i'm wondering when all the shouting gets done........
when we (unity08) look in the mirror ; will we see the current " US congress " staring back at us ?
Perhaps the only thing(s) common is/are:
~ geography,
~ secular law(s) of the land,
~ co-existence (i'm hoping),
~ mutual respect (another hope) &
~ pursuit of opportunities, as well as, pursuit of disappointments.
~ my " preferred starting point " for a/the unity08 platform:
an outstanding (concise/logical) website to review the myriad number of political issues of today at:
lnk ~ understand2008
(i can agree with 80% of its issues............Unity08 could learn much from this website, i'm thinking.)
(note: I ain't sure about the motives of the creator of the above site...tho. he claims he is looking for objectivity. Obviously, he would have his own agenda in mind.)
(it (website) needs to address Health care with more specifics...i'm thinking)
sample from the site:
Now, more than ever, Republicans and Democrats take the same path:
They offer us candidates from the same tired parties (which gives us no choice at all, really)
How does this make us feel eager to vote?
How does this make us feel as though we are truly making a difference with our vote?
They create obvious walls of differences
This establishes an "all-or-nothing" mentality in selection. How is this democracy?
These differences bring religious beliefs into discussions that should not be deciding these issues.
They bring forth complicated issues which are clearly dependent on other issues, but do not draw the correlation between them
This muddles information, which confuses the public.
They do not use technology to present their viewpoints, yet they do not have a history of reviewing past successes/failures.
Accountability is no longer believed to be possible in government
Government failures are hidden to ensure no accountability; in turn, this ensures government workers' job protection.
Checks and Balances fail to inform us of legislators' proficiencies or lack thereof (or no public emphasis), yet we have knowledge of this for other occupations and demand the results (e.g., transportation).
I agree, tried to reply but the post is gone. I agreed with about 90% myself.
Betty McLeod
PA 06
i don't know who is responsible for this site at:
but i agree with 90% of it...........a lotta work went into it, i'm thinking
i'd add support for Universal health care to the platform....
and more separation of church vs state issue.....
church issues should be personal.......
Good one there Germ. We should reference that site as we cobble together the Fiscal Planks. All these other issues rest on the Fiscal "Doability" Factor so like having "Fiscal" as the base like in the chart.
In conjunction with that site, I've created another "Entitlements/Questions-to-ask" Forum that has Fiscal at the center - http://unity08.com/node/1629
DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com
Hi guys, I haven't been on the web much lately - Jake Jacobson and I have started workng the field, made two presentations on MOnday to rwo different groups - on the 19th we start in earnest at the Boca Pointe Golf & Country Club Community Center ..
We're working to develop a format to offer other delegates that want to give Group Talks, we're co-ordinating this wth Bob Roth ..
You can always email me at popopete@hotmail.com
Pete (popo) Evans
ps Be sure to keep monitoring www.america-21stcentury.com it's all designed to help the cause
The "White" section, which is to espouse the "independent" (non-Dem, non-Rep) point of view immediately starts talking about the Libertarian Party apparatus and caucaus groups.
There's an identifiable trend of Libertarian-related sites that aim to serve as gateways to the party (The "World's smallest political quiz" is a well known example). Usually they frame themselves as not belonging to any party, but lead you in the Libertarian (Party) direction. For those not familiar, the Libertarian party was founded in the 1970s ('74 I believe), somewhat inspired by the teachings of fiction writer Ayn Rand, who wrote "The Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged."
The problem was that the official platform had a tendency to be radical; by way of analogy, if that which ails us is being an overweight, out of shape nation, the best method to solve this problem via the libertarian way was to start chopping at the waistline with a machete. Specifically the platform usually consisted of a list of government institutions (sometimes all of them) that would be eliminated immediately. From the ashes of this purge would arise shiny new, infallible private industry; all problems would be solved.
That being said, this site seems to be promoting a much more sober, and less "traditional" version. Perhaps the party is moving away from extreme ideology and towards pratical measures. That would be a more reasonable approach as to what was otherwise an attempt to fuse the extreme left and extreme right through radicalism.
The domain itself was established just a few days ago (7/7/2007) and the registrant is paying to hide the registration behind a proxy company, so we'll not be able to pin it down unless someone comes foward. Likewise, the site lists absolutely no affiliation. This in a world where every site out there has a FAQ or and "About us" link...
