Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - Unity08 in the News http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/23/0 Discuss news coverage Unity08 has received. en What to do on Colbert? http://unity08.com/node/2137 <p>When Doug was on <i>The Colbert Report</i>, we announced a poll on the show, "Should Steven Colbert run for president?" (<a href="http://unity08.com/poll/colbert">view poll results</a>). It ultimately drove a ton of traffic to us which delivered almost 10,000 new members to the movement!</p> <p><b>What should we do when Sam Waterston is on Colbert this Wednesday, September 26th?</b></p> http://unity08.com/node/2137#comments Unity08 in the News Wed, 19 Sep 2025 08:00:55 -0700 BobRoth 2137 at http://unity08.com Waterston on O'Reilly Factor http://unity08.com/node/1599 <p>Sam Waterston, Unity08 spokesperson, will be a guest on Fox News' O'Reilly Factor this Tuesday, July 10th, 8pm ET.</p> <p><strong>As defined by Wikipedia:</strong><br /> The O'Reilly Factor is an American talk show on the Fox News Channel hosted by commentator Bill O'Reilly, who discusses current political and social issues with guests from opposing ends of the political spectrum.</p> <p>The O'Reilly Factor is currently the highest rated show on the Fox News channel and the highlight of O'Reilly's career. O'Reilly is known for his confrontational interview style and strong opinions, for which the program has been both praised and criticized.</p> <p>To learn more about the show, please visit <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/oreilly/">The O'Reilly Factor</a> site.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1599#comments Unity08 in the News Sat, 07 Jul 2025 18:12:51 -0700 BobRoth 1599 at http://unity08.com The Colbert Report http://unity08.com/node/1474 <p>We've been promoting our own Doug Bailey and his appearance on Comedy Central’s, “The Colbert Report,” tonight. And, to generate more buzz, we launched a humorous poll to find out whether or not the Unity08 delegation believes that Colbert should run for president. </p> <p>The poll can be seen here by <a href="http://unity08.com/poll/colbert">clicking here</a>.</p> <p>A handful of members have questioned why we've gone to this extent with a person that is not a legitimate candidate. The answer is simple. This is buzz marketing that targets viewers or fans of Stephen Colbert. Mr. Colbert has joked about "not" running for president. This tactic plays on that long-running statement by allowing members and non-members to vote in a poll about whether he should run. Non-members must register with Unity08 in order to vote.</p> <p>Any new member registration allows us to start carrying a conversation with that member. It allows us to communicate what Unity08 is trying to accomplish and, hopefully, gets us closer to our membership goals.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1474">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1474#comments Unity08 in the News Thu, 28 Jun 2025 13:51:00 -0700 BobRoth 1474 at http://unity08.com RECENT NEWS http://unity08.com/node/1435 <p>Here are the clips from today.</p> <p>*New York Times:<br /> *June 20:<br /> *<br /> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/21/us/politics/21bloomberg.html?_r=2&amp;ref=politics&amp;oref=slogin&amp;oref=slogin </p> <p><http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/21/us/politics/21bloomberg.html?_r=2&amp;ref=politics&amp;oref=slogin&amp;oref=slogin> </p> <p><http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/21/us/politics/21bloomberg.html?_r=2&amp;ref=politics&amp;oref=slogin&amp;oref=slogin> </p> <p><http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/21/us/politics/21bloomberg.html?_r=2&amp;ref=politics&amp;oref=slogin&amp;oref=slogin> </p> <p>*June 21:<br /> *http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/21/nyregion/21york.html?ref=politics</p> <p>CNN.com:<br /> *<br /> http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2007/06/20/unity-08-thrilled-with-bloomberg/</p> <p>*Washington Post:</p> <p>http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/20/AR2007062002256.html</p> <p>*<br /> *Unity 08 web site:<br /> *<br /> http://unity08.com/</p> <p>*MSNBC<br /> *<br /> ABOUT FIRST READ<br /> http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/06/21/231669.aspx<br /> MSNBC - 9 hours ago<br /> Speaking of *Unity* ’*08*, we got our hands on a donor list for the</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/1435">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/1435#comments Unity08 in the News Fri, 22 Jun 2025 15:21:00 -0700 U08 Web Team 1435 at http://unity08.com THE CIVILITY PLEDGE http://unity08.com/node/747 <p>I have noticed an increasingly bitter dialogue among some of the members of UO8. I have been guilty myself of not letting certain comments just pass on by. My feathers have been ruffled a few times, and I admit I have responded in a way that I should not have. I am calling on all of us to take a new pledge, THE CIVILITY PLEDGE! This movement will not succeed if we cannot engage in a civil and yes even courteous debate on the issues we wish to see UO8 bring to the public's attention.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/747">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/747#comments Unity08 in the News Sat, 10 Feb 2025 07:37:14 -0800 MFV an Independent 747 at http://unity08.com Febuary 5th MSNBC’s Hardball - A good kick off for the Registration 'Drive' http://unity08.com/node/707 <p>From what I saw on the online video, the coverage might help the drive to register delegates. It looks like our campaign is starting early just like the rest of them!</p> http://unity08.com/node/707#comments Unity08 in the News Tue, 06 Feb 2025 21:19:26 -0800 JFK 707 at http://unity08.com Candidate Promotion of Unity08 in the media http://unity08.com/node/667 <p>Dear U08 Founders</p> <p>I have e-mailed U08 regarding this but never received an answer. I am hoping for a quick response due to the critical timing of upcoming events in my campaign.</p> <p>I have scheduled interviews during which I would like to promote and encourage audiences to check out Unity08. Am I limited to the type of promotion I may do? As a Presidential candidate, may I publicly mention my intentions to be in the Unity08 primary as part of that promotion?