Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - Suggestions for General Discussions http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/51/0 Post them here. If they are going to last more than a couple weeks, we'll create one. en IMPEACH http://unity08.com/node/2243 <p>I waould like to encourage all DEM supporters who would like to see where impeachment would lead to stop all Dem contributions until Pelosi puts impeachment back on the table. Thanks</p> http://unity08.com/node/2243#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Thu, 04 Oct 2025 10:04:13 -0700 lickbush 2243 at http://unity08.com Elect a Team not a person(s) http://unity08.com/node/2096 <p>This is a very large country and I think it is silly to believe one person can run it on their own. Thats why they have cabinets, to help them govern. So, how about the idea of promoting the election of a Team to the White House instead of just one or two people? We could pick the President and Vice President but they would have to let it be known who they would like to have or who is going to be in their cabinet. I think it would give some real insight into how such an administration would function. Also it would let us see how persons of opposite ideologies would pick a team. It would be I believe, a small test of their abilities cooperate with each other.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2096#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Thu, 13 Sep 2025 11:36:10 -0700 mikerachellong 2096 at http://unity08.com Complete change in Washington http://unity08.com/node/2080 <p>After carefully reviewing the recent survery taken by Unity 08, and listening to the various ongoing statements made by the current members of Congress, The Senate, and the Executive Branch, I am of the opinion that we must make a drastic change and clean house.</p> <p>Although I believe that the Unity 08 movement has merrit, what really neads to be accomplished is a program that will insure that the very best people are running this country. With the current political environment, those persons that could really perform a great service and actually make serious changes refuse to get involved. The risks that they take are so tremendous and so demeaning that they simply do not want to subject themselves or their families to such nonsense.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2080">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2080#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Tue, 11 Sep 2025 18:58:26 -0700 hmonty 2080 at http://unity08.com Constitutional amendment http://unity08.com/node/2056 <p>Since we all know where the true power lies in the US today, we should change the office of the President of the US to Chairman of the Board of the US.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2056#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Sun, 09 Sep 2025 05:42:48 -0700 eingram1 2056 at http://unity08.com Diversity Falls Short http://unity08.com/node/1987 <p>IMO,</p> <p>Diversity without assimilation will continue to divide us and be our undoing. It used to be common to hear people say that America is a <cite>melting pot</cite>. It used to be a proud feature of our American heritage to boast about the strength we have found in assimilating diverse ethnic, cultural, and religious traditions into the American landscape. While it is true that it is the duty of newer people to assimilate by learning about citizenship, our history, and our laws; it is equally important that public policy be designed to allow for assimilation that promotes the general welfare. Today, I hear more about celebrating diversity but, little or nothing is said about assimilation. I never hear public discourse that uses the words "diversity" and "assimilation" in the same sentence. By leaving an important step out of the discussion we have become vulnerable to <cite>fear mongering</cite> in the public forum.</p> <p>Our separation of the two concepts ignores the symbiotic relationship between diversity and assimilation. Diversity alone makes us more prone to stereotyping and, in some cases, has become synonomous with an outside threat. Case in point is the fear brought about by extremism. 9/11 and fear mongering have made us susceptible to a thinking that equates extremism, terrorism, and Islam. We must resist the temptation. We did not think that way when Catholics and Protestants were killing one another on the Bristish Isles. One Centrist challenge is to marry diversity to assimilation to get public policy on the right track again.</p> <p>For instance, I welcome an assimilation of Muslim Americans into the American landscape if only to help us fend off efforts to turn our governing body into a Christian Theocracy. Assimilating diverse traditions into the American landscape can only help us to understand one another better, see our commonalities, and to forge a governing perspective that is separate from our individual religious beliefs. I am truly grateful for religious leaders that place emphasis on the need to keep the <cite>hereafter</cite> religious judgements of a group of people separate from the <cite>here and now</cite> governing judgements of all the people. Wedge issues that arise out of diverse belief structures only hurt those entities and our governing abilities.</p> <p>By the same token, secular humanitarian concerns find their way into the debate as a wedge issue when it comes to enforcing immigration laws. Laws that are instituted to promote our general welfare must take priority over the emotionally charged moment that such a wedge issue engenders. Laws cover a broad swath of established concerns ranging from national security to our ability to chart our own destiny and can not be trumped on purely emotional grounds.