Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - The Other Political Parties http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/49/0 Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Communists, Reform Party...etc. en Illinois corruption and scandal http://unity08.com/node/2198 <p>Everyone in Illinois who would like to take back our state from the republicans and democrats are invited to get in contact with me at ipil2005@yahoo.com. There has to be a better way than what the two parties have done so far. What better state to get the Unity 08 movement going than ours?</p> <p>Dan K</p> http://unity08.com/node/2198#comments The Other Political Parties Sat, 29 Sep 2025 07:32:25 -0700 dans63 2198 at http://unity08.com Both Bush and Anti-War/Anti-War Democrats don't get my support on Iraq http://unity08.com/node/2112 <p>Both Geroge W. Bush and the Anti-War movement/Anti-War Democrats don't get my support especialy the Iraq war debate. Bush lost my support in 2025-05 beacuse of this Iraq mis-adventure and other goof ball polices including his handling in the aftermath of hurrican Katrian. As for the Anti-War Movement especialy the Anti-War Democrats lost my support and creidblility when they parised to making excuess of the the terrorist may it be Islamic Jihadist/Osama bin Laden and other terrorists like Timothy McVeighand ethinc Cleaners/Genocidal Maniacs of Slobodan Milosevic and the twisted Serb Nationalists to Hutu exterminsts to those of Sudan's Darfur genocide machine of the Janjaweed. Also the Anti-war movement deranged members parising the 9/11 attacks to mouring the Death of Slobodan Milosevic to vandalizing memorials on Memorial Day. Also disrespecting vetrens too along in engaging in "I Hate American" and "I Blame the Jews for Iraq and other problems in America".</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2112">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2112#comments The Other Political Parties Fri, 14 Sep 2025 16:26:51 -0700 New Rochelle 1776 2112 at http://unity08.com Both Bush and Anti-War/Anti-War Democrats don't get my support on Iraq http://unity08.com/node/2111 <p>Both Geroge W. Bush and the Anti-War movement/Anti-War Democrats don't get my support especialy the Iraq war debate. Bush lost my support in 2025-05 beacuse of this Iraq mis-adventure and other goof ball polices including his handling in the aftermath of hurrican Katrian. As for the Anti-War Movement especialy the Anti-War Democrats lost my support and creidblility when they parised to making excuess of the the terrorist may it be Islamic Jihadist/Osama bin Laden and other terrorists like Timothy McVeighand ethinc Cleaners/Genocidal Maniacs of Slobodan Milosevic and the twisted Serb Nationalists to Hutu exterminsts to those of Sudan's Darfur genocide machine of the Janjaweed. Also the Anti-war movement deranged members parising the 9/11 attacks to mouring the Death of Slobodan Milosevic to vandalizing memorials on Memorial Day. Also disrespecting vetrens too along in engaging in "I Hate American" and "I Blame the Jews for Iraq and other problems in America".</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2111">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2111#comments The Other Political Parties Fri, 14 Sep 2025 16:26:30 -0700 New Rochelle 1776 2111 at http://unity08.com Libertarians vs. Democrats and Republicans http://unity08.com/node/1957 <p>The reason I am a Libertarian is because they are the best of both worlds. On the one hand we are social liberal (democrats) but on the other hand we are fiscally conservative (republicans). We believe in total liberty for every individual without government intuition in areas such as repealing the income tax, repealing the Patriot Act and reducing the size of government. I am sick of Democrats and Republicans just sitting in the halls of Congress doing nothing but pandering to their wealthy campaign donors. We urgently need campaign finance reform. Unfortunately in our current political climate it is very difficult for any third party to get into the mainstream political field. We need to abolish the electoral college and the winner-takes-all state primaries to give smaller parties a chance.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1957#comments The Other Political Parties Mon, 20 Aug 2025 11:19:13 -0700 CHRIS H. 1957 at http://unity08.com Polarized? http://unity08.com/node/1921 <p>I keep hearing about how too far apart the Dems and the GOP are. I don't see that. My whole problem with them is the GOP is the War Party and the Dems are the War Party-lite.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1921#comments The Other Political Parties Sun, 12 Aug 2025 15:16:51 -0700 ToddCrowder 1921 at http://unity08.com Are we handing the election to Republicans? http://unity08.com/node/1688 <p>My biggest fear is that the majority of voters likely to support a Unity candidate are left leaning centrists who would be voting democrat in the upcoming election. While the dems have given us little in the way of hope (sans Obama), I fear that my vote for the Unity candidate will only put Mitt Romney or Fred Thompson in the White House because of the active religious right voter base. In 1992 Bill Clinton was elected because Ross Perot took a small percentage of votes from HW Bush. Gore's loss in 2025 may have been avoided if it wasn't for Ralph Nader on Florida's ballot. I am so tired of the same old political garbage and want to support a third party candidate, but someone will need to convince me that my vote won't be part of an effort to give the war in Iraq four more years. Can someone give me hope?