Guest Blogger: Meet In The Middle

posted by Jeremie Jordan on August 11, 2025 - 5:45pm

I believe the more Unity08 succeeds, the more it will ultimately fail. Can a dual headed political Presidency accomplish anything with a partisan congress? Will politicians with good established reputations be willing to cast aside their party affiliations to embark on a new, untested journey with an unproven entity such as Unity08? While voters can be trusted to choose an uncharted direction by supporting Unity08, their support would be continually needed for the Unity08 candidates to have any clout with congress. Only strong approval numbers of the Unity08 Presidency will save it from being cast aside by the jilted members of congress. Don’t believe for one second the lunatic fringe leaders like Kennedy, Pelosi, Lott, King, and Harkin are going to welcome Unity08 with open arms. Lifetime politicians don’t like it when someone else puts their hand in the cookie jar; especially Ted Kennedy [sorry, Ted is my Achilles’ heel and I couldn’t resist at least one jab].

So, as we stand ready to venture forth with Unity08, I believe the leaders of this movement have come to a crossroads. My hope is that they resist the temptations that will align them with the castoffs of the Democratic and Republican parties. I am guessing a large portion of the early Unity08 supporters are frustrated Democrats tired of Republican control and Republicans disenchanted with the results from their hold on power. To remain a viable solution to the current climate of gridlock in Washington, Unity08 needs to remain true to the center. We will all maintain our strict beliefs that define where we stand politically, but by supporting Unity08 we are declaring we want to meet in the middle to attempt to find a common solution free from the pollution of political action committees.

I have my doubts that Unity08 will achieve anything greater than a few thousand proclamations of support by passing web surfers, but I have my hope. And my hope is that we send a message to Washington that while we agree to disagree, we need constructive dialogue that will move this great country forward.

Jeremie Jordan is a blogger from In a Word who usually covers conservative politics with sarcasm and satire.

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Unity08 can succeed at several levels up to and including a history making Presidential Administration. But much attention is due the prerequisite levels.

U08 can establish itself as the "Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval" for all parties and all candidates with the will to moderate political discourse to common interest issues in campaigning and governing. U08 must place before the american people the charter that defines the Standard for that behavior. America will accept it and will work with U08 and their native party or independent interest until they enter the voting booth. One way or the other, they will leave that booth with a better America.

Bill"for what we are together"

Are Being Duped? The Apathy You Feel Toward Your Government and Politics May be Planned.
The Theory of Planned Induced Apathy
By Don M. McNulty

Apathy, the dictionary describes this state of human existence as having a lack of interest; listless condition; unconcerned; and/or indifference. I’ve been thinking about this word and the way we humans end up here. I hear the media, various politicians, and government officials talk about “voter apathy,” and “low voter turn out” at the polls and wonder why the citizenry for the greatest country in the world seem as unconcerned as to what happens in this country, our counties and cities. Although when I talk to my friends and acquaintances they don’t seem unconcerned for the most part. I mean they always have an opinion, and some seem downright angry when you talk about the subject. Of late, I read that American Idol received more votes than the last Presidential election, not voters mind you, but votes nonetheless. As I’ve thought about and studied this condition I began to ask questions of the people around me, like, “Why didn’t you vote in this last election?” The answers I received aren’t going to shock you, because I’m sure most of you reading this would answer in the same way. My subjects would reply, “What good does it do, it’s all rigged anyway”; “there were no real choices”; “why should I - I would be voting between the lesser of two evils.” When you talk to people who did vote, very few were positive about the experience. Their replies were interesting though, I would hear, “Because it’s my right and my obligation”; “because I wanted to try and make a difference, even though I know it won’t”; “I want to be involved.” What I’m beginning to see from one end of the country to the other as I travel, is the amount of frustration and underlying anger in people when they talk about their government. Have you ever said anything like these comments about voting when talking about the government on any level? Are you someone that is feeling a since of frustration with the whole process, to the point of not really caring? If you answered yes to those questions; you are apathetic. Have you ever wondered why the poll takers don’t ask real questions? Is it because they don’t want real answers? Or do they want planned outcomes? I’ve received calls from poll takers and they will ask a question that shouldn’t be answered with a yes or no, but if I wanted to participate in the poll, I had to make a choice. Answer the question with a yes or no, or hang up. But when you are investigating something that is as important to our wants and feelings concerning our governing as some of the polls can be, is that the right way to ask the question? Probably not; in my trek of thought and discussion I found that “apathy” is a condition that is brought on by a feeling of helplessness. The more helpless you feel, the more frustration you feel, the more apathetic you become. When you feel you have no control over the things that affect you, your family or your ability to earn a living or earn the living you know you could earn - then the anger you feel becomes a problem. It will literally affect every area of your life, as you think, why should I vote or participate? Anything I do or try to do won’t make a difference! You know from speaking with others around you that they feel the same way. Most people are as apathetic as you.