</p> <p><cite>. . . to promote the general welfare . . . </cite>Our inability as a country to marry diversity to assimilation reflects current governing problems. The sheer growth of the numerous lobbying groups is a movement to focus on our diversity alone. Each diverse group is compelled to pursue its own interests because it no longer feels tied to an all encompassing governing goal that promotes the general welfare. When are we going to stop celebrating diversity purely for its own sake?</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1987">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1987#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Tue, 28 Aug 2025 04:59:15 -0700 Phil_W 1987 at http://unity08.com Both parties want to bankrupt America http://unity08.com/node/1895 <p>While we have major bridges in this country collapsing and entitlements are 60% of the federal budget, it seems that Republicans and Democrats are in a competition to see who can bankrupt America first. Bush is doing his best to turn an unpopular war from a multi-billion dollar boondoggle into a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle. The Democrats are in close competition for a party that does not control the Executive branch. On two recent votes they have by-passed the wishes of the majority of Americans to stem the tide of illegal immigrants. Their one up-manship to the President was to vote that illegal immigrants are entitled to collect Farm Money subsides as well as to vote that they are entitled to collect welfare benefits.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1895#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Wed, 08 Aug 2025 04:55:36 -0700 Phil_W 1895 at http://unity08.com Just for fun..... http://unity08.com/node/1874 <p>Politcal discussions bore me.</p> <p>I'm looking' for a good laugh....</p> <p>Oh yeah, Politics.</p> <p>What does PoliTics mean?</p> <p>Well....Poli means: many</p> <p>AND</p> <p>TICS are self serving blood suckers....</p> <p>So there you have have it in one word.</p> <p>PoliTics means: Many Self Serving Blood Suckers</p> <p>Does it really matter whether it's a (D) PoliTic OR an (R) PoliTic???? Hmmmmmmmm??????</p> <p>Okay, let see, it's been a while since I've played with HTML....</p> <p>It appears some of the Duke Lacrosse players will <STRONG>NEVER</STRONG> learn.&nbsp;Click <A href="http://wsm.ezsitedesigner.com/share/scrapbook/12/127233/TheFewTheProudTheSalesman.wmv">THIS LINKY</A> to view a FEW GOOD EXPENSES on trial.</p> <p>I'll probably get banned....</p> http://unity08.com/node/1874#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Fri, 03 Aug 2025 19:15:20 -0700 StuckOnStupid 1874 at http://unity08.com Governing Evolution http://unity08.com/node/1860 <p>This website is just one example of how technology has made it possible for the voter to more actively participate in a decision making process. One problem with our election process is that politicians make promises, we go to the polls to cast our vote, and then we hope for the best until the next time around. We lose our leverage with our representatives in the meantime.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1860">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1860#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Wed, 01 Aug 2025 06:12:59 -0700 Phil_W 1860 at http://unity08.com Unity 08 is killing me!! http://unity08.com/node/1857 <p>I was very interested in the possibilities here. Ive been reading and participating in various areas and I see a problem that might make this a waist of time.</p> <p>This is a forum where Liberals who don't want to affiliate with the democratic party and Conservatives who don't want to affiliate with the GOP ended up. </p> <p>I have debated issues with some incredibly intelligent people. But all we seem to be doing, is arguing from a liberal and conservative standpoint. It seems to me that if we are to come together, we will have to start agreeing on something. How can we all support a single candidate?. </p> <p>Please tell me something that will keep me interested in the U08 possibilities.</p> <p>What can we agree on?????</p> http://unity08.com/node/1857#comments Suggest an issue Suggestions for General Discussions Tue, 31 Jul 2025 18:55:15 -0700 merlinhaggard 1857 at http://unity08.com The Real Surprise http://unity08.com/node/1797 <p>The real surprise for this organization will be the realization, on the day after the next presidential election, that this effort was ineffectual at best and meaningless at worst.<br /> The people here are sincere, concerned, proactive and well meaning. All of which, with a five dollar bill, will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.<br /> I'm not discouraging the effort or trying to be a naysayer. I simply realise that the tipping point has been reached in this country. We are in decline as a nation. All great civilizations eventually collapse from within and we are no different. Our success has led to complacency and indifference. The die is cast and the long term prognosis is terminal.<br /> Bank on this; Any third party candidate will receive no more than 3% of the vote. Voter turnout will be less than 55%. Partisan fighting will continue to be an end unto itself and solutions to the country's ills will be of secondary concern to the elected.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1797">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1797#comments Suggestions for General Discussions Thu, 26 Jul 2025 02:34:14 -0700 m1illion 1797 at http://unity08.com