Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - 10 minute tuesday http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/58/0 en Letters to your Editors http://unity08.com/node/2024 <p>For our <strong>10 Minute Tuesday</strong> action yesterday, we asked our membership to send a letter to their local editor or station manager. We also asked you to Cc: or drop us a note to tell us which media outlets you contacted and I can tell you (since I was up half the night answering your emails) that we got tremendous response from you!</p> <p><strong>Thank you!</strong></p> <p>For others that would like to take part in this task, I will paste the sample letter that we sent. Your personal touch will go a long way toward making this more successful, so have at it!</p> <p><strong>--- BEGIN LETTER ---</strong></p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2024">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2024#comments 10 minute tuesday action Wed, 05 Sep 2025 04:49:15 -0700 BobRoth 2024 at http://unity08.com