Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - Energy Sources http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/22/0 Talk about energy and fuel here. en Forum: New Subscription & Voting Features http://unity08.com/node/2030 <p>I'd like to introduce some new features to our active Shout Box users!</p> <p><strong>SUBSCRIPTION FEATURES</strong></p> <ul> <li>Click on "Edit Your Profile" in the top left corner of this page.</li> <li>Click on the "Subscriptions" tab in your profile. <li>You will see that there are several type of things that you can subscribe to:</li> </ul> <p>"Threads"<br /> Shows which conversations you are subscribed to within the Shout Box. To subscribe to them, you click on the "Subscribe Topic" link at the top of each topic that you are interested in.</p> <p>"Blogs"<br /> Shows which blogs you are subscribed to.</p> <p>"Categories"<br /> Allows you to subscribe to the various categories of the Shout Box.</p> <p>"Content types"<br /> Lets you subscribe to various types of new content, blog entries, forum topics, and/or events.</p> <p>"RSS Feed"<br /> Subscribe you to any piece of new content that is created on Unity08.com.</p> <p><strong>COMMENT VOTING</strong></p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2030">read more</a></p> Energy Sources Wed, 05 Sep 2025 06:24:07 -0700 BobRoth 2030 at http://unity08.com Anything Into Oil http://unity08.com/node/2330 <p>We need an alternative to oil imports. Ethanol isn't all it's cracked up to be because it takes so much energy to produce. What would you say if there were a process available now that creates 85% more energy than it uses, could alleviate the pressure on the landfills, and creates usable byproducts in addition to oil?</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2330">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2330#comments Energy Sources Tue, 16 Oct 2025 20:02:03 -0700 tgies001 2330 at http://unity08.com Want to cure cancer and discover an inexhaustible source of energy? http://unity08.com/node/2307 <p><object width="425" height="350"><br /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/h6vSxR6UKFM"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/h6vSxR6UKFM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></p> <p>Please go to <a href="http://peswiki.com//Directory:John_Kanzius_Produces_Hydrogen_from_Salt_Water_Using_Radio_Waves#Sept._28.2C_2007">John Kanzius</a> wiki for more information.</p> <p>ex animo<br /> davidfarrar</p> http://unity08.com/node/2307#comments Energy Sources Sat, 13 Oct 2025 12:50:58 -0700 davidfarrar 2307 at http://unity08.com Looking for a new energy source? How about water? http://unity08.com/node/2301 <p><object width="425" height="350"><br /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/c2B2HldNdns"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/c2B2HldNdns" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></p> <p>ex animo<br /> davidfarrar</p> http://unity08.com/node/2301#comments Energy Sources Fri, 12 Oct 2025 17:54:03 -0700 davidfarrar 2301 at http://unity08.com Give up the nuclear family model to save the planet. http://unity08.com/node/2249 <p>Hominids did not evolve as nuclear families, but as small tribes and villages. Communal housing, with only one kitchen, needs to heat/cool one set of walls so the per capita household consumption goes down to average global levels despite modern plumbing, electric, media, &amp; broadband. </p> <p>Having only 1-2 kids in the family stabilizes the population but results in generations of spoiled brats. Kids need the competition of peers to give them realistic expectations. But by the same token, home schooling lets them learn how to help each other but does not expose them to the innumerable pathogens that constantly circulate in larger schools. The infections have already been identified as triggering autism and other mental pathologies. Hominid immune systems never evolve in large herds and just cant handle exposure to so many pathogens, and there are problems with vaccines also.</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2249">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2249#comments Energy Sources Fri, 05 Oct 2025 02:21:46 -0700 daybrown 2249 at http://unity08.com OIL http://unity08.com/node/2223 <p>Eliminate traffic jams and the oil producing countries would drown in oil.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2223#comments Energy Sources Tue, 02 Oct 2025 16:07:25 -0700 Tired 2223 at http://unity08.com We need to take this issue on with expediency! http://unity08.com/node/2201 <p>Let's be brutally honest here, it is only a matter of time before the entire Middle East explodes into ethnic and religious war. Our troops in Iraq are the only thing that keep adding length to the fuze and thus delay the inevitable! When the final blow-up does take place, this country and other western nations will have two choices, Socio-economic collapse or entering even deeper into a fifty year war over the resources that fuel our petroleum addiction.<br /> We need leadership that instills the American people with the sense of urgency this situation requires. There also need to be funds made available for the effort to coordinate our immense intellectual and natural resources to make our energy self-reliance a reality.<br /> Energy self-reliance needs to be more than just something that gets bounced around by electioneering politicians. Otherwise, we'll be sending our great-grandchildren to bleed and die in a war that started under our watch!</p> http://unity08.com/node/2201#comments Energy Sources Sat, 29 Sep 2025 13:23:58 -0700 eugenemclean 2201 at http://unity08.com Energy Policy http://unity08.com/node/2058 <p>Disregarding the Global Warming debate (which I feel we have exhausted at this point, what should we do to solve the crisis? Whatever we do now will not be seen until 50 years from now, so acting quickly is imperative.</p> <p>What we can do now:</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2058">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2058#comments Energy Sources Sun, 09 Sep 2025 19:13:22 -0700 JFK 2058 at http://unity08.com population control http://unity08.com/node/1990 <p>i am in the energy industry and have heard a lot of talk about alternative fuels. some have merit some don't. all the hype seems to about ways change fuel sources but little is talked about in the way of reducing the use of all fuels. that is population control. if you draw the biggest picture possible, the problem isn't 11 mpg hummers or leaving the lights on, it's that this planet cannot sustain 7 billion people. yes we all need to conserve and not waste, that's a given. but, the earth's problems are bigger than global warming and fuel consumption. if we really want to help the planet and ourselves we have to reduce the number of which feed on the pile. certainly i'm not advocating eradication but we still need to look seriously at the birth rate and mortality rates and we will see that as we grow in population we are actually killing ourselves. this planet and our technology cannot sustain more than 3-5 billion at the most. food for thought.</p> http://unity08.com/node/1990#comments Energy Sources Tue, 28 Aug 2025 11:20:32 -0700 aggie1976 1990 at http://unity08.com Hydrogen Anyone? http://unity08.com/node/1932 <p>I've been reading through a lot of the posts on here and pretty much everyone is discussing vegetable by products and glucose power, but, at least as far as I've seen, no one is discussing hydrogen. While I don't hold a degree or anything of the sort in pyro-engineering, physics, or, for that matter, regular engineering I do know what happens when you ignite a bunch of hydrogen. I've heard of experimental cars running off of hydrogen mixtures and I think this is the sensible long term solution, and before you all start going, "Hydrogen is highly explosive," well that is true but so is gasoline and they eventually got that working. So why not hydrogen? Because of the Hindenburg? What do you all think about the government putting in place a research intuitive for hydrogen energy research while using either corn or sugar cane production to try to keep us limping till hydrogen is a safe source of fuel?</p> http://unity08.com/node/1932#comments Energy Sources Wed, 15 Aug 2025 08:34:55 -0700 dgolden 1932 at http://unity08.com