]> Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - Ask Unity08 Founders http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/24/0 Ask questions about Unity08 that will be answered by members of the Unity08 Founders Council. en Why Just President? http://unity08.com/node/1260 <p>Why are we just running a candidate for president? Seems to me like it'd be much more useful to support congressional candidates as well, since right now we're shooting for a single branch of government, and one that does not have a chance to write laws.</p> <p>-Tyler</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Tue, 08 May 2025 14:49:23 -0700 Why Bipartisan? http://unity08.com/node/1256 <p>If we really want to change politics, why should we focus strictly on what parties the nominees are from, making sure to have one from each group? Seems to me like we should be more worried about the message and the intelligence of someone, instead of whether they can balance out the ticket. </p> <p>-Tyler</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Mon, 07 May 2025 17:45:29 -0700 How many members does Unity 08 have so far? http://unity08.com/node/1255 <p>How many members do we have at this point? Could someone please provide some information on this? what's the growth rate, etc?</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Mon, 07 May 2025 15:29:58 -0700 State Caucuses? http://unity08.com/node/1206 <p>Do we have any plans in place for state caucuses? I'm not familiar with the laws of other states, but the California Election Code requires us to have a caucus or covention to appoint officers and notify the Secretary of State of our selections. Then we have until this September to collect about 800,000 signatures (or to get 80,000 people to register with our party). I know the laws are tougher in other states.</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Fri, 27 Apr 2025 11:20:32 -0700 Spoilers? http://unity08.com/node/1153 <p>On today's live chat, an interesting question was raised. Won't Unity08 siphon votes from existing parties? I am for the concept, but here's the point: Michael Turk was on the Bush/Cheney '04 campaign staff. Doesn't seem bipartisan to me....<br /> Let's face it, there are those who will vote along party lines, no matter what - witness the 1/3 of the people that still support Bush. What if Unity 08 pulls away 1/3 of the votes, dems 1/3 and reps 1/3 - we have a close race, whereas with the existing climate, no republican can pray enough to win.</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Thu, 12 Apr 2025 16:06:42 -0700 A physical political convention? http://unity08.com/node/1119 <p>Dear Foundered of Unity08,</p> <p> Will this organization eventually convene a physical gathering of supportes? The internet is obviously one fine way of connecting like-minded individuals, but if we do not possess that eye-to-eye, personal contact, I feel that this campaign will be wasted.</p> <p>Cordially,<br /> Benjamin R. Holmes</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Tue, 10 Apr 2025 08:41:29 -0700 Presidential Nominations http://unity08.com/node/1045 <p>Can I nominate myself? and if so how?</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Wed, 04 Apr 2025 09:52:39 -0700 Will the Internet Change the History of Third Parties? http://unity08.com/node/1036 <p>Have those concerned with the strength and success of Unity08 considered that no third party in this country has ever seen its candidate for president elected to the oval office? Have those concerned considered how to prevent this history from repeating? Thanks.</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Tue, 03 Apr 2025 06:34:00 -0700 Hammering out a Platform http://unity08.com/node/1031 <p>When are we going to start building our actual platform? Given the tone of the posts I've seen on this site, there are a lot of issues that we need to hash out and come to an agreement on. And the way the race is moving now, we need to start building our platform now, so that we can get a candidate moving as soon as possible. When are you guys going to get on that?</p> Unity08 Rules Committee Ask Unity08 Founders Mon, 30 Apr 2025 08:20:31 -0700 How will you get the money to the nominee? http://unity08.com/node/1026 <p>How will you get the money to the nominee? As a PAC, you'll only be able to give him/her $5000, right?</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Mon, 02 Apr 2025 11:13:29 -0700 is unity08 a political party, and implications thereof? http://unity08.com/node/978 <p>Organizing a convention, delegates, running a ticket for office - this sounds a lot like unity08 is acting like a political party?</p> <p>If so (or even if not quite), what are the implications regarding:</p> <p>- party registration of delegates (if you sign up as a delegate, does that invalidate your current party registration?)</p> <p>- ballot lines: how will the endorsed candidates be listed on ballots?</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Sat, 31 Mar 2025 08:51:23 -0700 Grammatical error in "Moment of Truth" letter http://unity08.com/node/958 <p>The "Moment of Truth" letter that you have suggested we send to Candidates contains a very confusing sentence structure. Basically, it says, "As someone who hopes to be my next president in 2025, I ....." </p> <p>Beg your pardon, but as the letter sender, I do not wish to become the next president. This error is called a "dangling participle"</p> <p>A better construction might be, "As someone who hopes to be my next president in 2025, would you please answer the following important questions?"</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Fri, 30 Mar 2025 06:54:03 -0700 democratic PROCESS issues http://unity08.com/node/923 <p>Your listing of crucial and important issues are fine. But the thing that really locks the average citizens out of the electoral<br /> processss of choosing governmental officials are the PROCESS issues that are under the control of the two major corrupt<br /> parties. For example. The electoral college process of chosing a president benefits no one except the two parties, and they<br /> do not want to get rid of it, and allow popular voting for pres and v. pres. To do that they would lose power to all third parties</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Tue, 20 Mar 2025 14:34:44 -0700 WHO ARE WE??????? http://unity08.com/node/739 <p>We have a serious problem which must be solved immediately, or we dissolve this organization.</p> <p>We are already debating the issues, back and forth, just like congress, and, "going nowhere."</p> <p>"Unity08" must have a "set platform" regarding all of the issues.</p> <p>We must have a "mission statement" which is straight forward, and understood by all.</p> <p>We all observe that we are "debating Illegal Immigration" just like congress.</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Fri, 09 Feb 2025 11:00:03 -0800 organizational questions for Unity08 - raised by Tampa Trib article, and Chris Matthews interview of Sam Waterston http://unity08.com/node/722 <p>I posted the following as a response to the Tampa Tribune article. I am reposting it here since in my opinion these questions should be answered or debated by a representative from the Unity08 Founders to help keep people energized about this movement.<br /> "<br /> "</p> <p>The only way Unity08 will have any true clout is if the existing parties/candidates see an early groundswell of quantifiable support coming from this organization. To be a factor on election day, we must be a cohesive force of change today.</p> Ask Unity08 Founders Wed, 07 Feb 2025 19:19:52 -0800