity08 right now. I see an organization that doesn't want to answer straightforward questions it has to legally answer anyway. And given Unity08's promises, that turns me into a big-time grump.

Ah, you know what? I'm going to go hug my kids. And then I'm going to wait for the IRS to scan and post the latest version of the financial reports, and then I'll read them. It'll probably take a month, but I'll wait. And until then I'm going to hold my tongue when it comes to negative comments about Unity08 and let others get in edgewise, cheery-happy or not.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

Mark Greene on January 6, 2025 - 10:57am

I appreciate thoughtful reply, and like you remain skeptical about the "movement." I think my skepticism lies more along the lines of competence and commitment than intent. I think they started a little ball rolling largely to placate their kids and its morphed into...who knows what. The fact that its here, has gotten some good press and has some potential to generate something meaningful is in my eyes a good thing. That it won't likely amount to a hill of beans because none of the folks in the power positions are serious would be a sad thing.

The most important thing, and the one which gives me some pause and perhaps raises your radar a bit, is that U08 continues to try and raise money without a real plan of action. It doesn't worry me much because without the latter they won't get too much of the former. And certainly you are right in wanting to keep track of the significant donors, as they will be the "venture capitalists" if you will of this venture. And almost always they will want some control. If we were to see some heavy cash come in from folks who are famously credible and non-aligned, it would bode well for the movement.

Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

TromboneErik on January 6, 2025 - 2:57pm

Mark: Thanx for your frank, yet moderate comments. You put this topic in perspective for what we're all trying to get done here.

James: Your drive and passion are the stuff the Unity'08 is made of. So is your humility. Way to go.

Doug: I still believe in this thing down to my bones. I truly appreciate the hard work that you and your collegues have put into this. In a non-demoninational sense, I believe this is truly a Sacred Mission. We all want to see it succeed.

Let me offer my own apology for any excessive vitriol. I simply believe that this organization has such lofty goals that we MUST hold ourselves to the highest standards possible.


jamesmcook on January 5, 2025 - 5:47pm

See my new thread here for this question fully anotated with cited sources, but to get to the point:

Why do you continue to refer to Unity08 as a 527? specifically said it would follow the opinion of the FEC, which nearly THREE MONTHS ago gave it TEN DAYS to register as a PAC. Therefore, you need to file with the FEC, not the IRS, and with the different reporting requirements associated with the FEC.

Or is there yet something else going on here that Unity08 is not telling its "grassroots" about?

You may implore me and other people until the cows come home, but there are still many, many questions out there about the financial status and transparency of Unity08. Because those questions are still worth answering, I continue to expect you to answer them -- and no, they have not all been answered.

In fact, as a cursory comparison of the new and old reports indicates, new financial questions arise. For one thing (as I will document in detail later tonight), there are those contributors named earlier as having given $200 or more -- who have in the new disclosure simply DISAPPEARED. How does that kind of mistake -- where Unity08 mistakenly thinks a specifically named and addressed person gave it $200 or more -- occur? These mistakes need to be explained, not just rectified, and it needs to be explained how the structure of Unity08 has been changed to prevent such mistakes from happening in the future.

Finally, since as you know the IRS has a delay in the posting of received financial reports, could you please make them available here? All it takes is an upload and a link for two small documents -- that's 5 minutes of work, tops.

While you may say that "bookkeeping" doesn't matter, it certainly matters to every person who is being asked to give their own hard-earned money over to your effort. That's why the law requires you to disclose. You can't get away with splashing a big "CLEAN MONEY PLEDGE" on your front page and then dismissing Unity08's own financial transparency and status questions as mere "bookkeeping."

I know you're used to power and commanding attention in a room. But in a real "grassroots organization," which is what Unity08 called itself on Day One, YOU don't get to decide what issue is and what issue isn't occupying too much "real estate." The pesky, impertinent rabble gets to decide that through that avenue called "speech" and "participation."

If you don't want that kind of public participation, please remove references to your organization as "grassroots." Then I and others will compliantly move away, stop asking pesky questions, and move on to some other political organization that walks its talk.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

U08Moderator1 on January 11, 2025 - 2:49pm

For those of you following this thread, I've just posted a comment to James' forum on why Unity08 isn't registered as a PAC here. In summary, Unity08 is appealing the FEC's advisory opinion and that's why we haven't registered as a PAC. For more details read the full response. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

jamesmcook on January 12, 2025 - 11:03pm

As I stated in that thread, thanks for answering that question.

