What is an American?

posted by jjheart on February 26, 2025 - 1:41pm
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The official definition of an American citizen is from the 14th Amendment of our Constitution, ratified July 9, 1868 and is written as follows:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside..."

So we already have the official definition of an American CITIZEN, now how do "We the People" respond to the question; "What is an American? (Official and UnOfficial)

To help jump start the responses I give the following excerpt from a local book I am reading called, "The A Club," (excerpt used by permission of the Publisher, www.WestviewPublishing.com)

Who are "We the People?" Who are "we" Americans? In other words, what is an American? What do we look like? What do we sound like? Who are the members of this country…this country that so many dream of joining…and very few actually walk away from? Are we an exclusive club like your local Country Club? How open are we? What must one do to become one? Can non-Americans "smell one" a mile away? If so, do they know us better than we do? Shouldn’t we get to know who we are in case that "mile away smeller" is not friendly?—Did America lose and that al-Fighta wanna-be Zacarias Mush-ooo-ie "win" as he stated when he was leaving the courtroom to become part of a much smaller "cell" as a consequence of his "FreeDumb"?—5/3/06.

Are we the overweight society or the "thin is in" crowd? The "me" generation, the "we" generation or the instant gratification fast food nation? Are we the richest, most giving country ever or the greatest debtor nation and the most oppressive in the history of having the free time to keep such stats?! Are we just a bunch of arrogant meanies, a dangerous nation, the greatest "show" on the planet or the biggest target of choice for the small minded? Are we the most productive per person in the world? Are we United or Anti-united? In God, do we still trust? Do we not trust in God or do we trust there is no God? Are We the People of the United States, in Order, out of order, in disorder, or dat order? Are we in a slowly boiling pot, a melting pot, a mixed salad?…Actually we're E Pluribus Unum—Latin for "From many, One!" Are we a nation of laws…the letter of, the spirit of, or both in harmony? Are we a nation of immigrants?...Well, actually an immigrant freely joins an already established country; The A Club was founded by mostly America-born British colonists, not immigrants. And early on, many people captured from Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, and elsewhere were integrated against their will, so they were not initially immigrants, though their future generations produced native-born Patriots like Crispus Attucks, one of the first Americans to die for freedom from tyranny—Boston "Massacre", 1770, may God rest his soul. In addition, some have come as refugees, fleeing places of life-threatening danger. Later some refugees, but not all, will become immigrants (freely joining and integrating into their new culture).

If you want to get technical, the Theory of Evolution has us all migrating out of the sea and the Creation story has us all out of Eden! (Not to mention where the alien theorists have us coming from!) As biologist African/Swede Svante Paabo said, "In a sense all the people of the world are Africans…" It's just that some of us moved away from home and found The A Club! We are a nation of the New World, formed by slaves, immigrants, and the native-born. More members have been born into The A Club than have entered across it's borders, by a wide margin. Today about 15% of us are immigrants—who can be inspired by US immigrant St. Frances Xavier Cabrini! However, we all have ancestors who came to America whether "today, tomorrow, or many, many moons ago." The A Club is merely young…the new kid on the superpower block…formed relatively quickly. America is in its teen years as a country, ~18 years old in "Country years" (that’s ~3 years old in reverse dog years). This explains why we are a little scatterbrained. The A Club is simply trying to become an adult!...

What do think an American is?

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ddleeskip1 on April 26, 2025 - 12:09pm

I have read America was an idea before it was a country. America was founded upon Ideals. You know, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. To this end, the United States has made great strides, yet has fallen short of manifesting this utopia.

Women finally gained the right to vote in 1920, yet today still earn less wages than a man. For African-Americans there is a large gap between themselves and white America.

Somewhere in all of this, corporations got themselves declared "artificial persons under the 14th Amendment." Since they don't die like ordinary "natural persons" and can live for hundreds of years, amassing great wealth and power; this is exactly what has happened.

So now we have corporate-owned media telling the natural person what's what nowadays. Hard news doesn't sell, so we have info-tainment. It's is all about money instead of freedom. We worship the golden calf of Aaron. Profit, not Prophets. We seek only the bottom line, which gets lower and lower.

