Summary and synthesis of the discussions.

posted by jenniferforunity on August 1, 2025 - 12:50am
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There is a page set up on the Unity Wiki for discussion (and summaries of discussions) to be posted by anyone who cares to edit the page. Check out the National Debt Summary Page.

If you looked at it and didn't think it was worthing working on, please post your reasons why in the comments... Constructive criticism is always appreciated :-)


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KrisW on March 10, 2025 - 12:45am

Why is the message board that the Wikipage directs one to....

....LOADED with Porn SPAM??????

KrisW on March 10, 2025 - 12:33am

How badly did Harry Welty get beaten by James Oberstar?

TromboneErik on November 9, 2025 - 12:26am

GEA - You ask one of those basic questions which is important in its simplicity. And darn, it you're sure making me think about it!

I think it's important to poll the general public AND to poll Unity members.

Think of Unity as a "Leadership Group." Good leaders look at polls, to be sure - but they look at the facts on the ground, at their historical context. They test theories with their advisers and game out different outcomes. Then they make a decision - or a series of decisions - as they gradually nudge the public in what they see as a desirable direction.

Mark Greene pointed out in an earlier post that all you have to do to make an impact in this country is to be one of the 1/2 of 1% of people who gets up off his/her keister and takes political action on the ground - by licking stamps, making phone calls, schlepping petitions, etc.

As people drawn to a movement who are dedicated to making this country better, we have the privilege - and the responsibility - to lead.

Polling Unity '08 folks is a way of asking "Where does the leadership stand on this?" "What ideas have traction?" "Which ideas are complete turkeys?"

Another example: If Prop89 in California (Public Campaign Financing) had first been thrashed around and voted on - in stages - in a forum like this - it would have been a lot more "kitchen tested" before going in front of the voters and could have done a lot better. (Prop 89 went down in flames last night).

Convinced yet?... ;-)

KrisW on March 10, 2025 - 12:23am

I think it's MUCH more important that Unity08 come-up with a list of candidates it would support rather than simply harping over the same issues.

Once candidates are selected, THEY can be polled for THEIR views, and then the selection process can begin.

GEA on November 8, 2025 - 11:37pm

Bill, I am having a problem figuring out why polling any of the small group here at the Unity08 site is needed. What we have here are not your "average centrist Joes." Just because a certain viewpoint polls well here is irrelevant.

The real question isn't what we think, but what the centrists across the country think.

It's kind of hard to accept that supporting a centrist position may mean that we simply have to support what others think and not what we think, but that is the issue at hand when you want to win an election.

Hope on March 9, 2025 - 11:22pm

It is not what the Centrist think they think and show in polls ( the phrasing of a question can really skew an answer) as much as it is to know what they ought to be thinking if they had a well rounded circumspect caring view of the whole ball of wax....keep polling....understand how to nudge/intrude/introduce correct info for the correct result....and that is how you end up winning....keep polling UNITY members, it is our consensus that tells us what we agree upon or need to agree upon

GEA on April 14, 2025 - 6:38pm

I dunno hope, I guess I am coming to see things in a much different way as I age. I don't think that Americans are dumb, indeed they are a pretty smart bunch able to see the truth pretty easily.

I'm not going to try to sell a concept on them at all, instead I think we should look to the public and learn, they have a lot to teach us.

We should listen to the people, they are wise.

MFV an Independent on November 8, 2025 - 7:59pm

A TRP Independent

On the National Debt


pgduffyjr on November 8, 2025 - 5:35pm

Polls do not bring good information to bear on the topic. I would rather read rational discussion reflecting some expertise on the issue.

Bill713 on August 12, 2025 - 10:08pm

U08 moderators should have more polls related to the discussion topics. That could be the most interesting summary today.

Do you the think the US economy can grow fast enough to pay the for growth of interest on our national debt?

or, Would tax increases or budget cuts provide the most relief to the national debt?

or, Would budget cuts be more efficiently applied to previously legislated entitlements, infrastrusture, or foreign engagements?

or, Would revenues be best increased by income tax, flat tax, sales tax, or new fee for service/facility charges?


Bill"for what we are together"

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