I'd appreciate answers to the other questions at the top of this thread, too. It's been a while since I asked them, and I still have neither answers nor the means to find answers to most of them.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

popo on January 6, 2025 - 7:41am

Jim, there are a lot smarter people than I am out there - but they haven't offered anything better that I've seen, check my latest posting on my blog - I think if you're honest you will have to concur.

By the way, your question about Protection under the Law surprises me : Scenarios ..

A DUI Member of Congress crashes into a Barrier at the Capitol Bldg at 4am "on his way to vote" - the Police Witness the event, he could have killed somebody : he gets "spirited away" - is never charged with a Crime, never serves a day in jail - and He's Still An Active Member of Congress !!

Another Member Of Congress Gets Caught Selling His Vote To Private Interests ($10,000.00 In The Frig - who knows what hidden elsewhere), is never charged with a crime - and He's Still An Active Member Of Congress !!

An even worse scenario (one you may not be aware of) The Establishment of the Infamous "EARMARKS" - Was Enacted As Part Of A Conspiracy Designed Solely - To Divert Public Funds To Private Projects Without The Knowledge & Consent Of Many Of Our Elected Representatives & The American People !!

Jim, the answer to your question in this area is simple : I WANT EVERY POLITICIAN, Federal, State & Local, TO BE SUBJECT TO THE SAME LAWS & PENALTIES AS YOU & ME - NO SPECIAL PRIVILEGES - NO IMMUNITIES FROM PROSECUTION !!

By all rights, All These People should be held to an even higher standard.

I'll leave you with one reminder of significance : CONGRESS GOT UP IN ARMS WHEN THE FBI DID IT'S JOB RAIDING A MEMBERS OFFICE "WITH CAUSE" BUT WITHOUT WARNING - If That Doesn't Tell You Something - I don't know what will !!

Have A Nice Day !


TromboneErik on January 5, 2025 - 6:48pm


I want to support what Jim has written here.

I don't think anybody suspects a "conspiracy" with respect to Unity's finances, but full disclosure is simply a bedrock fundamental principle of operating a public non-profit organization.

What if Congress told the public to stop focusing so much "real-estate" on the minor issue of campaign funding and told us just get on with the business of reducing the deficit, solving the Iraq problem, etc?

I was dismayed, and frankly a bit insulted, to see a post that seemed to say - at least in part - "Shut up about our finances and get back to writing about those rotten Congress Critters and Lobbyists in Washington D.C."

I keep looking for reasons to see this thing through. I'm looking forward to the re-work of the web site, for example. But I get truly depressed when I see signs that the "grassroots" theme is just window dressing, not a governing principle.

Please re-think your post! There's still time to edit it or delete it! You have put in a ton of work on this movement. Don't let it fail because of the financial transperency issue.

Still routin' for ya.

jamesmcook on January 4, 2025 - 2:12pm

I see from Unity08's bylaws in its statement of incorporation the following:

"The Corporation shall keep at its principal office in the District of Columbia, correct and complete books and records of account, the activities and transactions of the Corporation, the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors and the current list of Directors and officers of the corporation and their residence addresses. Any of the books, minutes and records of the Corporation may be in written form or in any other form capable of being converted into written form within a reasonable time."

This is encouraging, since it means that the answers to the 12 questions I have regarding financial transparency should be as easily obtained as I have supposed.

Please answer the questions.

And yes, I will keep going until the answers come out. Unity08 is a corporation that wants to manage the election of the next President and Vice President of the United States, a corporation that has more than once pledged financial transparency as a sign of trustworthiness. I'm waiting.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

awstory on January 4, 2025 - 5:06pm

You might want to pose this question under the "Ask Unity08 Founders" thread. You might have a better chance of getting a response.

Just a suggestion.

jamesmcook on January 4, 2025 - 5:08pm

I tried posting there a while ago, and had similar nonresponse, eventually getting one response after weeks from an anonymous person that clearly didn't fix the problem, since here we are again.

Besides, we know that the Unity08 COO is reading this thread.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

vankloten on January 4, 2025 - 10:15pm

Have you written letters about this to anyone else? Is there more we can do to expose this problem than just write about it on our own blogs and here in Unity08's own forum? Do you think there are any media outlets that'd be interested in this story?

jamesmcook on January 5, 2025 - 1:55am

Someone from the Albuquerque Journal asked me about what I thought about this sort of thing, and I told him he might want to look at the questions and the pattern of non-answers, Van, but otherwise I haven't contacted mainstream press. I've been hesitant to do so because I'd like to give Unity08 a real, nice, long chance to be financially transparent first. Either they will finally show financial transparency, in which case there will be a whole lot of new substantive questions to answer in the description of patterns of support for Unity08, or they will be partially transparent, in which case the pattern on non-answers will be highly suggestive, or they will continue to stonewall.