</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/667">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/667#comments Questions and Suggestions for Unity08 Unity08 in the News Thu, 25 Jan 2025 12:09:52 -0800 Bob W. Hargis 667 at http://unity08.com Sam Waterston: Hired or a Volunteer? http://unity08.com/node/574 <p>There is no mention on this website about whether celebrity Sam Waterston was paid money or compensated in any other way to endorse Unity08. Yet the Philadelphia Inquirer (12/10) says Unity08 has "hired" Sam Waterston, indicating that he was paid.</p> <p>Could you clear this up?</p> <p>Was Sam Waterston paid money (or compensated otherwise) to endorse Unity08? Or is he a volunteer?</p> <p>If Waterston was c</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/574">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/574#comments Unity08 in the News Wed, 13 Dec 2025 07:20:26 -0800 jamesmcook 574 at http://unity08.com AMERICAS COLD "CIVIL" WAR is very REAL and its happening right NOW!!! http://unity08.com/node/379 <p>Hi America and all of you wonderful and dedicated people of America. </p> <p>My name, Mark Fazio and Karen are both addressing this message and hope that your staff will take the liberty of announcing this phrase on the air and thus into the American Conscious, Conscience and Psychy; ie. (mind, heart and hard drive) and in hopes that the idea will resonate long enough to spark a nerve and nerves will drive ambitious writers to write books on this very real dilemma in America's core. Our dilemma is this and it needs a voice: As the "Cold War" with the Soviets settled, the storm seems to have changed course and landed in Washington and spread like a disease though ALL of America. Despite the temperature increase from Global Warming, America's political climate has cooled and the a new war has emerged in America; a Cold Civil War is at its peak here in America. There'll be no Confederates with muskettes or bullets being fired directly at one another as was so in the US/Soviet Cold War. This is a new kind of civil war, a war of ideas. The Republican versus the Democrates and it is proving much more effective and damaging than and military war. Even WHEN we Democrates win the )* Presedential election/Office, the Republicans will focus ALL of their attention, resources and venom on the destruction of the Democratic Parties decisions and policies even at the cost of America's success; From creating irreversible National deficits to destructive International Relations with our Allies and with the World at large. No matter if and WHEN the Democrates run and win as the majority for the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the Republicans will still cause serious and permanent damage to America, while attempting to cast a dark cloud over the Democratic Party, with absolutely NO regard for the consequences to Ameica as a whole. As bad as it may seem to have another Republican in the Oval Office, the only viable and successful way for America to emerge victoriously, is to prevent another dictator, such as George W. Bush, from overthrowing our Democracy and creating a Autocracy or Theocracy, we must UNIFY the polarity of the parties, so that we can get back on track and work TOGETHER as a "UNITED" America. We've seen the horrors of what happens when ONE man is the elected (or recounted) the SOLE leader of our Country, such as Reagan, Bush, or Bush etc. Please ask your listeners, and the American people to log onto unity08.com and vote for a bipartisan President/Vice. President for America's future and to put an end to the devistation of Americas Great Cold Civil War.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/379">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/379#comments Unity08 in the News Thu, 24 Aug 2025 14:48:47 -0700 MarkFazio 379 at http://unity08.com AMERICAS COLD "CIVIL" WAR is very REAL and its happening right NOW!!! http://unity08.com/node/366 <p>AMERICA IS UNDERGOING A "COLD CIVIL WAR!!!"</p> <p> Hello Americans and all of you wonderful and dedicated people of America. My name, Mark Fazio and Karen are both addressing this message and hope that your staff will take the liberty of announcing this phrase on the air and thus into the American Conscious, Conscience and Psychy; ie. (mind, heart and hard drive) and in hopes that the idea will resonate long enough to spark a nerve and nerves will drive ambitious writers to write books on this very real dilemma in America's core. Our dilemma is this and it needs a voice: As the "Cold War" with the Soviets settled, the storm seems to have changed course and landed in Washington and spread like a disease though ALL of America. Despite the temperature increase from Global Warming, America's political climate has cooled and the a new war has emerged in America; a Cold Civil War is at its peak here in America. There'll be no Confederates with muskettes or bullets being fired directly at one another as was so in the US/Soviet Cold War. This is a new kind of civil war, a war of ideas. The Republican versus the Democrates and it is proving much more effective and damaging than and military war. Even WHEN we Democrates win the )* Presedential election/Office, the Republicans will focus ALL of their attention, resources and venom on the destruction of the Democratic Parties decisions and policies even at the cost of America's success; From creating irreversible National deficits to destructive International Relations with our Allies and with the World at large. No matter if and WHEN the Democrates run and win as the majority for the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the Republicans will still cause serious and permanent damage to America, while attempting to cast a dark cloud over the Democratic Party, with absolutely NO regard for the consequences to Ameica as a whole. As bad as it may seem to have another Republican in the Oval Office, the only viable and successful way for America to emerge victoriously, is to prevent another dictator, such as George W. Bush, from overthrowing our Democracy and creating a Autocracy or Theocracy, we must UNIFY the polarity of the parties, so that we can get back on track and work TOGETHER as a "UNITED" America. We've seen the horrors of what happens when ONE man is the elected (or recounted) the SOLE leader of our Country, such as Reagan, Bush, or Bush etc. Please ask your listeners, and the American people to log onto unity08.com and vote for a bipartisan President/Vice. President for America's future and to put an end to the devistation of Americas Great Cold Civil War.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/366">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/366#comments Unity08 in the News Thu, 24 Aug 2025 14:34:21 -0700 MarkFazio 366 at http://unity08.com