Since site has been around for only a few days, and has been "discovered" so quickly, I would suspect that it's been planted to some degree. Perhaps the Libertarian party is looking to siphon Unity members away, since we have had TV exposure these days. The question would be: who first posted a link to this site? Via Google, I can see that no other site out there links to it, so awareness of it had to come directly through personal contact.
Any thoughts?Any clues?
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
GP ~ yes, curious no "about us" info...did concern me.
But the analysis & presentation are really nice.
i'm thinking someone has a lotta money here & a lotta help...
hopefully it ain't some "slick & glossy ~ wall street tycoon"........ugh
i wasn't fond of the iraq resolution he/she presented
~ but the argument was persuasive enough for me to re-calibrate my position on it.
i wasn't fond of re-calibrating my position on "no amnesty" for illegal immigrants
~ but he/she states the practically (fatality) of it........(ugh)
~ as long as enforcement happens 1st (no quid pro quo thingee).
Germanicus: Since you are the one that posted the link, how did you come to learn about the site?
The site can only be found on Google if you specifically search the domain name. This means you'd have to know the site to find it. It's not linked to any other search terms, "buzzwords", or referenced by other sites. It came here via person to person contact. How did you find out about it?
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
ah ~ good question... it showed up about 1am california time via the blogs sidebar.
(sometimes i can't sleep, so i was rattling around........at the time)
i went to see the profile on the post.....as usual nothing there....
curiosity on my part........
i was impressed, obviously.......
this mysterious he/she will eventually have to show themselves.....
assuming he/she has political aspirations.....hopefully this person ain't a career politician (ugh)
that's all i know ..........:)
Can you send a link? I'm just curious; always interested in the entrypoints of new sites.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
the post i saw on our unity08 site....via unity08/speakout (tab)/blogs / sidebar...
on this page in the speakout (tab) / shoutbox menus ~ http://unity08.com/node/1161?page=4
via lnk ~ http://unity08.com/node/1161
his/her original post:
Submitted by Understand2008 on July 12, 2025 - 3:00am.
This site breaks down the issues in a clear, non partisan format.
reply report as spam
I agree totally. But the node is gone. I cannot find the message anywhere and I've looked. Even tried to cut and past what you have and it does not come up. Go figure.
Betty McLeod
PA 06
its kinda outta sequence...........i sort on newest first...
Home » Speak Out » Shoutbox » General Discussions » Agenda/Platform?
Constructing the New American Agenda - Super Majority Positions
on last page, 2nd to last post..........
Thanks, Germanicus. I finally found it. I think it's a pretty good informational site. I wish that Unity had its own sorta-platform like this. Further, I think Unity should be posting political stories on a daily basis like sites such as dailyKOS - but putting a centrist wrapping on them. If we are to unite we need the leadership to put a perimeter around "centrist thinking" on a regular basis.
My only critique with the Understand2008 site is that it appears to be another clandestine Libertarian promotion site. There's nothing truly wrong with that, of course, but I wish the user who is posting it would just come out and state that the site is an advocate for an existing political party.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
i actually originally thought it was posted by someone within Unity08.....
someone within unity08 just trying to test the waters..........
don't mind me....i'm supicious of all kinds of thingees..........:)
Please pardon the use of a proxy - I refrained from posting my identity on the site because I wanted my message communicated without prejudice or disqualification. As our politics/media can often employ in order to discount a message which is viewed as threatening or dare I say radical. In addition, I was not looking for recognition but felt an obligation to my fellow American. I often contemplated signing all references as "Cato the Younger", a pun from the age of our founding fathers whom attempted the same at the birth of our nation; but spared the public or perhaps myself.
As the site states, I do not have a party affiliation (does My Plan place me in a party? please send me a comment at feedback@understand2008.com). I apologize that the White section starts with Libertarian - if it offends. I can surely reorder the parties in that section if it pleases the public. The site originally was created because my close family was polarized; much like the nation. I sit back in amazement as people have such strong views about each topic - therefore, I wrote the letter below after making the site; since people tend to tune out over one issue and never give you the chance to move to the next... let alone 10+. I do not have a lot of money - but I am technically capable and enjoy building sites that help the average person (either in work or life). I fund this entirely out of pocket and advertise with approx 10 keywords in Google and Yahoo every day. (If you link to me from your blog it is most appreciated)
------Letter sent to friends-----
I extend a site out to my family and friends which I have assembled to outline the issues affecting the next presidential election. While I generally do not discuss this with most, the site seeks to explain in a non-partisan method, the relationship of complex issues effecting America in a manner to assist in digesting the overall information so often misplaced in the medium (circus) we call television.