If Unity08 continues to stonewall with its information, then I think letting the word out by contacting the people who've written the news articles to the right would be useful. I just want to give Unity08 a bit more of a chance before I do that, I suppose.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

jamesmcook on January 3, 2025 - 8:20pm

You know, I was just going back through my e-mails from the end of 2025 and I saw an e-mail from with this title:

"It's Your Movement, Unity08 Community Member"

It's My Movement.

If it's "my movement", and ksroch's movement, and vankloten's movement, and TromboneErik's movement, and Mark Greene's movement, and reino's movement, and MFV's movement, and the movement of the 40 some-odd people who have added their second to this thread...

... then why can't we get answers to simple, quickly answerable questions about Unity08's financial business?

If it's not going to be "My Movement," if it's going to be the plaything of some well-heeled insiders, then at least be honest about it.

If it is going to be "My Movement" after all, then answering questions about information that should have already been disclosed three and six months ago is the least that Unity08 should do.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

MFV an Independent on January 3, 2025 - 9:56am

Uo8 Moderators: Why don't you answer these guys questions about your finances? I don't understand what the problem is. I know nothing about campaign finances, but in the interest of keeping this movement going I wish you would answer their questions so the movement can focus on what it was created to do. Have a good day.

One Must Walk The Walk!

vankloten on January 2, 2025 - 9:46pm

Oh, and another thing, Popo, WHAT in the blazes are you doing?

popo on January 3, 2025 - 6:52am

Vankloten, follow the bouncing ball - it will all become clear !!


vankloten on January 2, 2025 - 9:45pm

Hi. I just want to add my voice here and ask that Unity08 answer these questions. Ms. Harris's "answers" are not answers.

reino on January 2, 2025 - 11:37pm

Ms. Harris's answers are a joke. Unity08 has received a small number of donations and written a small number of checks. I am in charge of a nonprofit that receives and writes more checks and is able to keep track of them despite having zero employees--we consist entirely of volunteers who have other jobs.

The founders of this site and members of the steering committee are not leading. (Do any of them read the Shoutbox on a daily basis? A weekly basis? How about annually?) This organization is dying on the vine. It would be pathetic for an organization dedicated to clean money to not be able to keep its money clean, and it would be pathetic for an organization named Unity08 to not be able to last until 2025.

I am beginning to think that Newt Gingrich would be a perfect candidate for this party: someone who always criticized other people for being unethical while being even more unethical himself, and somebody who became an unpopular joke.

If Unity08 cannot answer questions about its finances, maybe it can answer this question: Why should anybody take it seriously as an organization? It starts from an interesting premise, but that's not enough to sustain it over time.

Mark Greene on January 3, 2025 - 9:56am

I love it! While I don't ascribe to "the Founders" some of the bad faith suggestions that James has voiced repeatedly, I remain unimpressed with the progress or focus (or lack thereof) in Unity 08 thus far. Likening them to Newt should stick a burr under at least some of their saddles.

Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

jamesmcook on January 3, 2025 - 10:27am

Thanks for the comment, Mark. I've posted over here about my own background and intentions after a post by Unity Chief Operating Officer Anya T. Harris that I interpreted as ascribing "mal-intent" to me. But since then others have encouraged me to read her comment here as suggesting I assume "mal-intent" on the part of Unity08.

So, to clarify: I don't necessarily think that Unity08 has "mal-intent," if by "mal-intent" you mean a group of people cackling in a small room as they rub their hands and plan to do acknowledged eeeevil. The world is not populated by cartoon villains.

I don't know what Unity08's intent is. I don't know what the intent of the members of the staff or the Founders' Council is.

What I'm focused on is the BEHAVIOR of Unity08, since that's what is observable and that's what is consequential. Any organization can claim it is for financial transparency and say that financial transparency is "sorely lacking in politics today." I want Unity08 to walk its talk. I want Unity08 to actually be financially transparent in its behavior.

Intentions, whether of me or you or Unity08, are just pretty decorations.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

Anya Harris on January 4, 2025 - 2:27pm

We hear y'all loud and clear. By week's end the updated $200+ donor list will be posted on the web site, as promised. We will be working harder to keep the listings updated monthly. The IRS filings have been made and although we dont know when they will be available on their web site. The information has been updated and filed. More comin' at cha later...

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