KrisW on April 26, 2025 - 12:23pm

The Judiciary is another example.

A judge can kill someone in cold blood in the middle of a courthouse, but provided he/she is "acting in their official capacity"; they are "absolutely immune".

Such is the 'logic' employed by the lawyers/pedophiles who run the American judicial system.


jjheart on February 28, 2025 - 9:04pm

Are there qualities that Americans have that no others have? Doesn't everyone, at least down deep inside, seek freedom? Are there opportunities that Americans have that no others have? Positioned as the only current "HyperPower"...

jjheart on February 27, 2025 - 7:46pm

So if "Being an American" is a state of mind then, even though an Official American is a citizen of these United States, an UnOfficial American can be one who has a state of mind like an American though they may not be a citizen and they may be living in 'Outer Slombovia.'

Is there a common "state of mind" that "We the People" can agree on? Popo, who arrived in 1947 (I was born here in our Nations Capital in 1958) says:

"They prize freedom - straight talk hard work and honesty above all else ..

They dislike people that are lazy, liars, cheats and phonies ..

They respect wisdom, dedication and integrity ..

If they are your friend they will stand by you through thick & Thin ,,

If you chose to make them your enemy - be prepared to "reap that wild wind"

Which statements do you agree with and which statements do you disagree with?

Glad you're here Popo...I also enjoyed the comment from John...JK

John Milligan on February 28, 2025 - 8:18pm

George F. Kennan in his seminal book 'American Diplomacy' (that all should read) has a good quote on America's role in world affairs and the role we urge upon ourselves. It goes like this: "It is a question of the spirit and purpose of American national life itself. Any message we may try to bring to others will be effective only if it is in accord with what we are to ourselves and if this is something sufficiently impressive to compel respect and confidence of the world, which despite all its material difficulties, is still more ready to recognize and respect spiritual distinction than material opulence. Our first and main concern must still be to achieve this state of national character. We need worry less about convincing others that we have done so," Great man!! Great Words on and for America!

popo on February 28, 2025 - 5:38am

The answer is yes - and they can even be in Iran, in Palestine, and N. Korea ..

These are the people who maybe someday - will transform their own countries into freedom loving democracies ..

AS they say, the desire for freedom and to build a better life in any country - must some from within !!

Our goal should be to market the benefits of freedom and democracy - by example not confrontation !!


John Milligan on February 27, 2025 - 5:51pm

I'd add the ability to recognize and overcome our "Warts". And as Churchill said (paraphrase), "Eventually the Americans will do the right thing. But along the way, they will explore all other possibilities."

popo on February 28, 2025 - 6:11am

I had lunch with Mr. Churchill in Monaco in 1952 or 53, I was one of 34 at the luncheon - but he did shake my hand (I was wearing my RAF Blazer - Winged Badge and all that), he called me over to ask me about my experiences during the war.

John, I've had an extraordinarily exciting life - and I hope to go on doing so until I reach 101.

By the way - the remark you quoted, I actually heard him make it on at least two occasions.

Pete Evans (popo)

John Milligan on February 28, 2025 - 9:21am

That is great you heard it first hand Popo. Churchill, Thatcher and Blair are my all time favorites. But before we get too cocky, we also must keep in mind the quotes from others. Bismark had one that Walter Russell Meade mentioned in his book 'American Providence', and it goes like this from Bismarck - "God has Special Providence for drunks, fools, and the United States of America." And I like the tne that Spengler guy in Asia Times (http://www.atimes.com ) is wont to say - "America gets wisdom late and at cost."

popo on February 27, 2025 - 4:58pm

All true Americans have this in common ..

They prize freedom - straight talk hard work and honesty above all else ..

They dislike people that are lazy, liars, cheats and phonies ..

They respect wisdom, dedication and integrity ..

If they are your friend they will stand by you through thick & Thin ,,

If you chose to make them your enemy - be prepared to "reap that wild wind" ..

My opinion - and the reason I came to America in 1947 !!


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