The Patriot Act

posted by KrisW on March 9, 2025 - 7:30pm
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Well, surprise, surprise....

FBI Director Robert Mueller apologized today for abuses of the Patriot Act by the FBI,2933,258010,00.html

The FBI used 'security letters' to obtain information on individuals from telephone companies, internet service providers, financial institutions and consumer credit companies.

Personally, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. The foxes have been guarding the henhouse for FAR too long.

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KrisW on April 18, 2025 - 6:10pm

I see where Mary Beth Buchanan, "a favorite of the Justice Department" has been called to testify before the House Judicary Comittee about the US Attorney firings.

I wonder if she'll use the "absolute immunity" JUdge William Caldwell has granted her? She could shoot up the whole Congress like that guy at Virginia Tech and get away scot-free.

So could Federal Judge Arthur J. Schwab or any other Judge for that matter.

Quicksilver on April 16, 2025 - 11:01am

Just re-reading this, and yes, it is a surprise. In 6 years, I think it's the first admission of guilt, and the first apology I can recall. All the other screw-ups or wrongdoings have been denied, covered up, etc.
Some accountability is refreshing. I'm not pleased by what the FBI did, but to hear, "Yes, we did it, we were wrong, and we're sorry" - is better than what we've been getting.
Now, if they'd just stop breaking the law.............

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

KrisW on April 15, 2025 - 6:23pm

Amazing how the media has virtually ignored abuses of the Patriot ACT by the FBI, and instead concentrated on the Democrats which hunt of Alberto Gonzales.

If there is one US Attorney that SHOULD have been fired it is Mary Beth Buchanan.

Quicksilver on March 29, 2025 - 9:06am

There are so many scandals with this administration, it's hard to keep up...
The FBI abuse is smothered by The Valeri Plame testimony, VA medical care, the firing of the US attornies, Iraq - and that's just the recent ones...

The Patriot act is diabolically named - I guess if they called it the "give up your rights act" it wouldn't have passed.
Even with the sweeping powers, it wasn't enough - the illegal wiretaps bypassing the FISA court, the phone records mining, this recent FBI admission... consistent abuse of already dangerous and extensive powers.

As to the US attorneys, Kris -
They were already Bush appointees, but apparently weren't zealous enough - they either a) prosecuted a Republican like the one fired in California who nailed Cunnigham or b) didn't prosecute democrats before the election like the one in Washington. The one who ought to have been fired but wasn't was the one who prosecuted the 2 border agents.....
Makes you wonder what ones who weren't dismissed agreed to do........

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

KrisW on March 17, 2025 - 3:39pm

I'm amazed at how the Democrats are concentrating on the firing of the US Attornies (which the President is free to do at his leisure...Clinton fired EVERY one when he took office), instead of concentarting on the violations of the Patriot Act.

I guess the Democrats are just licking their chops over the power they will have with the Patriot Act if/when they get the White House.

KrisW on March 14, 2025 - 12:08am

Bill Press of "The Hill" has a rather scathing commentary of the abuses of the Patriot act....

While both he and Schumer seem to be placing the blame on Alberto Gonzales, some of it has to placed on FBI Director Robert Mueller. Yet, since this story first broke, he's seemed to be hiding in the shadows.

KrisW on March 12, 2025 - 9:17pm

Senator Chuck Schumer called for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign yesterday.

While I think that may be a bit rash at this point, Gonzales has ALOT of explaining to do.

KrisW on March 10, 2025 - 1:49pm

I wonder if US Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan used any of these 'security letters' as part of her 'Cyber Taskforce' funded with the 'pork' brought home by Rick Santorum.

KrisW on March 10, 2025 - 1:53am

I wonder how many internet aliases the FBI uses to conduct entrapment operations to pad their 'crime-fighting' statistics so they can get a bigger budget?

KrisW on March 9, 2025 - 10:56pm

So what do the usual suspects (like Tee and kacz) think of the Patriot Act???

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