Perhaps this may be of service to you or your friends, it only serves to provide a platform in which to set my mind at ease; being that I have tried my best give back to what is ultimately our combined efforts; democracy. I do not pretend to assume nor insinuate a candidate capable of representing your beliefs; that is a personal choice but to outline issues that should help us maintain our way of life.
I have had suggestions to write about Health Care (and I am researching it now) - sorry work is abit heavy right now and writing is time consuming. I will try to be fair to both sides of the issue - like the others. I did see SiCKO and really wanted to write the section after seeing it - as I love a good documentary but would have been too biased (media is strong). Though I hope to have it done for next week.
"My Plan" is biased to my beliefs - and feel it is my right after presenting the issues in a non threatening, ad free format. Please realize, I do not discount or attack either side when it comes to immigration nor the war. I look at history, our civilization, and the reality of what we as a nation can deliver. I also wish for a car which never needs fuel too, but I live in a world that does not offer that reality. So, I address those sensitive topics from top down point of view of our world today.
I didn't mean to be overly critical of your site. I think it's actually quite excellent. If the Libertarian Party had promoted a platform like yours I would have probably joined in years ago when I first looked into what they stand for.
My tempermant towards your site was somewhat a reflexive backlash in seeing a lot of "veiled" Libertarian sites trying to promote their party, but always denying that they were trying to do it. I've actually had some very comical interactions on that point, online and in person. The denial is sometimes Monty Python-like, and has, over time, left a car salesman sort of dislike. It's too bad, because I think a lot of people would be interest in their party if its proponents didn't market as though they are trying to pull wool over people's eyes.
That being said, your plan is of libertarian flavor (+10 bonus points for the Adam Smith quotation). In fact, I would be a bit surprised if you told me you were not aware of the Libertarian Party and further, not a current/former member of it.
If that is the case, I would really recommend that you check them out, because your ideals and the words you choose to promote them are right out of their book. The major difference is that your version of it is far more realistic than theirs. In any case, it's something you might really want to look into.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
an outstanding (concise/logical) place to review the many varied & politically troubling issues facing us today at:
lnk ~
(i can agree with 90% of the issues presented............Unity08 could learn much from this website.)
Nothing about the general healthcare issues. Why?
Bill"for what we are together"
about healthcare at ~ www.Understand2008.com/OurIssues
yes, that area needed more clarity.....
i asked about that and he's looking into it, now (i hope).
plus a look at "universal healthcare" &
Kucinich's universal health care H.R. # 676 bill now in congress and its impact.
i prefer the bill be amended to cover USA citizens only.....hmmm...
So far 78 co-sponsors have signed on to John Conyer's healthcare reform bill. Lest people mistakenly point to this health care bill and give Kucinich credit in the candidate section - IT IS NOT DENNIS KUNCINICH'S BILL! Library of Congress link showing that sponsorship of this bill belongs to Conyers --- not Kucinich.
ok, sorry, i stand corrected
i believe i gave due credit on node/ forum..........
Germ, ole pal ole buddy, yeah you did. ha ha But you still list Kucinich out of 78 other co-sponsors not mentioned.
That all has me thinking now. Do you by any chance support Kucinich to be on the ticket anywhere?
you caught me........:)
yes, i'm kinda a kucinich fan....
probably, cause it was from him; i first heard about HR 676..........
As a rule, the Libertarian party despises the idea of universal healthcare and things not done by the hands of private industry. The standard Libertarian slogan is "healthcare is not a right!"
This Libertarian Party site seems far more moderate but the healthcare issue is probably one of those sore spots that is avoided in the same way that superman avoids kryptonite.