The Theory
Okay, let’s get down to this theory I have about apathy. As I began to look at the polls (as skewed as I think most are), and found some do voice in overwhelming numbers what we Americans are feeling. Then I read statistics about the large number of calls or emails our representatives are receiving on certain “hot button” issues, but I see our representatives doing the opposite of what the citizenry is voicing. It is as though they are truly deaf. I have to ask the questions, “Why are they not listening to the voice of the people? Aren’t they there to represent us, we the people?” There are so many times I have seen this happen, I have begun to see a pattern. (Or am I becoming paranoid?) If there is a pattern, there has to be a reason the pattern exists. If these officials are voted into office to represent us, why are they not representing us? While investigating this phenomenon I began to think, what if the representatives want us frustrated, what if they want us apathetic. As to the reasons for this…let me defer that part of the theory for just a minute. I came across a 1965 psychological study by Martin Seligman and S.F. Meir based at the University of Pennsylvania called Learned Helplessness. The book written concerning these studies is “Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Control, New York: Oxford University Press ISBN 0195044673. What the researchers discovered was they can so frustrate their subjects when they tried to accomplish normal activities by blocking that activity at every turn that most of the subjects eventually gave up trying that activity. In other words they became “APATHETIC”. The researchers were able, over a period of years, to prove this theory time and time again. The one anomaly they found was this; approximately one third of the subjects they studied continued to find a way out or around the problem they were presented with no matter what. This led the researchers to believe perhaps a segment of the population may be genetically predisposed to optimism. Isn’t that interesting? So knowing this, would it be so hard to make the leap to see a leader or group of leaders becoming so arrogant and drunk with power that they would turn a blind-eye and a deaf–ear to their constituency, to do nothing more as to frustrate their constituency into apathetic submission? It seems unlikely doesn’t it?

So why would your representatives collectively want you apathetic?
The theory continues like this; the more apathetic you are, the less involved in what’s happening. If you are not involved, you become ignorant (not stupid, just uneducated) about any issue. If you are ignorant, the natural response is to follow the leader. When we follow the leader through ignorance we ascribe more power to that leader or representative than what they are due. Thus they have more latitude to move unhindered, and unchecked. The old adage of “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is correct. Why else do they continue to pass laws they don’t even read, and then exempt themselves from those laws, and fight over the most trivial conflict? They are forever continually pointing fingers at someone else and never accept blame for their actions or the actions of the Congress have they worked in. When a big issue comes along like, “Illegal Immigration” and the American people have more than voiced their opinion time and time again, screaming at their televisions sets and radios for years, the politicians are turning a deaf ear once again. WHY? If they can get you to become so frustrated you can’t stand it any longer, they know, you will give up, shut up and walk away saying, “it doesn’t do any good, I’m just one person.” They know you will give up rather than continue to fight because fighting is unpleasant and hard. So, once again they have won the game of PLANNED INDUCED APATHY. (read story below)

What if this isn’t collusion?
Let me use the following analogy. Most of us know or have known a woman who has been abused by her husband. The woman is told and shown through her abuser by physical abuse that she can do nothing apart from him. Every time she tries to make things better (trying to find away around her problem) he’s there to smack her down physically and/or mentally frustrating every move she makes to make things better in her family to fulfill his warped view of control. After so much of this abuse she becomes apathetic, subject to whatever whim her abuser wants. She goes along to get along, and learns to function within the ever changing boundaries he has set. If she ever gets to the point of escaping his rant and threats of further retribution grow even worse. My point is this; the abuser’s control isn’t so much a planned thing. He doesn’t set down and plan I’m going to be abusive so I can whip my wife into submission. No I believe this action stems from an injured psychological view point of life, but the outcome is the same.

Even if our leader’s intent isn’t a planned coup d'état on our psyche, the resulting apathy is the end sum.

So, what is the answer?
The answer lies within you.
• First, you become aware of what is happening to you and to your fellow citizens.
• Secondly, becoming so angry you are determined to see real change.
• Third, seeing change through to its conclusion.

But, here’s the problem
The problem or setback that comes into play - is that a person who has been programmed into apathy has a hard time making the commitment to fix the problem, to seeing it through. Remember, it is the problem you want to fix that drove you to apathy in the first place. We give up to early, because the road seems really hard and the problems insurmountable. My view is that the problems only seem insurmountable because that is what you’ve been programmed to see. Like the abused woman who’s abuser make’s them feel they can’t do anything apart from the abuser, thus programming “perceived helplessness and apathy.”

