Why Hasn't Unity08 Registered As a PAC as Instructed by the Federal Election Commission?

posted by jamesmcook on January 5, 2025 - 12:23pm
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On October 10, 2025, the Federal Election Commission issued its final advisory opinion regarding Unity08. A list of FEC advisory opinions with links to full PDF documentation shows no follow-up opinion. The opinion reads:

"The Commission concludes that Unity 08 will have to register as a political committee once it makes expenditures in excess of $1,000, and therefore will be subject to the amount limitations, source prohibitions, and reporting requirements of the Act."


"Unity 08 will become a political committee once it makes more than $1,000 in expenditures. Unity 08 must register with the Commission by filing a statement of organization within ten days after becoming a political committee, and it will be subject to the provisions of the Act and Commission regulations applicable to political committees."


"The Commission notes that Unity 08 must also register as a political committee if it accepts more than $1,000 in contributions."

Unity08 had already met these standards by end of 3Q 2025. The ten days have therefore long since passed.

Unity08 specifically stated it would follow the FEC advisory opinion:

"The FEC will determine whether or not we are a political committee for FEC purposes. Obviously we will follow their opinion."

The FEC updates its filed reports with promptness:

"Information taken from the reports committees file with the FEC is available to the public within 48 hours of the agency’s receipt of the report. Reports filed electronically are available on the web almost instantaneously."

A thorough search of FEC documents indicates no filing, including the F1 Statement of Organization that a PAC files to register with the FEC. The search was tailored for any FEC filings or statements and was set to turn up any PAC with the letters “unity” in it — even PACs with the word “Community” appeared — and so was quite inclusive.

Today, Unity08.com updated its donations FAQ page. The phrase "in the spirit of financial transparency, which is sorely lacking in politics today" was removed. Also removed was a pledge to update financial reports once a month. Added was the following text:

"On January 31, we will make our regularly scheduled filing to the IRS for the fourth quarter of 2025."

But a filing to the IRS is made for Section 527 organizations. The FEC advisory opinion instructs Unity08 to register as a Political Action Committee.

Given the above information, what explains this discrepancy?

Answering this question would show a commitment to the spirit of financial transparency, which IS sorely lacking in politics today.

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jamesmcook on January 22, 2025 - 5:37pm


Why no answer to the second round of questions -- questions you solicited from me and said you'd do your best to get answers for?

Is it that the Unity08 executives are unwilling to answer the questions, that they are unable to answer the questions -- or something else?

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

U08Moderator1 on January 11, 2025 - 2:42pm

I've followed up with the Unity08 leadership regarding this question. Here's the full scoop...

Unity08 has filed a court challenge to the FEC advisory opinion issued last fall that asserted the FEC's authority to regulate our activities, including setting contribution limits. We requested that advisory opinion because Unity08 is a new entity, and we wanted guidance to be sure that we operate in accordance with all applicable elections laws.

We believe that the FEC’s response was inconsistent with several Supreme Court cases which have established Constitutional limitations on the reach of the FEC. Until our court challenge is resolved, we will not register with the FEC, which is appropriate and typical under these circumstances. But we HAVE precisely followed the contribution limitations the FEC’s advisory opinion called for, and we have reported to the IRS the contribution and expenditure information that we would otherwise report to the FEC.

Once the court challenge has run its course we will, of course, comply with the final decision on this issue and all associated reporting requirements.

Please let me know if you have any follow up questions and I'll do my best to get them answered.

bigbear on January 16, 2025 - 10:08am

I have been concerned, over the last few years, over the liberal leanings of all media reports provided to the public. In my opinion, the only reporter who faithfully represents his calling is Brit Hume. I have never heard him interpret any news in a biased manner, and appreciate the effort that he makes to report facts, instead of rumor, innuendo and outright bias.
If Unity 08 really wants to be bipartisan and provide a balanced slate of nominees, they need to provide factual news reports that refute the claims of politicians. For example, the Democrats have claimed for several years that they were misled. I finally read the entire Resolution, HJ Res.114. Very little is referring to the WMD that they say was the reason that they were misled. From that, I infer that most who voted for the war had other reasons, and therefore are lying about why they changed their minds, using WMD as an excuse. That, in turn, misleads voters. In addition, there is no factual reporting coming out of Iraq about the good that we are doing. The daily death and injury reports seem to be produced solely to antagonize the public into opposing the war.
Since we are already there, reporting should be factual, so as to allow Americans to draw an honest conclusion about what is happening in Iraq.
I could go on, but you get the picture. I hope that the message is worthwhile.

