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  • Ron Paul is truly the ONLY Constitutionalist in the race on either side of the party. The mass media would like to choose our future President. Ron Paul is a ten term Congressman from Texas. He served in our U.S. Military, and is a Medical Doctor who has delivered over 4,000 babies. He has been faithfully married to the same woman, Carol Paul, for 50 years. He is truly a man of truth, honesty, strength, wisdom, and values (rarely found with any politician in these dark times). He supports a strong defense at home while simultaneously invoking a much needed U.S. non-interventionest foreign policy abroad. He values Civil Liberties and American individualism above all else! He also: -Has NEVER voted to raise taxes -Has NEVER voted to reduce the freedom of Americans -Has NEVER voted to slowly corrode U.S. sovereignty -Has pushed for us to end old alliances and harmful unfair trade agreements (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, etc.) -Has stood up to Congressional corruption -Has vehemently opposed disasterous American foreign policy -Has supported smaller, more open, and honest Government -Has amazingly supported the American Free Market, Free Market Enterprise, and Privitization -Has upheld the Bill of Rights -Has always voted as a fiscal conservative *He is neither Liberal nor Conservative. He is a Constitutionalist whereby that is implicite of Libertarianism. Thereby, any American who truly believes in The United States Constitution as being the Law of the Land has Libertarian values and ideology. LET'S ELECT A CANDIDATE THAT WILL PUT OUR NATION BACK ON THE RIGHT TRACK, RESTORE OUR REPUTATION ABROAD, MAKE US SAFER AT HOME, RESTORE CIVIL LIBERTIES AND JUSTICE, REDUCE TAXES, SECURE OUR BOARDERS, ALLOW THE FREE MARKET AND FREE PRESS TO GOVERN, BACK OUR WORTHLESS DECLINING CURRENCY WITH GOLD AND ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE (AS WELL AS THE IRS), RESTORE CHECKS AND BALANCES AND REDUCE THE POWER OF A UNITARY EXECUTIVE, END U.S. IMPERIALIST EXPANSIONISM, SAVE US FROM THE BRINK OF NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY VALUE AND LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. If you believe in THIS kind of America...The kind our Founding Father's enscripted onto that historical parchment and dreamed we would have these some odd 200 years later...Than THIS is the Patriot we are looking for. RON PAUL rEVOLution!

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    Party Hangover, Buyer's Remorse, Lesser of 2 Evils Realization