The single most effective change to fix Congress

posted by JazzyJake on August 16, 2025 - 11:33am

To eliminate graft and enable a Congressman to vote on principle the single most effective change would be for both Houses to pass a procedural rule that all amendments to a bill must be germane. Another way of stating this is that a bill can only have one purpose.

This would prohibit earmarks, reduce vote swapping incentives and produce simpler and better legislation.

Simple, very simple.

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Wow, of anything I've suggested, I'd think this is the most sensible and practical.

It would stop 1/4 million dollar bridges and other graft with a very simple solution. It would also greatly simplify the legal code and encourage votes based on merit.

Common sense - the cure for stupid!

1 bill - 1 vote.

Toss in term limits for all elected officials and congress might become "of the people, for the people".

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