What needs to happen?
Some of the change that needs to take place is you and I becoming more involved. Turning off American Idol or Grey’s Anatomy (well at least recording it so you can watch later) and attending your school board meeting, the monthly City Council or Planning and Zoning meetings. Finding ways to become more knowledgeable about today’s events and issues and forming your opinion and voicing that opinion to your leaders. Without being ashamed or beaten back by their silence or ridicule. For example, One day in a Chamber of Commerce meeting I confronted then Senator John Danforth about the IRS never balancing their own books or the Congress’ lack to balance the budget and how if that were business we would be forced to lay-off workers and disciplinary actions would follow and we would be forced to get a hold of the problem. My question was then followed by the applause of the audience (showing agreement). Right off the bat he stated I shouldn’t be listening so much to talk radio and how laying off good people in the government wasn’t going to solve our problems. That was it, that was my answer. Then he thanked the Chamber for inviting him to the lunch and closed the Q and A even though I was still standing. I should have demanded a real answer to my question, now that I look back at the whole situation, but I thought I would be embarrassed by pressing a guest. I have been in management and a business owner for many years and if I had received an answer like that from a subordinate (which he was in reality) I would have fired them on the spot. I should have never backed down, and I won’t in the future, and neither should you.
Next, I really think we are at the point for the whole country to “voting the bums out.” I think there should be an immense movement across the country to clean the entire Congress. Now, when you start talking this way, listen to what the good leaders of the day say. “Well, if you vote me out, the other areas of the country won’t and the way we’ve set up the Congress is on seniority, not merit, so your new representative will be starting from scratch and we won’t get the good programs (as much pork) back to our precinct.” Compare that to the abuser and his wife…sound familiar? DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU! We need leaders that take real responsibility, that won’t run from the problems of the day because it is not expedient to a political career. We need to take back the incentive to get into Congress and stay there forever, by removing retroactively much of their over burdening and grossly inflated retirement plans. We need to make sure they are working I mean actually working, reading bills all the way through and knowing what is inside each bill and subjecting themselves to the same law they are willing to pass onto us. We want representatives that are there to work in behalf of the country and not their party or their career. We want to be ruled by law not by government. We need a way to revoke a setting judge if they become activist or derelict of duty. Although we are a Republic which is ruled by law to protect the little guy or small groups, fringe groups need to be checked.

If we cannot get back to the basics this great country of ours was founded on, and the frustration level of the people keep rising, we will see sometime in the future demonstrations of violence not demonstrations of peace as they should be. We will be like those in other countries that cannot respect the belief or thoughts of our follow citizens because they are just too abused to take it anymore. So whose fault will this be? Believe me when I tell you, “The fish stinks from the head down.”

Don M. McNulty
Blue Springs, MO

Don Straus

Yes this theory of apathy is proved by an exact 50/50 split at elections... if nothing else telling us we now have a facist two headed monster for political choice in America... this is why Unity08 must be an exodus of the two parties, not an extension of... not that either would be different candidates, just that this line must be met to win...
Earn Snyder
Author "$aving the bureaucracy - Killing the beast"
Modern Progressive Independent

Planned Apathy
donmcnulty on August 11, 2025 - 9:45pm

A contrast of two cultures:

During the second week of January 1998, the eastern U.S. and eastern Canada, quebec and the maritime provinces got belted with an unexpected and severe 100 year ice storm that affected 10 million people. All power was out for 5-10 days and the temperature was 10 degrees nights and below freezing days. They survived without fanfare. No FEMA, no disaster funding or national guard. And no b*tchin and moaning. They were hardy folks who generally were self sufficient. Community actions and neighborly support kept the old and infirmed warm and the youth broke the ice dams on the roofs and delivered food to where it was needed. Transportation was shared. Six months later and all was forgotten.

Fast forward: August 2025. Katrina in New Orleans. They had 2 days warning to seek shelter and supplies and to prepare. What happened was a disaster, not so much from the storm, but more from apathy. It seems that many didn't even stock some water and non-parishables. No one took care of the most vulnerable. Instead it turned into a looting expedition and the search for a scapegoat. They found one. Crying victim was easier than doing something positive. Louisiana politicians fiddled while the governed suffered. It would be common sense if one lived 8 feet below sea level and in the path of major hurricanes, that property insurance would be in order. Nope, think again. This is the downside to apathy. This is what happens when government is substituted for personal responsibility. This is the end game when voters intentionally select the political corrupted over competent candidates. They got what they deserved.

Since Watergate it seems people have become very cynical about politics and government. Unless they have a pet issue they are passionate about they fade into apathy. If Unity08 can accomplish the simple goal of giving people a stake, a feeling of engagement in politics - I think this project will be a success.
K Johnson

It will take us 270 Electoral Votes to beat them... them, being the Republicans and the Democrats. With about 45% of our electorate classified as Independents, you would think we should coast to election because of the anti-incumbent feelings and the yearning for simple change.

We seem to have a message, but no messenger. Who will that be? Who will rise up and be our nominee for the presidency? Does it have to be a household name? I say not. If we look at recent history, a man named Jimmy Carter, who was first known as "Jimmy Who"?, was not a bad president at all. In fact, members of his own party, the Democratic liberals, crippled Carter, before he ever got started. Other more known people in politics were destroyed by their respective parties.. Nelson Rockefeller for the Republicans, ( and time will tell the tale whether Joe Lieberman, ends up like Carter and Rockefeller) All of these people were centrists, in parties that advocate liberal and only conservative ideas.. period.

We need that balance that centrist, common sense, to take us to victory. I still believe it does not have to be a household name, just someone who has some basic common sense, and understands the American people.

I am ready for this challenge to find the right man or woman for our cause. They must be serious candidates not spooks, weirdos, or fly by nights, or flash in the pans.. LET US FIND THAT PERSON TO GET TO 270!

Kirk Polizzi
Chillicothe, IL

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