Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - Candidate Discussion http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/53/0 Which candidates do you want on the ticket? Discuss here. en Forum: New Subscription & Voting Features http://unity08.com/node/2039 <p>I'd like to introduce some new features to our active Shout Box users!</p> <p><strong>SUBSCRIPTION FEATURES</strong></p> <ul> <li>Click on "Edit Your Profile" in the top left corner of this page.</li> <li>Click on the "Subscriptions" tab in your profile. <li>You will see that there are several type of things that you can subscribe to:</li> </ul> <p>"Threads"<br /> Shows which conversations you are subscribed to within the Shout Box. To subscribe to them, you click on the "Subscribe Topic" link at the top of each topic that you are interested in.</p> <p>"Blogs"<br /> Shows which blogs you are subscribed to.</p> <p>"Categories"<br /> Allows you to subscribe to the various categories of the Shout Box.</p> <p>"Content types"<br /> Lets you subscribe to various types of new content, blog entries, forum topics, and/or events.</p> <p>"RSS Feed"<br /> Subscribe you to any piece of new content that is created on Unity08.com.</p> <p><strong>COMMENT VOTING</strong></p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2039">read more</a></p> Candidate Discussion Wed, 05 Sep 2025 06:29:31 -0700 BobRoth 2039 at http://unity08.com we need miltary leadership going forward http://unity08.com/node/2135 <p>our next president should be an experienced military man. someone to lead america in the right direction. it probably wouldnt hurt if both the president &amp; vp were ex-miltary.<br /> but not someone who's military experience is mostly as a pencil pusher, we need<br /> a man who has been in battle and who is intelligent, has common sense, and doesn't make decisions based on ideology or gut feelings, common sense would be refreshing as well.<br /> i will list some that i think would do well and welcome other suggestions as well as other possible candidates who fit the above description.<br /> hagel<br /> webb<br /> clark</p> http://unity08.com/node/2135#comments Candidate Discussion Tue, 18 Sep 2025 17:37:22 -0700 scandalsandskeletons 2135 at http://unity08.com JESUS AND BUDDHA http://unity08.com/node/2132 <p>Or any other two guys with an inside track. We have allowed this country to get so screwed up, wanting every problem solved by the gov't. We have the fed reserve (bank cartel) running the economy with imaginary money, the IRS robbing us blind, the FBI looking in our windows, lobbyist making the law, 486 guys in accounting that can't balance a checkbook, 1 guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of man, old folks(me too) living on the back of young folks, EVERYBODY screaming for "free" health care, I can't go on I'm so disgusted.</p> <p>The point being, there is not a mortal man on this earth that is qualified to run what we have created. If you want change, we are going to have to take some of this bovine fecal matter apart, and re-fit.</p> <p>Or elect a diety to run it.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2132#comments Candidate Discussion Tue, 18 Sep 2025 13:24:18 -0700 JWKABLE 2132 at http://unity08.com Candidate advantages and disadvantages http://unity08.com/node/2120 <p>Lets sort out the advantages and disadvantages of the candidates. A wiki has been started that will help us sort out the advantages and disadvantages of all the candidates but, we need to do this together. Just a little input from everyone and we all can get a better idea of the best candidates for a U08 ticket. All our individual favorite candidates have strong points that appeal to us personally. Here is a chance to simply write those strong points in a wiki. A delegate, GP, has taken the time to get this going - all we have to do is fill in the blanks. It is open to everyone! Just use the link at the end of this message, log-in, go to the candidate link, simply edit the candidate profile advantages and that's all there is to it. Once written down, it is there for everyone to see! The format there facilitates ease of comparison between candidates.</p> <p>What is a wiki? A wiki is a web site containing any number of pages, which allows users to add and edit content collectively. It tracks changes, enables unlimited hyperlinks, allows images to be embedded on the pages, provides a way to create a nested table of contents, provides a mechanism for discussions, and more.</p> <p>The reason this site was started was simply because it is difficult to make comparisons through chat messages alone. This is a tool everyone can use for handy reference and to facilitate discussions here.</p> <p><strong>http://unity-usa.org</strong></p> <p>Development of this handy tool will continue in parallel with discussions here. As more people choose to add just a little bit, it won't be long and we will all have a handy reference to materials that can help us make the best choices for the American Agenda. Hope to see your input there.</p> <p>Phil</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2120">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2120#comments Candidate Discussion Sun, 16 Sep 2025 05:32:52 -0700 Phil_W 2120 at http://unity08.com Hilary Clinton http://unity08.com/node/2091 <p>I prefer Kucinich to all the others, but why does Hilary have more negatives than anyone else? It seems to me that just being a woman is enough of a reason to vote for her. FYI, I'm an 82-year-old veteran of WWII.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2091#comments Candidate Discussion Wed, 12 Sep 2025 18:15:18 -0700 qotezycih 2091 at http://unity08.com Hagel retires for now http://unity08.com/node/2073 <p>He's not a liberal, but is tired of the same old Republican story. After a few months of relfection, maybe he'd be willing to try an independent/Unity bid.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2073#comments Candidate Discussion Tue, 11 Sep 2025 10:17:22 -0700 kimpike1 2073 at http://unity08.com Kurt Hayes http://unity08.com/node/2055 <p>I am creating this topic to redirect Mr. Hayes comments on other topics to the appropriate forum location. Thanks, BobRoth</p> http://unity08.com/node/2055#comments Candidate Discussion Sun, 09 Sep 2025 04:20:44 -0700 BobRoth 2055 at http://unity08.com The ticket http://unity08.com/node/2019 <p>At this point in time, I have pretty much narrowed my field down to a Presidential candidate and a Vice Presidential candidate. To preface my choices, I believe that I should explain my beliefs, which are not in the California or Massachusetts definitions of Main Stream. I am somewhat over six decades of age, served twenty years in the military, hold a BS and was a professional. I now supplement my income as a Security Guard. I have been a Republican all the time, because I believe in smaller government and a person's right to succeed or fail on their own. I am distressed that no party has those beliefs today.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2019">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2019#comments Candidate Discussion Mon, 03 Sep 2025 10:09:46 -0700 bigbear 2019 at http://unity08.com Richard H. Clark http://unity08.com/node/2011 <p>Well gee whiz guys...<br /> I've got quite a growing following too!<br /> Why am I not here yet?<br /> Am now!<br /> :)</p> <p><strong>ME!</strong></p> <p>Why?<br /> Honesty. Rock-solid Morals. Rock-solid Values.<br /> And of course a few dozen other good reasons...</p> <p>Please visit our site, at www.MiddleClass2008.com.</p> <p><strong><br /> Richard H. Clark<br /> Independent Presidential Candidate<br /> www.MiddleClass2008.com<br /> </strong></p> http://unity08.com/node/2011#comments Candidate Discussion Fri, 31 Aug 2025 13:25:55 -0700 middleclass2008 2011 at http://unity08.com What candidates can we reasonably think MIGHT move to Unity 08? http://unity08.com/node/1985 <p>Something it seems alot of you are ignoring... you're throwing around names of people who have not shown any interest either in running for president or leaving their party. Here are a few examples:</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1985">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1985#comments Candidate Discussion Mon, 27 Aug 2025 16:11:17 -0700 DelegateSol 1985 at http://unity08.com