Unity08 - American Agenda http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/947/0 en 21st Century Governance http://unity08.com/node/4390 <p>Dee Hock, Founder of VISA International . . . . .</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/4390">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/4390#comments American Agenda Fri, 02 Nov 2025 17:01:10 -0700 alex.rose.llc 4390 at http://unity08.com Restore Our Constitution! http://unity08.com/node/4360 <p>Neither Democrats nor Republicans nor the mainstream media like to talk about our two biggest problems:</p> <p>1. Our money supply is growing faster than our economy, and we are spending way too much of it overseas.<br /> 2. An unelected elite bureaucracy called the Partnership for Security and Prosperity of North America is currently implementing plans to dissolve our borders and our constitution.</p> <p>We need to stop the bleeding of our money supply, secure our borders, and restore respect for our constitution. Our situation is extremely dangerous.</p> http://unity08.com/node/4360#comments American Agenda Fri, 02 Nov 2025 13:33:48 -0700 doug217 4360 at http://unity08.com The re-regulation of Industries and services as a means of reducing American poverty. http://unity08.com/node/4356 <p>I noticed that one of the issues on the list of primary concerns, was that of reducing poverty in America. One of the best ways, I can think of, to promote the reduction of poverty in America is to re-establish the regulatory protections which we have allowed to be taken away. Since the providers of products and services, now deregulated, have been allowed to operate on their own, greed, price gouging, and obscene administrative and corporate profits have gotten totally out of control. Even our own Congress has become victim of this same affliction.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/4356">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/4356#comments American Agenda Reducing Poverty in America Re-establishment Of Regulatory Protections. Fri, 02 Nov 2025 13:24:25 -0700 grcraven 4356 at http://unity08.com Music: and the effect on politics http://unity08.com/node/4149 <p>I'm a 23 year old college graduate who has seen the way music changed former generations during the civil rights movement and the vietnam era. growing up, I thought something like that would change my generation.</p> <p>I am disapointed in my own generation for seemingly dropping the ball. Very few bands these days seems interested in speaking out or speaking up. So many individuals seem much more concerned about selling records and making sure no one downloads it for free than actual content.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/4149">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/4149#comments American Agenda Thu, 01 Nov 2025 10:14:21 -0700 patrock 4149 at http://unity08.com WHY, Sadly, Impeachment of Bush is a waste of time http://unity08.com/node/4147 <p>Dear Mr. Sandersfeld:</p> <p>Thanks for your message in support of impeaching the President, Vice President, or both. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/4147">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/4147#comments American Agenda Thu, 01 Nov 2025 10:09:43 -0700 fnature 4147 at http://unity08.com More & easier forum feedback. http://unity08.com/node/4052 <p>I dont want to pick my issues now. I want to know what others have to say first. A usenet unity08 elist would be nice, and a direct logon to forums or email notice of the threads would help. I am not now, going to determine what I want to see in a candidate, or a platform. I want to think about what planks we need to get the consensus to win, and avoid those that lack that consensus.</p> http://unity08.com/node/4052#comments American Agenda Global Climate Change Can we pick our issues later? Thu, 01 Nov 2025 00:11:38 -0700 daybrown 4052 at http://unity08.com