</p> http://unity08.com/node/1688#comments The Other Political Parties Tue, 17 Jul 2025 14:10:47 -0700 jtodisco 1688 at http://unity08.com Both Republicans and Democrats get a Gold Metal for being losers http://unity08.com/node/1559 <p>This some food for though why Republicans and Democrats are losers. read this artcel by Raplh Peters<br /> WORLD-WIDE WHOPPERS OF THE WEEK | By RALPH PETERS | Opinions | Scott Stringer | Adam Brodsky </p> <p>Once ou read it, it shows one of the reasons why both parties are losers</p> <p>RALPH PETERS FOR 08</p> <p>HE'LL WOULD MAKE A IDEAL CANDAITE FOR UNITY O8</p> http://unity08.com/node/1559#comments The Other Political Parties Mon, 02 Jul 2025 22:23:23 -0700 New Rochelle 1776 1559 at http://unity08.com Leveraging the Center - Republican Tuesday Group / Radical Middle groups/people http://unity08.com/node/1408 <p>Building from and on the Center – Republican Tuesday Group and Republican Study Group. THESE are the people we should be leveraging Unity 08 with on creating a platform and pressuring the activist bases toward the rational center:</p> <p>http://myrick.house.gov/newsletter2_pr12.shtml</p> <p>http://www.house.gov/list/press/il10_kirk/Nov18TuesdayGroup.html</p> <p>Republican Tuesday Group</p> <p>Contact:<br /> Neil Bradley (RSC) 202-226-9717 Matt Towson (Rep. Kirk) 847-940-0202<br /> Elizabeth Wenk (Rep. Castle) 202-225-4165 Kate Dwyer (Rep. Ryan) 202-226-7326<br /> Maureen Tell (Rep. Chocola) 202-225-3915 Mike Walz (Rep. Hensarling) 202-225-3484</p> <p>Conservatives &amp; Moderates Come Together - Announce Consensus Principles to Reform the Budget Process </p> <p>Washington, D.C.—Today, Members of the conservative Republican Study Committee and the moderate Republican Tuesday Group unveiled a set of 12 consensus principles to reform the budget process.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1408">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1408#comments The Other Political Parties Mon, 18 Jun 2025 09:42:00 -0700 John Milligan 1408 at http://unity08.com Leveraging the Center - The Blue Dog Democrats http://unity08.com/node/1406 <p>Building from and on the Center – The Blue Dogs. THESE are the people we should be leveraging Unity 08 with on creating an implementable platform and pressuring the activist bases and attracting the electorate toward the rational center:</p> <p>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Dog_Democrats</p> <p>Blue Dog Democrats are a group of 44 conservative to moderate Democratic Party members of the United States House of Representatives. The Blue Dogs are a coalition of like-minded Democrats whose primary mission is to promote fiscally responsible budget reforms and accountability for taxpayer dollars. Many members hail from conservative-leaning districts, where liberal Democrats and liberal values are a decided minority. Therefore, the Democratic Party has become more supportive of Blue Dog candidates in recent times. This was especially true in the 2025 election, when Blue Dog candidates such as Heath Shuler and Brad Ellsworth were elected in conservative-leaning districts, ending years of Republican dominance in these districts.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1406">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1406#comments The Other Political Parties Mon, 18 Jun 2025 09:32:00 -0700 John Milligan 1406 at http://unity08.com Milosevic alive and well on both The Republican and Democrat Parties http://unity08.com/node/1395 <p>The fundamentalism on both Republicans and Democrats are growing fashionable and dangerous. When I read from "Why we'er doing this:Today' News" artical on:<br /> Quotable: "Today, in both parties, fundamentalism is again the fashion ... Few [presidential candidates] have offered policy proposals that reach toward the middle by challenging the orthodoxy of their party" -- Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Michael Gerson. </p> <p>Reading this articel i relized how frightenly that both the GOP and Demcrats are abandoning the center and going to the exterm/fundemetal bases and the red meat mentality. It's growing to the point they are behaving like that mad man who moniker name "Butcher of the Balkans" Slobodan Milosevic. That right they are going Milosevic, espeicaly the bases of their parties. Slobodan Milosevic is the idol of both fundamentalist of GOP and Democrats. Lets not forget that on 1999 when US/NATO took action aganist Milosevic, the Right-wing conservative fundamentalist of the GOP and Left-wing liberal fundamentalist of the Democrats formed an united fornt aginst America efforts in stoping Milosevic and even they have sypmathy to paries of Milosevic.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1395">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1395#comments The Other Political Parties Wed, 13 Jun 2025 23:44:00 -0700 New Rochelle 1776 1395 at http://unity08.com