Getting the news out

posted by shood1 on December 15, 2025 - 9:25pm
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Perhaps the founders should try and get something that might get some notice on the Drudge Report. It is considered one of the most popular sites for news and I think with an article that would reach it all the way there the general base of voters that we would like to seek (age 35-60) would see such an article and find that they probably agree.

The most important thing right now, I should think, is our ability to get noticed on an almost annoying level. The media will run this next election as they have as of late and the most important thing now is to realize that we are running this idea as if it were a presidential candidate. We need to gain the momentum in the media and the attention that any Presidential candidate is seeking at this point.

I suppose the main idea that I am trying to convey here is that we need national recognition on a weekly basis. NY Times, Chicago-Sun, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, NY Post and so on. I think it is about time that those who can start calling in some debts and try to get the word out to the media any way possible. Pointing them in the right direction is the most important thing we can do now. Thanks.

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Earn Snyder on April 27, 2025 - 6:36pm

Keep it clean straight and clear and victory is ours! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

KrisW on April 27, 2025 - 6:08pm

Just finished watching CSPAN2's braodcast of Sam Waterson speaking on behalf of Unity08 at the National Press Club on Wendsday. He gave quite a good talk. I was glad to see he re-iterated Unity08 mission to selct a BIPARTISAN ticket (something that many agent provocatuers on the site have tried to quash).

And you can't go wrong by quoting Lincoln!

Also, it was nice to finally see what founder Doug Bailey looks like (Barry Goldwater, surprisingly enough). He certainly spoke well of the danger America is in.

KrisW on April 27, 2025 - 10:03pm

Oh, another thing Sam Watersom mentioned that found rather appalling was that the number of lobbyists has DOUBLED since the MID-TERM ELECTION.

KrisW on March 8, 2025 - 4:43pm

On today's show, Tucker Carlson mentioned Unity08 as a possible platform for Chuck Hagel to make a run. Republican strategist Frank Donatelli promptly poo-pooed the idea of any third-party making a serious effort in 2025.

Conversely, on Fox News, Dick Morris stressed that with over 50% of the population now committed to choosing the Big Two by Feb. 5 of next year, there is a possibility that public at large will tire of seeing the same two candidates for nine months straight. If that is so, Unity08 should be able to generate some 'buzz'.

KrisW on March 4, 2025 - 3:21am

I'd still like to know how many "delegates" have signed up as opposed to the 10000 members who have joined in the last month.

Hope on March 4, 2025 - 12:52am

on home page Founders need to direct all Delegates to buy one or two 2'x3' colorful placards from their local statoionary/art store and with a magic marker write in large bold letters "CHECK OUT WWW.UNITY08.COM" or "GET READY, PARTICIPATE, JOIN www.UNITY08.COM" and tape placards onto the two sides or back of the vehicle they drive around town with...I regularly do this, then have someone take a picture of your car around town preferably with interested persons reading signs taped onto it and talk to them and get there name and get their impression and then submit news article to local weekly area newspapers, if there is a local TV station you can give them a short video or picture with short story to be aired....we also need to get to our free cablevision station and make a 1/2 hour presentation

GEA on April 27, 2025 - 6:45pm

Support Unity08 without some understanding of how its eventual place won't be embarrassing?

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