MFV an Independent on January 16, 2025 - 3:58pm

The news media is biased towards the democrats, they very seldom report on good news because of two reasons. First they want our troops out because that is what the democrats want.(I would submit 70% of the American public wants them out too. Secondly, human nature really is more interested in the bad news first. I cannot explain its just been my observation over the years. But I am willing to give Bush this one last chance to get it right. For the sake of the fallen we should give it our all one more time. I am talking 6-9 months, not years. If there has not been substantial progress by then we need to start a phased withdrawl and turn over combat to the Iraqi Army like we did the S.Vietnamese. If they cannot keep Iraq united, so be it. We should not be looking at years in Iraq the American public will not permit it.

An Independent

smhiott on January 16, 2025 - 8:23pm

I supported the war from the start and I still am convinced that it was the right thing to do. However, I believe that several mistakes have been made and the top two that comes to mind is dismissing the army and civil servants. I also think that from the git go our media and the democrats undermined the effort to achieve a successful venture. I agree with you that if we cannot achieve positive result in the next several months then it is time to cut our losses and get out. until then a little more support is needed.

Mark Greene on January 11, 2025 - 11:38pm

Sorry for the lag - out in training all week. I will try to get back on the boat this weekend...

In the interim, a brief observation: I will be absolutely amazed if any federal court holds that Unity 08 is anything other than an FEC reportable PAC when its only stated purpose is to affect the selection/election of a federal candidate for a federal office in a specific election. The defense is...?

Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

jamesmcook on January 11, 2025 - 8:36pm

Thank you. I sincerely appreciate the answer. Relatively prompt answers like these boost my estimation of Unity08 as a viable organization.

I do have a few very specific factual follow-up questions:

1. With what court is this challenge filed?
2. Is Unity08 willing to post copies of the documents it has submitted to this court on the Unity08.com website?
3. Is Unity08 paying legal fees for this process, or are they being paid by some other person or entity (if so, who?)
4. When do you expect this court process to be resolved?

1. Why is Unity08 determined to register as a 527 organization if it is voluntarily following FEC contribution and expenditure requirements for PACs?
2. Are there FEC requirements for PACs other than contribution and expenditure information that Unity08 is NOT currently following, or has not in the past followed?
3. The IRS is notably slow in posting submitted 8872 disclosure forms. Forms (to correct factual errors of previous 8872 forms) submitted at the beginning of this month to the IRS have not been posted for download. Will Unity08 post copies of these completed forms to its website, now and in the future?

Again, I appreciate your willingness to get these questions answered. I agree with Unity08 that "transparency is essential to the public's trust."

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

CampaignTrek on January 9, 2025 - 5:03pm

Here is the link to search the IRS database for 527 political organization disclosure documents:


A report for Q3 is on file, but it looks like the same document as before, not the "final" report.

jamesmcook on January 9, 2025 - 5:30pm

Right, and no updated 2Q report either. The IRS takes a good, long month before posting documents -- which is why Unity08 should always post a copy.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

CampaignTrek on January 6, 2025 - 2:38am

Here is the link to search the FEC website for financial disclosure filings:


Unity 08 isn't in it.

jamesmcook on January 8, 2025 - 2:19pm

You're right, Trek, there's no registration, not even an F1 Statement of Organization.

I'm sure there's a simple answer to the question of Unity08's behavior, but the organization seems rather unconcerned with providing such an answer to us little people.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

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