Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - 1. Qualification for Delegates http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/32/0 en Additional Rule Needed - Exclusion of Voters in Partisan Primaries http://unity08.com/node/1984 <p>It may be that an additional rule is required to comply with federal election law.</p> <p>I seem to recall that it is illegal to vote in one state primary, move, reregister and vote in another primary, move, reregister, etc....in order to stop campaign workers from voting in the presidential primaries more than once.</p> <p>Might the same restriction apply to Unity*08, which is, in essence, a national primary?</p> <p>If it does, than the rules must state that to be a delegate, you must not vote in any partisan presidential primary in any state. It might even be necessary for Unity to obtain the records for each primary and caucus and use them to cull its delegate rolls.</p> <p>This should attract some comments.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1984#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Mon, 27 Aug 2025 13:42:39 -0700 xianleft_michael 1984 at http://unity08.com Candidate Qualifications http://unity08.com/node/1901 <p>There are a few things that I hope Unity08 and it’s members will think about regarding nominations for candidates. While this is a new venue in politics, it would be of importance that we consider the following when making nominations.</p> <p>Is the candidate known by most of the voting public?</p> <p>Does the candidate (irregardless of party affiliation) have the ability to persuade fellow constituents in matters being brought before the House and Senate?</p> <p>Does the candidate have a history that is reviewable by the general voter?</p> <p>And last but not least, is the candidate speaking for us?</p> <p>I feel that in order to be taken seriously by others, we do not start submitting names of little known local politicians, local town officials, Hollywood Hacks and the such. If we expect to gain momentum, we must be serious in our endeavor.<br /> In closing I wish to quote the following:</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1901">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1901#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Wed, 08 Aug 2025 13:33:12 -0700 sgtbigred 1901 at http://unity08.com Willingness to Include Young Americans http://unity08.com/node/1528 <p>It is encouraging that all who legally can be and desire to be involved can become delegates. I would love to see our younger citizens get involved in their own futures. This is a very positive step.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1528#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Sat, 30 Jun 2025 03:46:45 -0700 bob.rochevot 1528 at http://unity08.com Look At Gubernatorial Experience http://unity08.com/node/1447 <p>Any candidate who is currently running, among the two major parties, would remain interested in becoming President should the oudated primary/convention system eliminate that candidate. I am especially interested in the candidates with Gubernatorial experience and unfortunately the press and media is not including them in thier coverage of the "coronated 6". The exception would be Mitt Romney, but I would be thrilled to have an organization (Unity 08) and its' delegates to consider something like a Gilmore/Richardson ticket or Richardson/Huckabee because they bring a true governing style that works with our system. The American people like governors even though the press and media don't. This can be be confirmed in the likes of Presidents Carter, Reagan, Clinton and George W, all former governors.</p> <p>Don Briscar<br /> Rocky Mount, NC</p> http://unity08.com/node/1447#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Mon, 25 Jun 2025 13:02:56 -0700 st8oftheunion 1447 at http://unity08.com Date of Birth & qualifications http://unity08.com/node/1367 <p>1 &amp; 2 When I signed up why was I not asked to give my date of birth and my last time voting or eligibility to vote? I am 80 years old and have waited a very long time for a chance like this to get our government back on track. I can contribute, but at a very low level. You will just have to be satisfied with my thoughts. Perhaps those who want to run should be given an I.Q. test to be eligible. We need to be able to check for honesty, integrity, energy, willingness to work hard- long hours, who they want to have in the Cabinet and as close advisors, their true motivation for running, and a very transparent past.</p> <p>We do not want to fall into the same old trap that seems to plague the two major parties, overly ambitious people with little real regard for country. We need sincere candidates not egocentric ones.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1367#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Tue, 05 Jun 2025 10:15:23 -0700 olcrate 1367 at http://unity08.com Confusion about how this works http://unity08.com/node/1300 <p>I tried to email you all, but the link doesn't work (says I need a dll file that I downloaded, but still didn't work). It would be nice to have the actual email address included along with the link.</p> <p>My questions: First of all, how do you go about putting a candidate up for consideration? And secondly, if I am a delegate here, can I vote with my party if I don't like the candidates presented here? Is there a process to this?</p> <p>I'm a Dennis Kucinich girl all the way, and I'd like to see him approached about this.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1300#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Sat, 19 May 2025 14:21:03 -0700 iqfrenzy 1300 at http://unity08.com Qualification for Delegates Comments http://unity08.com/node/1166 <p>Great job Rules Committee! You've kept your promise of clear language and simple rules. Well done!</p> http://unity08.com/node/1166#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Tue, 17 Apr 2025 13:42:41 -0700 ersdog 1166 at http://unity08.com Age qualification. http://unity08.com/node/1164 <p>Any person with an idea for governance should be qualified to vote @ unity08, regardless of age. Kids must start someplace. The age should be the age of "desire". Waiting to learn democracy until voting<br /> age is too late for the good of the person, or the good of the nation. "Inclusion" is smart for politics.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1164#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Mon, 16 Apr 2025 17:27:04 -0700 Deephil 1164 at http://unity08.com Online chat with Rules Committee members http://unity08.com/node/1121 <p>Please join Unity08 for an online chat this Thursday, April 12th at 11 am ET, with Rules Committee members David C. King and Michael Turk. (See bios below.)</p> <p>David and Michael will answer your questions about the Draft Rules live online at http://unity08.com/chat. We're excited about the discussion of the Draft Rules so far and look forward to hearing your questions.</p> <p>RSVP now here: http://ga6.org/campaign/livechat_rsvp_rules/</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1121">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1121#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Tue, 10 Apr 2025 13:19:00 -0700 Unity08mod 1121 at http://unity08.com Security of personal identifying information http://unity08.com/node/1106 <p>If Unity08 has any chance of getting delegates to provide their personal identifying information, they must say how they will protect this information from dissemination.</p> <p>How will Unity08 protect my personal information from being given out?</p> http://unity08.com/node/1106#comments 1. Qualification for Delegates Sat, 07 Apr 2025 18:10:19 -0700 GEA 1106 at http://unity08.com