NOTE TO UNITY TECHNICAL STAFF:You seem to have tag bleed in the site code. Everything above is italics because of the "EM" tag on the root post. That tag forces everything else into italics below it until the tag is closed, Which I can do right here. The coding should close any open tags from each post, and not allow them to spill over throughout the entire page.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
Thanks GP for the heads up on the libertarian mantra.....
i ain't familiar with their views/practices....
and oops, yes..... i put in a code and didn't realize i needed to cap it off at the end.....
It was hard to list/write on all issues, I honestly forgot one. (see post "Not a Libertarian... An American Concerned" above)
It is not hard to subscribe to universal health care. When someone is injured near you, do you keep walking by? Of course not, you help them or at least I hope we would. If you can answer that simple question - it should be your view point on Health Care. After all, a Nation is only as strong as it's people - same as a company.
Now, before I am "labeled" pro-universal health care. I also believe there should be a "fast-pass" for either those with specific conditions or those willing to pay. It is America, and money provides privilege (capitalism is our system). In what form should that payment be or how much - I have not thought on it enough to answer yet.
I do believe the United States has become quite saturated with nationalities - and many fight to hold onto their own groups (dividing us further instead of embracing our culture). We need unification and it is not an easy answer; like most of our issues. Obviously war initially brings us together - but this is not the answer for lasting progress (or for the people in the US from the current (enemy) nation)
I will write on this topic in the future at www.Understand2008.com
thanks for the input........
hmmm.......i'm thinking you should probably re-create this (your) issue/form "understand2008.com/ourissues" somewhere you see fit.
Since the ideas are yours (i just jumped on the bandwagon), i'm thinking you should control the content of this issue & its header content.
i can delete this specific form / issue; and back off.
You are fine with the content/header efforts. I welcome your postings and involvement.
A clear viewpoint of America's issues
I believe many may see Health Care from the perspective of Adam Smith. In the case of the
Wealth of Nations, Mr. Smith was partially correct that capitalism serves to remove the free-loaders from the contributing members of society. A complex production of society requires members to contribute for it to function effectively but I believe this is not quite complete for our times.
Our nation cannot have individuals capable of contributing be forced into bankruptcy either by their illness or from a loved one, and thereby devastating their families both immediate and generations to follow from such health events. This is where Universal Health Care must be provided - in order to maintain our system.
I felt an obligation to add this to my above comment - which may not express clearly and move to bias those reading it.
A clear viewpoint of America's issues
Ron Paul would definitely view any comprehensive health care plan as dangerous as that radioactive green stuff.
The Paul campaign is not just any ol' political campaign it is quickly turning into a social movement. Don't underestimate the 25,000 plus volunteers he has on the ground. They will soon be going door to door spreading the good news that the People finally have a candidate who puts America and Americans first. This will only add more enthusiasts to the groundswell. U08 is looking more and more inconseuquential. It appears Ron Paul has beaten U08 to the punch in taking out country back. Meanwhile delegates at U08 keep trying to come with a bipartisan ticket that is comprised of two "lesser evils". It appears highly likely that Dr. Paul will win the GOP nomination in which case any U08 ticket will be kryptonite to the Dem nominee.
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
That sure is a lot of doors to knock on for that number of people. Better hope that some of that Manna are more volunteers.
This is shaping up to be a battle between the gov't, which includes the MSM, and the People. The GOP is so worried they have decided to replace the traditional paper ballots used in the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll with the heavy artillery, Diebold voting machines! It is no longer politics as usual in America and the PTB's know it. Ron Paul's message of peace and prosperity is well received when heard and the MSM is doing all in their power to make sure as few of the People hear it as possible.
The Revolution is not being televised but it is real and growing!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and put the power back in the hands of the People!
A very well thought out piece. The issues are forever seeming to change but there is always a basic truth that unlies them. You have cut away the fat and shown us the bare bones.
about ~ unity08 platform
i'm wondering when all the shouting gets done........
when we (unity08) look in the mirror ; will we see the current " US congress " staring back at us ?.......
Perhaps the only thing(s) common is/are:
~ geography,
~ secular law(s) of the land,
~ co-existence (i'm hoping),
~ mutual respect (another hope) &
~ pursuit of opportunities, as well as, pursuit of disappointments.
I’d like to see us with a platform / forum similar to this one (80% of it I can agree with…)
lnk ~ understand2008